
[DIV28SUPER] Nancy Mello PhD

Via CPDD@lists.vcu.edu

TO:                         The McLean Community

FROM:                  Scott L. Rauch, MD

                                President and Psychiatrist in Chief

DATE:                    November 26, 2013

RE:                          Nancy K. Mello


It is with deep sadness that I announce the death of Nancy K. Mello, PhD, director of McLean Hospital's Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Center (ADARC) and professor of psychology (neuroscience) at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Mello passed away unexpectedly on Nov. 25. She was 78.

A dedicated and well-respected researcher and mentor, Dr. Mello along with her husband Jack H. Mendelson, MD, founded the ADARC at McLean Hospital nearly 40 years ago.

Dr. Mello was a pioneer in substance abuse research and her accomplishments in advancing our knowledge of the biological and behavioral aspects of substance abuse were truly impressive by any standards. She was passionately devoted to her work and it will have a long-lasting impact on the field of substance abuse.

Dr. Mello had a prolific publication record, authoring more than 400 original peer-reviewed articles in numerous biomedical journals, including Science, Nature, the New England Journal of Medicine, the American Journal of Psychiatry, Biological Psychiatry and the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Along with her husband, Dr. Mello was the first to study the biological, behavioral and social dynamics of alcohol self-administration and withdrawal in people suffering from alcoholism.  Their findings on loss of control and mood dysfunction as a result of drinking by alcoholics not only revolutionized scientific understanding of alcoholic drinking behavior, it also stimulated a new generation of behavioral and psychological researchers to apply experimental models to the study of alcoholism.

Mello's interest in substance abuse went beyond alcohol as she conducted research on marijuana and opiates.  In 1980, she and her husband published a landmark study in the journal Science indicating the potential use of buprenorphine for opioid dependence. The study became the foundation for work that 20 years later, resulted in new and more effective methods to treat patients addicted to opioids.

Dr. Mello earned both her bachelor's and doctoral degrees from Pennsylvania State University. After receiving a PhD in Clinical Psychology, Dr. Mello was a postdoctoral trainee in physiology at Harvard Medical School and in the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Laboratory with Dr. B.F. Skinner at Harvard University. Dr. Mello then joined the Stanley Cobb Laboratories for Psychiatric Research at Massachusetts General Hospital and built her first operant behavior laboratory. Subsequently, Dr. Mello entered federal service and directed the first Intramural Research Program of the National Institute of Mental Health's National Center for Prevention and Control of Alcoholism. She was also a Research Consultant to the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention of the Executive Office of the President.

In 1974, McLean Hospital recruited Dr. Mello and Dr. Mendelson  to spearhead its alcohol and drug abuse research program—a  program that flourished under their tremendous leadership, characterized by knowledge, hard work and scientific savvy. In its four decades, the ADARC's multidisciplinary research programs have expanded exponentially. The center now includes four laboratory divisions, which, since their founding, have been continuously funded by competitively obtained, peer-reviewed, federal grants and contracts.

A widely recognized authority and contributor to the science of addiction, Dr. Mello's guidance was often sought by others. She was a consultant to the President of the United States Jimmy Carter's Biomedical Research Panel, she was on the nominating committee for the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for 15 years, and served as chair of the National Institute of Drug Abuse Board of Scientific Counselors.

Dr. Mello served on 12 editorial boards and was the editor of Advances in Substance Abuse since 1980 and editor of Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology since 2005.

Dr. Mello was a luminary in the field of substance abuse research. Thanks to her vision and her dedication to mentoring the future generations of scientists, she will continue to have influence on the field of addictions research for years to come.

Please join me in offering condolences to Dr. Mello's friends, family and colleagues. She will be greatly missed by all. Arrangements for a memorial service are being planned and details will be announced as they become available.


[DIV28SUPER] Online Research Request

***Apologies for Cross-Posting***

Dear Fellow Division 28 Colleagues,

Researchers from the Institutes for Behavior Resources (IBR) and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine are conducting an online questionnaire study of purchasing preferences in the general public.  The purpose of this project is to help scientists develop Behavioral Economic methods to better understand decision-making and choice behavior.  These tools and the insights they produce may ultimately provide support for evidence-based policies that can help improve public health, safety, and security.
To participate in the study, you must be at least 18 years of age and currently living in the United States.  All information you provide is confidential and you may remain anonymous.  Total test time is approximately 10-20 minutes.  You must complete the survey in one session, and you can only complete the survey once.
Participation is completely voluntary and uncompensated, but you may choose to enter a raffle for a $20 Amazon.com gift card by submitting a valid email address.  If you submit a complete and valid survey and enter the raffle, your odds of winning a gift card are 1 in 100. 
To participate, you may access the survey directly by clicking this secure link:
Or visiting the IBR website:
Or the IBR Facebook page:

If so inclined, please feel free to share with family, friends, colleagues, and students who may be interested in contributing.  My colleagues and I thank you for your time and consideration, and wish you all the best for an enjoyable holiday season and a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.

With Kind Regards,

Pete Roma
Peter G. Roma, Ph.D.

Director, Applied Behavioral Biology Unit
Institutes for Behavior Resources

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Behavioral Biology
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

proma@ibrinc.org | 410-752-6080


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[DIV28SUPER] Research Training In Drug Abuse Behavior at the University of Kentucky

NIDA/NIH (5T32 DA035200)




Pre-Doctoral and Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Positions Available


The University of Kentucky is recruiting pre-doctoral and post-doctoral fellows for our program on Research Training in Drug Abuse Behavior. A Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grant Award (T32 DA035200) supports the research-training program that is directed by Craig R. Rush, PhD and Hannah K. Knudsen, PhD. This training program offers translational and interdisciplinary research training on bio-behavioral factors in drug abuse at the pre-doctoral and post-doctoral level. The program is designed to prepare trainees for roles in which basic, clinical, and translational research is conducted on bio-behavioral factors in the prevention, cause, course, and treatment of drug abuse. Training faculty consist of 28 individuals drawn from seven different academic and research units of the University. Graduates of this program are actively involved in research, teaching, publishing articles, and becoming independent drug abuse researchers.


TO APPLY: Potential applicants should review the research interests of training program faculty online (http://www.mc.uky.edu/behavioralscience/research/nida.asp) and contact potential faculty mentors regarding training opportunities. A complete application includes: 1) a letter from the applicant describing their career objectives and how training in drug abuse behavior would further their goals (include tentative project title, abstract, aims, and the behavioral outcome measure); 2) a current curriculum vita (CV); 3) a copy of the graduate academic record (i.e., official transcript); 4) a letter from the proposed training faculty expressing their level of enthusiasm for the applicant; and 5) three letters of recommendation. The complete application should be submitted to Dr. Rush electronically via email as a single PDF. Letters of recommendation should be submitted separately but also electronically. The application deadline for current openings is April 15, 2014. 


Inquiries can be sent to Craig R. Rush, PhD (email: crush2@email.uky.edu) or Hannah K. Knudsen, PhD (hkknud2@uky.edu).


SELECTION CRITERIA: Consistent with the goals of the training program, evaluation of applicants will be based on: 1) relevant prior research experience; 2) prior publication record; and 3) commitment to an independent research career or other professional public health career. Applicants must be a US citizen or hold a permanent residency visa.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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[DIV28SUPER] Workshop on Treating Adolescent Substance Abuse at the 2014 CPA Conference

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Treating Adolescent Substance Abuse:  What Works and How Can We Do It

Prior to the conference, we will hold a workshop on treating adolescent substance abuse, led by Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing, PhD. This hands-on workshop presents an opportunity to explore the state of the art of adolescent addictions research, including current empirically supported interventions. Participants will depart with basic knowledge of, skills in, and resources to obtain further information in each clinical approach. This workshop provides 4 CE Credits and pre-registration is required. More info


2014 Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction
Atlanta, Georgia
Feb. 28 - March 1, 2014
Reserve Your Hotel | Conference Registration | Present a Poster
Download Registration Brochure





The theme for the 2014 CPA is "Changing Addictive Behavior: Bench to Bedside and Back Again"

·         Thought-provoking keynotes and cross-discipline panels

·         Interactive environment for collaboration/networking

·         Pre-Conference Workshop (see below)

·         Pre-Conference “Functional Integration” Session (see below)

·         Poster Sessions

·         Discounted rates for Early Career Psychologists

·         Student opportunities (discounted rates, special networking, etc.)

·         You don't have to be a member of either division or APA to attend the conference!

·         CE is available*!




SANDRA A. BROWN, PHD is Vice Chancellor for Research and a Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Brown is internationally recognized for her developmentally focused alcohol and drug intervention research. She is the past President of Division 50 (Addictions) of the American Psychological Association, is on the executive board of numerous scientific organizations, and has over 320 publications. She is involved in addiction prevention and intervention at the regional, state, and national levels and helped lead NIAAA’s effort to establish national screening guidelines for youth. She currently directs the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescence (NCANDA).


MICHAEL A. NADER, PHD is a Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, in Winston-Salem, NC. Dr. Michael Nader’s research interest began in the laboratory of Dr. Alice Young at Wayne State University. He received his Ph.D. in 1985 from the University of Minnesota, under the mentorship of Dr. Travis Thompson and completed post-doctoral training in behavioral pharmacology at Uniformed Services University under the mentorship of Dr. James Barrett. In 1988, he went to the University of Chicago, where Dr. William Woolverton trained him in nonhuman primate models of cocaine abuse. Since 1992, Dr. Nader has been on the faculty in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, where he is Professor. His research has focused on nonhuman primate models of drug abuse, combining brain imaging with behavioral methods to better understand how environmental (including social) and pharmacological variables influence addiction. His laboratory is the only one in the world studying socially housed monkeys (male and female) in intravenous drug self-administration studies. He has served on Board of Directors of the CPDD, is past-chair of the Division of Behavioral Pharmacology at ASPET and is currently a member of NIDA Council. Dr. Nader has a MERIT Award from NIDA.




Key members of NIAAA and NIDA along with established researchers in Division 28 & 50 have been invited to participate in a discussion on the implications of the NIH functional integration of the addiction research portfolio. The goal is to create an open dialog and all researchers are welcome to join in the discussion. Pre-registration is required, but there is no cost to attend. We encourage submission of questions, concerns, or ideas prior to the session. Please email the program co-chairs.  Friday, 9-11 am.





Last year’s poster session was the highlight of our networking events. This year, we will also be providing poster awards and inviting the first authors of select posters to present their research at our “Rapid Fire Research” sessions.  The priority deadline for poster submissions has passed, but poster proposals submitted prior to Nov. 30th will be considered.  For information on submitting, visit www.tinyurl.com/2014CPAPosters.




The beautiful W Hotel in Midtown Atlanta will be the venue for our Annual Conference. The hotel is located in the heart of Midtown and is local to public transportation. Room rates are $159 per night. Reserve your room now!




Katie Witkiewitz, PhD, Co-Chair

Jennifer Buckman, PhD, Co-Chair

Jenna Cohen, Registration and Hotel Accommodations (202-682-5132)




*Continuing Education provided during the Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference is provided by APA Division 50. APA Division 50 is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 50 maintains responsibility for this program and its content. For more information on the available hours and learning objectives, contact jcohen@apa.org.







[DIV28_ANNOUNCEMENT] Your impact on APA's Apportionment Ballot

Dear Division 28 members--

Within the past two weeks, you should have received an Apportionment Ballot from APA. Responses on this ballot are used each year to determine the composition of APA Council the following year.

Your ballot includes 10 votes to be distributed based on your interests.

As Division 28 President, I am writing to ask you to do two things BEFORE DECEMBER 16, 2013:

1. Allocate your 10 votes (or as many as possible) to Division 28.

2. Return the completed ballot to APA (must be received by DECEMBER 16).

The second point is far from trivial! Bear in mind that most members actually do not return a ballot, thereby losing an opportunity to insure representation of their Division on Council.

Throughout its proud history, our Division has been fortunate to have thoughtful, erudite, passionate, science-friendly representation on Council. Insufficient ballot completion will jeopardize that representation. Please take a moment to complete and return the ballot today if you have not yet done so. Thank you very much for your time and commitment to Division 28.

Anthony Liguori, Ph.D.

Division 28 President

A Division 28 announcement-only list subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[DIV28SUPER] NYTimes: At Clinics, Tumultuous Lives and Turbulent Care


The divided world of buprenorphine clinics serves as a crossroads where addicts' tumultuous lives converge with a turbulent treatment environment.

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[DIV28SUPER] NYTimes: Addiction Treatment With a Dark Side


High hopes for buprenorphine, an effective treatment for opioid addiction, have been tempered by a messy reality: health complications and deaths, unscrupulous doctors and a reputation as a street drug.

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[DIV28SUPER] NYTimes: Addiction Specialists Wary of New Painkiller


The experts are concerned that Zohydro is not formulated to halt abuse and is manufactured by a company that makes a treatment for people dependent on painkillers or alcohol.

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[DIV28SUPER] Exciting Keynote Speakers at the 2014 CPA Conference


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Meet the Keynotes

At the 2014 CPA Conference, you will have the chance to hear from two experts in the field of addiction psychology: Sandra A. Brown, PhD and Michael A. Nader, PhD. Dr. Brown, the Vice Chancellor for Research and Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at UC San Diego, is internationally recognized for her developmentally focused alcohol and drug intervention research. Dr. Nader, Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, has focused his research on nonhuman primate models of drug abuse to better understand how environmental and pharmacological variables influence addiction.
More info


2014 Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction
Atlanta, Georgia

Feb. 28 - March 1, 2014
Reserve Your Hotel | Conference Registration | Present a Poster
Download Registration Brochure





The theme for the 2014 CPA is "Changing Addictive Behavior: Bench to Bedside and Back Again"

·         Thought-provoking keynotes and cross-discipline panels

·         Interactive environment for collaboration/networking

·         Pre-Conference Workshop (see below)

·         Pre-Conference “Functional Integration” Session (see below)

·         Poster Sessions

·         Discounted rates for Early Career Psychologists

·         Student opportunities (discounted rates, special networking, etc.)

·         You don't have to be a member of either division or APA to attend the conference!

·         CE is available*!




Key members of NIAAA and NIDA along with established researchers in Division 28 & 50 have been invited to participate in a discussion on the implications of the NIH functional integration of the addiction research portfolio. The goal is to create an open dialog and all researchers are welcome to join in the discussion. Pre-registration is required, but there is no cost to attend. We encourage submission of questions, concerns, or ideas prior to the session. Please email the program co-chairs.  Friday, 9-11 am.




Treating Adolescent Substance Abuse:  What Works and How Can We Do It?

Adolescence is an exciting period of development, as it inherently involves the exploration of identity, autonomy, sexuality, value systems, and peer relationships. Further, during this period, adolescents often “try on” different facets of adult life, including experimentation with health risk behaviors, including alcohol, cigarette, and cannabis use. This experimentation is facilitated by changes in adolescents’ social environment, which becomes increasingly peer-dominated, and has an increasing presence of alcohol and cannabis use opportunities. While many youth continue to adulthood without consequence, the substance use patterns of many adolescents interfere with their academic progress, as well as their health, personal, and social development. This workshop presents an opportunity for us to explore the state of the art of adolescent addictions research, including current empirically supported interventions. In addition, this workshop includes hands-on experience practicing foundational skills in empirically supported intervention approaches (including motivational intervention and contingency management). Participants will depart with basic knowledge of, skills in, and resources to obtain further information in each clinical approach.

Presenter: Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing, Ph.D., University of New Mexico, Honors College/Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (CASAA)

**This workshop provides 4 CE Credits and pre-registration is required.




Last year’s poster session was the highlight of our networking events. This year, we will also be providing poster awards and inviting the first authors of select posters to present their research at our “Rapid Fire Research” sessions.  The priority deadline for poster submissions has passed, but poster proposals submitted prior to Nov. 30th will be considered.  For information on submitting, visit www.tinyurl.com/2014CPAPosters.




The beautiful W Hotel in Midtown Atlanta will be the venue for our Annual Conference. The hotel is located in the heart of Midtown and is local to public transportation. Room rates are $159 per night. Reserve your room now!




Katie Witkiewitz, PhD, Co-Chair

Jennifer Buckman, PhD, Co-Chair

Jenna Cohen, Registration and Hotel Accommodations (202-682-5132)




*Continuing Education provided during the Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference is provided by APA Division 50. APA Division 50 is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 50 maintains responsibility for this program and its content. For more information on the available hours and learning objectives, contact jcohen@apa.org.






[DIV28SUPER] Division 28 Newsletter, Volume 46 Issue 3


Please enjoy this edition of the Division 28 newsletter.

Warm regards
Kelly Dunn

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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twitter: @apadiv28 join our network


[DIV28SUPER] NYTimes: Aided by Army of ‘Vapers,’ E- Cigarette Industry Woos and Wins Europe


Eluding restrictions, e-cigarette sellers outgunned not just the tobacco companies but also pharmaceutical companies that make competing products for people trying to stop smoking.

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[DIV28SUPER] NYTimes: Rules to Require Equal Coverage for Mental Ills


The regulations, which the White House sees as part of a push to curb gun violence, will require insurers to cover care for mental health and addiction just like physical illnesses.

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Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28M] Call for Division 28 Award Nominations

Dear Colleagues:  Please find attached the call and instructions for nominations for Division 28 APA awards for the 2014 APA meeting in Washington, D.C.  I encourage you to nominate qualified individuals for the 2014 MED Associates Brady-Schuster Award, Outstanding Dissertation Award, and the Young Psychopharmacologist Award.

Sharon Walsh
Awards Chairperson – APA Division 28