
[#DIV28SUPER] Division 28 Award Winners!

Please join me in congratulating our 2016 Division 28 Award Winners!  We had many excellent candidates nominated in all three categories, and I would like to thank all the nominees and those who nominated them for their participation this year.  Division 28 has an outstanding roster of young scientists doing excellent work.

Now, for the winners.


MED Associates Brady-Schuster Award honors a mid-career or senior scientist (at least 15 years after doctoral degree) who conducts outstanding research underscoring the fundamental importance of behavioral science to psychopharmacology or substance abuse.

This year’s winner is John Grabowski, Ph.D. Dr. Grabowski is Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota.


Young Psychopharmacologist Award honors a young scientist conducting original, meritorious work in psychopharmacology and encourages excellence in research at the interface between the disciplines of pharmacology and psychology.

This year’s winner is Matthew Kirkpatrick, Ph.D.  Dr. Kirkpatrick is Assistant Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine at University of Southern California.


Outstanding Dissertation Award honors the best doctoral dissertation in psychopharmacology and substance abuse. 

This year’s winner is Katherine Marks, Ph.D.  Dr. Marks completed her Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology in 2015 at the University of Kentucky, and she is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Behavioral Science at the University of Kentucky.


Congratulations to all, and we look forward to your presentations in Denver!



Cathy Stanger

Division 28 Awards Chair


Catherine Stanger, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Psychiatry

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

46 Centerra Parkway

Suite 300, HB 7255

Lebanon, NH 03766


Phone 603-646-7023

Fax 603-448-5335


[#DIV28SUPER] Secretary of Defense request for APA to reconsider policy to prohibit psychologists in national security interrogations

Forwarded by Ellen Garrison 


[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Imaging Genetics Webinar Series Starts Thursday, Jan 21 at 12noon Eastern Standard Time, -5hrs GMT

NIDA Imaging Genetics Webinar Series

NIDA is pleased to webcast its weekly series on Imaging Genetics starting January 21, 2016 and ending March 24, 2016.  All webinars start at 12 noon EST, -5hrs GMT  To join see instructions below.  The invited speakers are


Jan 21.  Ahmad Hariri, Functional Neuroimaging Targets for the Genetic Dissection of Substance Abuse Risk

Jan 28. Sarah Medland, Identifying genetic variants associated with human brain structure: work from the ENIGMA consortium

Feb 4.  Jason Stein, Evaluating the overlap between common genetic variants influencing brain structure and neuropsychiatric diseases

Feb 11. Elliot Stein, Imaging genetic insights into nicotine addiction

Feb 18. Kerry Ressler, Neural Mechanisms at the Intersection of Trauma, Fear, Habits and Addiction

Feb 25. David Glahn, A Family-Based Approach to Imaging Genetics of Addiction and Comorbid Mental Illness

Mar 3. Neda Jahanshad, Neuroimaging genetics of the human structural connectome

Mar 10. Hao Yang, Imaging Genetics of Schizophrenia/Psychosis

Mar 17. Barbara Franke, Cognomics: from gene-finding to understanding the biology underlying psychiatric disorders

Mar 24. Anand Mattay, Genetics of Cognitive Aging


Join WebEx meeting

Meeting number: 620 321 515

Meeting password: Nidagenetics1!

Join by phone

1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)

1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

Access code: 620 321 515

Toll-free calling restrictions

Add this meeting to your calendar. (Cannot add from mobile devices.)

Can't join the meeting? Contact support. (Please contact support if you are using Windows 10)


Please send me an email so I can send a calendar invite as a reminder.  jpollock@mail.nih.gov



The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov     301-435-1309



[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update January 13, 2016

Table of Contents:

I.                    I. NIDA Imaging Genetics Webinar Series

II.                  II. Marijuana and Cannabinoids: A Neuroscience Research Summit, March 22-23, 2016, Natcher Conference Center, NIH, Bethesda, MD 


I.                    NIDA Imaging Genetics Webinar Series

NIDA is pleased to webcast its weekly series on Imaging Genetics starting January 21, 2016 and ending March 24, 2016.  To join see instructions below.  The invited speakers are


Jan 21.  Ahmad Hariri, Functional Neuroimaging Targets for the Genetic Dissection of Substance Abuse Risk

Jan 28. Sarah Medland, Identifying genetic variants associated with human brain structure: work from the ENIGMA consortium

Feb 4.  Jason Stein, Evaluating the overlap between common genetic variants influencing brain structure and neuropsychiatric diseases

Feb 11. Elliot Stein, Imaging genetic insights into nicotine addiction

Feb 18. Kerry Ressler, Neural Mechanisms at the Intersection of Trauma, Fear, Habits and Addiction

Feb 25. David Glahn, A Family-Based Approach to Imaging Genetics of Addiction and Comorbid Mental Illness

Mar 3. Neda Jahanshad, Neuroimaging genetics of the human structural connectome

Mar 10. Hao Yang, Imaging Genetics of Schizophrenia/Psychosis

Mar 17. Barbara Franke, Cognomics: from gene-finding to understanding the biology underlying psychiatric disorders

Mar 24. Anand Mattay, Genetics of Cognitive Aging


Join WebEx meeting

Meeting number: 620 321 515

Meeting password: Nidagenetics1!

Join by phone

1-877-668-4493 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada)

1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)

Access code: 620 321 515

Toll-free calling restrictions

Add this meeting to your calendar. (Cannot add from mobile devices.)

Can't join the meeting? Contact support. (Please contact support if you are using Windows 10)


Please send me an email so I can send a calendar invite as a reminder.  jpollock@mail.nih.gov



II.                  II. Marijuana and Cannabinoids: A Neuroscience Research Summit, March 22-23, 2016, Natcher Conference Center, NIH, Bethesda, MD

III.                The Marijuana and Cannabinoids: A Neuroscience Research Summit  is being convened on March 22-23 by the National Institutes of Health. The Research Summit will focus on the neurological and psychiatric effects of marijuana, other cannabinoids, and the endocannabinoid system. Both the adverse and the potential therapeutic effects of the cannabinoid system will be addressed. The event will be held at the Natcher Conference Center on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland.


We encourage you to register as soon as possible as we expect a high volume of interest. Please note there is no registration fee. In addition, we are seeking abstracts for scientific poster sessions to be held during the Summit. Deadline for submission is January 19th with selections made by February 1st.


For further information about the Summit, registration, logistics, and scientific poster abstract submissions, please Click Here. Information will be added on a rolling basis so please check regularly for updates.




The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov     301-435-1309


[#DIV28M] FW: [DIVOFFICERS] CE and Service Credits for Reviewing Manuscripts

Sent on behalf of Dr. Suzette Evans.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.

From: APA Division Officers list <DIVOFFICERS@LISTS.APA.ORG> on behalf of SM Division <SDivision@APA.ORG>
Reply-To: SM Division <SDivision@APA.ORG>
Date: Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 4:42 PM
Subject: [DIVOFFICERS] CE and Service Credits for Reviewing Manuscripts

Posted at the request of the APA Journals Office, journals@apa.org



Receive Continuing Education or
Service Credits for Reviewing Manuscripts 


APA is pleased to offer an online Continuing Education (CE) and Service Credit Program for Reviewers. As part of the program, you will gain access to a growing library of videos on how to review manuscripts.


By watching at least one of the videos, you become eligible for CE or Service credits when reviewing for journals published by APA. Here are the videos currently available as part of this program:


  • How to Review a Manuscript (18.42 minutes) by Harris Cooper, PhD, former APA Chief Editorial Advisor and former Editor of Psychological Bulletin, and Gary R. VandenBos, PhD, former APA Publisher and Managing Editor of American Psychologist.
  • How to Review (and Write) a Meta-Analysis for Publication (33.25 minutes, with the first 11.47 minutes focusing on reviewing a manuscript generally) by Harris Cooper, PhD, former APA Chief Editorial Advisor and former Editor of Psychological Bulletin.


To access the videos, you first need to complete a registration request form. Once the registration process is complete, you will receive an email with instructions on how to view the videos.


Participants can receive up to 6 CE credits and an unlimited number of Service credits within 12 months.

For more information and to register for the program, visit: www.apa.org/pubs/authors/review-manuscript-ce-video.aspx

Questions? Please contact journals@apa.org 


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[#DIV28SUPER] Call for Nominations - Division 28 Awards

Hi All!

Happy new year!

I am writing (one last time I hope!) to encourage you to submit nomination materials for APA Division 28 Awards for the 2016 APA meeting in Denver.  Attached you will find the official call for nominations with the detailed instructions for each of the three awards:  Med Associates Brady-Schuster Award, Young Psychopharmacologist Award and Outstanding Dissertation Award.  These awards are an excellent way to recognize your outstanding colleagues in science- both the young and more seasoned!  The Awards Committee looks forward to seeing this year’s nominees.  The deadline for materials is January 15, 2016.  




Cathy Stanger


Catherine Stanger, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Psychiatry

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Rivermill Complex

85 Mechanic Street

Suite B3-1, HB7549

Lebanon, NH 03766


Phone 603-653-1819

Fax 603-448-5335


_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 #div28




Dear colleagues:

Applications are now open for the White House Social and Behavioral Sciences Team (SBST) one-year fellowship. DEADLINE: Sunday, January 24, 2016


You may remember the SBST reported on its first year of activities last fall. The team conducted several experiments that improved uptake of federal services or led to other positive outcomes.  See the APA Monitor for more information.


Please pass info about this great opportunity to colleagues.



Patricia Clem Kobor | Sr. Science Policy Analyst Science Government Relations Office

Science Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202.336.5933 |  Fax: 202.336.6063

email: pkobor@apa.org | www.apa.org



P Most people consider the environment before printing email.














[#DIV28SUPER] FW: [Apadiv50-forum] Apadiv50-forum Digest, Vol 30, Issue 4

Sorry everyone,


It seems that the listserv service might have messed up many of the links.  The scientific program is attached to this email and the link to the website (where you can find links to hotel, registration, etc.) is here:



Katie Witkiewitz




From: apadiv50-forum-bounces@mailman.yale.edu [mailto:apadiv50-forum-bounces@mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Reid K Hester
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 9:49 AM
To: div50
Subject: Re: [Apadiv50-forum] Apadiv50-forum Digest, Vol 30, Issue 4


Hi Robert,

Unfortunately many of the links in your announcement for the meeting led to "page not found." Would you cut and paste the preliminary program content into an email or provide a functioning link to it? Thanks.

Warmest regards,

Reid K. Hester, Ph.D.
Director, Research Division
Behavior Therapy Associates LLC

Drinker's Check-up


On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 7:28 PM, <apadiv50-forum-request@mailman.yale.edu> wrote:

Send Apadiv50-forum mailing list submissions to

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or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to

You can reach the person managing the list at

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of Apadiv50-forum digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Meeting Preliminary
      Scientific Program, Registration and Hotel Information!
      (Leeman,Robert Francis,Jr)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 03:28:03 +0000
From: "Leeman,Robert Francis,Jr" <robert.leeman@ufl.edu>
Subject: [Apadiv50-forum] Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction
        Meeting Preliminary Scientific Program, Registration and Hotel
To: "apadiv50-forum@mailman.yale.edu"
Message-ID: <ef13e0e00b284a04813f07b743e3349f@exmbxprd01.ad.ufl.edu>
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2016 Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__research.alcoholstudies.rutgers.edu_cpa&d=AwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=gHFyVnGf8fU2tQySxx_J_czfvG5mVtfpBM83n9XcUXQ&m=u7109zTQ4uGOnZCYBGCTmQ9TIHmKiujXq-q0dn8533g&s=qY51ju6Py5BYoFIQyH-7z4O2zh_QxA8ZckrQ4Tle4Dw&e= >

Reserve Your Hotel <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gc.synxis.com_rez.aspx-3FHotel-3D26761-26Chain-3D10179-26arrive-3D3_17_2016-26depart-3D3_18_2016-26adult-3D2-26child-3D0-26group-3D91360103870&d=AwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=gHFyVnGf8fU2tQySxx_J_czfvG5mVtfpBM83n9XcUXQ&m=u7109zTQ4uGOnZCYBGCTmQ9TIHmKiujXq-q0dn8533g&s=das_qj6ScIqZ3R7bQCp5RHzDyS38-8wyz8YcUdoUHjY&e= > | Conference Registration<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__research.alcoholstudies.rutgers.edu_cpa_onlineregistration&d=AwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=gHFyVnGf8fU2tQySxx_J_czfvG5mVtfpBM83n9XcUXQ&m=u7109zTQ4uGOnZCYBGCTmQ9TIHmKiujXq-q0dn8533g&s=3GE8uSvCi31kH5jSLkKg2jEA6zOxhJjmx8kS6n_NoxU&e= >

The planning committee for the 2016 Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.tinyurl.com_2014CPA&d=AwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=gHFyVnGf8fU2tQySxx_J_czfvG5mVtfpBM83n9XcUXQ&m=u7109zTQ4uGOnZCYBGCTmQ9TIHmKiujXq-q0dn8533g&s=pAnz7gkcZ7BnIfUFhwej2UfmTCxBV7um0RuDq8FJNXw&e= > has launched registration for the March event. Two dynamic keynotes, featuring Drs. Raul Caetano and Susan Tapert, two preconference workshops, eleven cross-discipline symposia, poster sessions, and countless opportunities for networking await you at the 2016 CPA!<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.tinyurl.com_2014CPA&d=AwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=gHFyVnGf8fU2tQySxx_J_czfvG5mVtfpBM83n9XcUXQ&m=u7109zTQ4uGOnZCYBGCTmQ9TIHmKiujXq-q0dn8533g&s=pAnz7gkcZ7BnIfUFhwej2UfmTCxBV7um0RuDq8FJNXw&e= >

The theme for the 2016 CPA is "Reducing Health Disparities through Addiction Science and Practice"

*      Thought-provoking keynotes and cross-discipline panels

*      Interactive environment for collaboration/networking

*      Poster Sessions

*      Discounted rates for Early Career Psychologists

*      Student opportunities (discounted rates, special networking events)

*      You do not have to be a member of the division or APA to attend the conference!

*      Up to 15 credits of Continuing Education will be available!


The beautiful Hotel Solamar will be the venue for our Annual Conference. The hotel is located in the heart of the Gaslamp in San Diego. Room rates are $209 per night. Reserve your room now!<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gc.synxis.com_rez.aspx-3FHotel-3D26761-26Chain-3D10179-26arrive-3D3_17_2016-26depart-3D3_18_2016-26adult-3D2-26child-3D0-26group-3D91360103870&d=AwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=gHFyVnGf8fU2tQySxx_J_czfvG5mVtfpBM83n9XcUXQ&m=u7109zTQ4uGOnZCYBGCTmQ9TIHmKiujXq-q0dn8533g&s=das_qj6ScIqZ3R7bQCp5RHzDyS38-8wyz8YcUdoUHjY&e= >

Please register at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__research.alcoholstudies.rutgers.edu_cpa_onlineregistration&d=AwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=gHFyVnGf8fU2tQySxx_J_czfvG5mVtfpBM83n9XcUXQ&m=u7109zTQ4uGOnZCYBGCTmQ9TIHmKiujXq-q0dn8533g&s=3GE8uSvCi31kH5jSLkKg2jEA6zOxhJjmx8kS6n_NoxU&e=

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Apadiv50-forum mailing list

End of Apadiv50-forum Digest, Vol 30, Issue 4


[#DIV28SUPER] Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Meeting Preliminary Scientific Program, Registration and Hotel Information!


2016 Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction

Reserve Your Hotel | Conference Registration



The planning committee for the 2016 Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference has launched registration for the March event. Two dynamic keynotes, featuring Drs. Raul Caetano and Susan Tapert, two preconference workshops, eleven cross-discipline symposia, poster sessions, and countless opportunities for networking await you at the 2016 CPA!



The theme for the 2016 CPA is "Reducing Health Disparities through Addiction Science and Practice"

·      Thought-provoking keynotes and cross-discipline panels

·      Interactive environment for collaboration/networking

·      Poster Sessions

·      Discounted rates for Early Career Psychologists

·      Student opportunities (discounted rates, special networking events)

·      You do not have to be a member of the division or APA to attend the conference!

·      Up to 15 credits of Continuing Education will be available!




The beautiful Hotel Solamar will be the venue for our Annual Conference. The hotel is located in the heart of the Gaslamp in San Diego. Room rates are $209 per night. Reserve your room now!


Please register at http://research.alcoholstudies.rutgers.edu/cpa/onlineregistration



[#DIV28SUPER] special issue of Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology

Dear Colleagues-
Happy New Year!
Please consider submitting a manuscript for the following special issue.
Bill Stoops.

Call for Papers: Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology


Special Issue for August 2016 on:

50th Anniversary of APA Division 28: The Past, Present and Future of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse


Division 28 was formed in 1966 to provide a home within APA for psychologists interested in the behavioral effects of psychoactive or central nervous system drugs and chemicals.  Today, the Division's overarching mission is to encourage the advancement of knowledge on the behavioral effects of psychotropic drugs and toxicants, including (a) disseminating research-based information on psychopharmacology and substance abuse within APA, in educational settings, and to other scientists; (b) encouraging the application of the results of psychopharmacology research to human affairs; and (c) consideration of education and policy issues pertaining to psychopharmacology, behavioral toxicology, and substance abuse. 


During 2016, we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Division 28. The proposed special issue will highlight the scientific contributions and historical milestones of APA's Division 28 and its members.  We invite manuscripts on the important scientific, clinical and translational contributions of Division 28 members, as well as commentary on the future of psychopharmacology and substance abuse research. In addition, collaborative, research-based manuscripts that disseminate new data about psychotropic drugs and toxicants are especially encouraged. Such papers could include novel research findings about the behavioral pharmacology of emerging drugs of abuse or newly developed compounds in non-human animals or humans (see [a], above). Research-based papers could also present new information on how aspects of psychopharmacology or substance abuse impact human affairs (see [b], above). Scholarly reflections on the notable changes that have occurred in the areas of psychopharmacology and substance abuse, particularly pertaining to education and policy (see [c], above), during the five decades since the Division was founded are also welcome.


Authors may submit primary research reports, review articles or commentaries to Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology to be considered for inclusion in this special issue. Manuscripts should be submitted as usual through the APA Online Submission Portal (www.apa.org/pubs/journals/pha/), and the cover letter should indicate that the authors wish the manuscript to be considered for publication in the special issue on the 50th Anniversary of Division 28.  All submissions will undergo our normal peer review. Manuscripts received no later than March 1, 2016 will be considered for inclusion in the special issue. We strongly encourage individuals to contact us in advance with their ideas and ideally a draft title and abstract.


Questions or inquiries about the special issue can be directed to the Guest Editors of the issue, William W. Stoops, PhD, at william.stoops@uky.edu or Stacey C. Sigmon, PhD at stacey.sigmon@uvm.edu.  Correspondence can also be directed to the Editor, Suzette M. Evans, PhD at se18@cumc.columbia.edu.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Department of Psychiatry
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core
University of Kentucky Center for Clinical and Translational Science

The contents of this e-mail message and any attachments are confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its attachments, if any.