
[#DIV28SUPER] Faculty position for a Senior Neuroscientist (human systems)

Senior Neuroscientist. Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech (http://www.psyc.vt.edu) seeks a senior neuroscientist to complement recent growth in neuroscience in the department, college, and throughout the university. Exceptional advanced and senior candidates with a focus on human systems are encouraged to apply. Appointment will be made at the Associate Professor or Professor level, with tenure. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain a vigorous research program, teach effectively at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and participate in professional and university service. Candidates will have opportunities for collaboration with many other established neuroscientists on campus and at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute (http://research.vtc.vt.edu). There is also the potential to collaborate with new neuroscientists who will be hired by the Virginia Tech School of Neuroscience (launch date expected in 2016; http://www.science.vt.edu/ais/neuro).  Questions regarding the Senior Neuroscientist in Psychology position can be directed to Prof. Martha Ann Bell, Chair of Neuroscience Search, Department of Psychology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061, Tel: (540) 231-2546, Email: mabell@vt.edu. More detail and the application process can be found at http://www.jobs.vt.edu (reference posting #TR0150115). Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2015, and continue until the position is filled. 

Warren K. Bickel, Ph.D. 


Addiction Recovery Research Center, 

Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute 

Professor of Psychology, Virginia Tech

Professor of Health Sciences, Virginia Tech

Professor of Psychiatry, Virginia Tech Carilion  School of Medicine


Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute
2 Riverside Circle
Roanoke, VA, 24016

Email: wkbickel@vt.edu
Tel: 540 526 2088

Fax:  540-985-3361 


International Quit & Recovery Website:



From: "div28super reaches div28 and div28m and its nested lists (e.g. div28s)" <DIV28SUPER@LISTS.APA.ORG> on behalf of Catherine Stanger <Catherine.Stanger@DARTMOUTH.EDU>
Reply-To: Catherine Stanger <Catherine.Stanger@DARTMOUTH.EDU>
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 1:49 PM
Subject: [#DIV28SUPER] Postdoctoral fellowship


Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth


The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth offers a unique postdoctoral trainingprogram in a developingareaoftransdisciplinary/translational research, co-occurringsubstanceuse andother mentaldisorders(COD) http://geiselmed.dartmouth.edu/scd/The philosophyofthis programassertsthat to effectively impact the problemsofaddictionand mental illness,one must befullyaware of theirco-existence, etiologies, phenomenology, andclinical manifestations.Moreover, knowledgeof integrated clinical approachesand thehealthcaresystemsthat serve thosewithco-occurring disorders are necessaryto inform the questionstobeaskedinlaboratory, animal and human imagingandclinical research studies.At Dartmouth, six interconnectedgroups from neuroscience through implementation research, and across multiple departments provide research opportunities insocial,behavioral,neurobiologicalmechanisms, treatment development (psychosocial and pharmacological),technology-assisted treatment anddissemination, and healthservices and implementation.Faculty includepreeminent national/international leadersinCODresearch, MD andPhD investigatorswithstrong historiesof trainingscientists,and ateam of supportfacultycommittedtoestablishinga structuredtraining programinCOD. Research teams includeneuroscientists, psychopharmacologists, behavioral healthtechnologists,clinical trialsand contingencymanagementexperts, health services researchers, anthropologists, statisticians, economists, and clinicians.Program facultylead diverse projects funded by many NIH institutes (NIDA, NIAAA, NIMH, NCI, NCATS and NICHD), and also multiple foundation, Department of Education,and VA supportedstudies. 


2 positions are available on or after July 1 2016.  Appointment:  2-3 yrs.  Eligibility: Applicants must have completed their training in psychology, or a related discipline and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.   Trainees are selected on the basis of scholastic record and commitment to a career in co-occurring disorders research.  Benefits: Stipend, medical insurance coverage, and travel funds supported by NIH Institutional Training Awards.  For more information:  Contact Dr. Alan Budney (alan.budney@dartmouth.edu).  To apply: Forward curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and 3 letters of reference to:  Attn: Dr. Alan Budney c/o Mr. Mark Milam (Mark.A.Milam@dartmouth.edu).  Application deadline: 12/1/2015.



Alan Budney, Ph.D.

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Department of Psychiatry

One Medical Center Drive, HB 7459

Lebanon, NH  03756

Email: alan.j.budney@dartmouth.edu


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twitter: @apadiv28 #div28


[#DIV28SUPER] Comments Requested on National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA/NIH) Strategic Plan

Dear Colleagues,


As you know NIDA is in the process of revitalizing our Strategic Plan to provide a framework for research priorities over the next five years. Thank you to everyone who sent comments in response to the Request for Information (RFI) and who participated in one of the three strategic planning workgroups.


A draft strategic plan has been developed and posted on our website:



NIDA invites input from all interested stakeholders. Organizations are encouraged to submit a single response that reflects the views of their organization and membership as a whole.


To ensure consideration, responses must be received by October 30, 2015, and should be emailed to NIDAOSPCPlanning@mail.nih.gov.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Office of Science Policy and Communications
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Telephone: 301-443-6071
Email: NIDAOSPCPlanning@mail.nih.gov


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contactjpollock@mail.nih.gov     301-435-1309

[#DIV28M] Reminder for APA Collaborative Program Proposals

Dear Members,


This is a just a reminder that the deadline for APA Collaborative Program proposals is Thursday, October 15th.

These proposals should fall into one of these seven themes: 1) Social Justice in a Multicultural Society; 2) The Circle of Science: Integrating Science, Practice, and Policy; 3) Advancing the Ethics of Psychology: Issues and Solutions; 4) Cannabis: Concerns, Considerations, & Controversies; 5) Targeting the Leading Preventable Causes of Death; 6) Educational & Professional Training Issues in Psychology; 7) The Future of Psychology: Advancing the Field in a Rapidly Changing World.

The Call for Convention Proposals and more details regarding the submission process can be found on the convention website (http://www.apa.org/convention/).

Also, the submission deadline for Division proposals is December 1.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (mollie_miller@brown.edu).



Mollie Miller

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restricted to APA members list archive
twitter: @apadiv28


[#DIV28SUPER] Postdoctoral fellowship


Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorders

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth


The Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth offers a unique postdoctoral training program in a developing area of transdisciplinary/translational research, co-occurring substance use and other mental disorders (COD) http://geiselmed.dartmouth.edu/scd/The philosophy of this program asserts that to effectively impact the problems of addiction and mental illness, one must be fully aware of their co-existence, etiologies, phenomenology, and clinical manifestations. Moreover, knowledge of integrated clinical approaches and the healthcare systems that serve those with co-occurring disorders are necessary to inform the questions to be asked in laboratory, animal and human imaging and clinical research studies. At Dartmouth, six interconnected groups from neuroscience through implementation research, and across multiple departments provide research opportunities in social, behavioral, neurobiological mechanisms, treatment development (psychosocial and pharmacological), technology-assisted treatment and dissemination, and health services  and implementation. Faculty include preeminent national/international leaders in COD research, MD and PhD investigators with strong histories of training scientists, and a team of support faculty committed to establishing a structured training program in COD. Research teams include neuroscientists, psychopharmacologists, behavioral health technologists, clinical trials and contingency management experts, health services researchers, anthropologists, statisticians, economists, and clinicians. Program faculty lead diverse projects funded by many NIH institutes (NIDA, NIAAA, NIMH, NCI, NCATS and NICHD), and also multiple foundation, Department of Education, and VA supported studies. 


2 positions are available on or after July 1 2016.  Appointment:  2-3 yrs.  Eligibility: Applicants must have completed their training in psychology, or a related discipline and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.   Trainees are selected on the basis of scholastic record and commitment to a career in co-occurring disorders research.  Benefits: Stipend, medical insurance coverage, and travel funds supported by NIH Institutional Training Awards.  For more information:  Contact Dr. Alan Budney (alan.budney@dartmouth.edu).  To apply: Forward curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and 3 letters of reference to:  Attn: Dr. Alan Budney c/o Mr. Mark Milam (Mark.A.Milam@dartmouth.edu).  Application deadline: 12/1/2015.



Alan Budney, Ph.D.

Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Department of Psychiatry

One Medical Center Drive, HB 7459

Lebanon, NH  03756

Email: alan.j.budney@dartmouth.edu



[#DIV28SUPER] Postdoc in neuroimaging at Auburn University

Attached is an announcement of a postdoctoral fellowship in neuroimaging on a 3T and 7T imager. Please forward to people who might be interested.



. . . Chris


From: Jeffrey Katz
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 1:38 PM
To: Chris Newland <newlamc@auburn.edu>
Subject: Post Doc Ad


Hi  Chris,


Attached is the Post doc ad. Can you circulate on the APA Div 25 and 28 please.






On behalf of Marissa Wells

3rd Annual Conference:
Behavior Change, Health, and Health Disparities

October 1-2, 2015
Burlington, Vermont

Not able to attend the VCBH Conference in person? You can livestream the lectures from your laptop!

See the conference agenda on our website and use this link to tune in, Oct 1-2, starting at 8 a.m.

Marissa Wells
Research Staff Assistant
Vermont Center on Behavior and Health
University of Vermont


_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[#DIV28SUPER] Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction: Symposium Proposals Deadline Less than 2 Weeks Away!



The deadline for symposium proposals for the 4th Annual Collaborative Perspectives ​of Addiction (CPA) meeting is now less than 2 weeks away! The meeting will take place in San Diego CA on March 18-19, 2016.  


The deadline is a week from this Friday, September 25th, 2015.


For more information and to submit your proposal, please go to http://research.alcoholstudies.rutgers.edu/cpa


​If you are interested in advertising for an open position or for another purpose at CPA, then we offer affordable advertising options in the conference program.  http://research.alcoholstudies.rutgers.edu/cpa/sponsorship


We hope to see you all there!


[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update, September 14, 2015

Table of Contents:

I.                    FREE REGISTRATION IS OPEN!  Frontiers in Addiction Research: 2015 Joint NIDA-NIAAA Mini-Convention Friday, October 16, 2015 8am - 5pm, McCormick Place Convention Center, N230, Chicago, IL  http://apps1.seiservices.com/nida-niaaa/frontiers2015/Default.aspx


II.                  FOA:  Tools for Monitoring and Manipulating Modified RNAs in the Nervous System


III.                Avenir Award Program for Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Abuse (DP1) RFA-DA-16-007  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DA-16-007.html


IV.                Identification of Genetic and Genomic Variants by Next-Gen Sequencing in Non-human Animal Models (U01)  PAR-15-120 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-120.html#sthash.bBPhto89.dpuf





I.      Frontiers in Addiction Research: 2015 Joint NIDA-NIAAA Mini-Convention Friday, October 16, 2015 8am - 5pm, McCormick Place Convention Center, N230, Chicago, IL  http://apps1.seiservices.com/nida-niaaa/frontiers2015/Default.aspx


Registration is open—Please register today to reserve your seat!  The National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA] and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA] are pleased to present the annual Frontiers in Addiction Research [NIDA-NIAAA Mini-Convention] program, a satellite event of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual Meeting.



For more information about the agenda and registration click http://apps1.seiservices.com/nida-niaaa/frontiers2015/Default.aspx

For additional information on the logistics of the 2015 NIDA-NIAAA Mini-Convention, please contact Caitlin Dudevoir of Synergy Enterprises, Inc. at cdudevoir@seiservices.com.




II. FOA:  Tools for Monitoring and Manipulating Modified RNAs in the Nervous System


RFA-DA-16-005, SBIR, R43/R44 mechanism



RFA-DA-16-006, STTR, R41/R42 mechanism,



Purpose:  incentivize small businesses to generate tools, technologies, and products for monitoring and manipulating covalently modified eukaryotic RNA, including messenger RNA and regulatory RNA. In the long term, it is hoped that these tools and products will serve as the foundation for future NIDA-relevant research into the molecular mechanisms of substance abuse disorders. 


Receipt date:  Mid-November, 2015.


Set aside:  $2M to fund a total of 5-8 awards for both RFAs.


Budget:  Up to $150,000 total costs per year for Phase I and up to $1,000,000 total costs per year for Phase II may be requested.


SBIR or STTR?  If the innovative tool to be commercialized will be developed via a partnership of ideas between a small business and an academic/non-profit research institution, consider applying using the STTR mechanism (R41/R42).  Small businesses interested in the development of relevant innovative technologies are encouraged to apply via the SBIR mechanism (R43/R44).


Questions:  Please contract Kris Bough (boughk@mail.nih.gov) for questions regarding the details of the SBIR/STTR mechanisms.  Please contact John Satterlee (satterleej@nida.nih.gov) for scientific questions regarding RNA modifications. 



III.    Avenir Award Program for Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Abuse (DP1) RFA-DA-16-007



Application Due dates: October 20, 2015 and October 20, 2016, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization


Avenir means future in French, and this award looks toward the future by supporting early stage investigators proposing highly innovative studies. The award will support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field. NIDA has developed two Avenir Award Programs, one for HIV/AIDS research and the other for genetics or epigenetics studies.


The Genetics or Epigenetics of Substance Abuse Avenir Award program supports early stage investigators proposing highly innovative studies that open new areas of research for the genetics or epigenetics of addiction.  These may be novel methods or approaches that can potentially be applied to the analysis of the genetics or epigenetics of addiction.  Investigators outside the field of addiction interested in applying their novel approaches to the genetics or epigenetics of addiction are encouraged to apply.  The award will support those in an early stage of their career who may lack the preliminary data required for an R01 grant, but who propose high impact research and who show promise of being tomorrow's leaders in the field of genetics or epigenetics. 




Jonathan D. Pollock, Ph.D.


Genetics and Molecular Neurobiology Research Branch

Division of Basic Neurobiology and Behavioral Research

National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH

6001 Executive Blvd, Rm. 4257

Bethesda, MD 20892

Tel. 301-435-1309

Email. jpollock@mail.nih.gov


IV.      Identification of Genetic and Genomic Variants by Next-Gen Sequencing in Non-human Animal Models (U01)  PAR-15-120 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-120.html#sthash.bBPhto89.dpuf


Next application due date: Oct. 20, 2015


The goals of this initiative are to identify gene variants of traits associated with addiction and substance abuse in selectively bred, and outbred  non-human animal models using methodologies of Next Gen-Sequencing, mapping, and genotyping. See more information at: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-120.html#sthash.bBPhto89.dpuf




Jonathan D. Pollock, Ph.D.


Genetics and Molecular Neurobiology Research Branch

Division of Basic Neurobiology and Behavioral Research

National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH

6001 Executive Blvd, Rm. 4257

Bethesda, MD 20892

Tel. 301-435-1309

Email. jpollock@mail.nih.gov



The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L   in the message body of the email - You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contactjpollock@mail.nih.gov     301-435-1309