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[DIV28SUPER] impact of sequestration uncertainty on program funding
[DIV28SUPER] [GRAYMAIL] Fwd: Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction: UPDATE
From: Nixon,Sara Jo <sjnixon@ufl.edu>
Date: Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 2:51 PM
Subject: [DIV50ANNOUNCE] Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction: UPDATE
To: DIV50ANNOUNCE@lists.apa.org
Many of you have had questions regarding our CPA Conference, in particular, the issue of Continuing education credits and registration/travel waivers. Because this is the inaugural conference, we are somewhat limited in terms of the travel and registration support. HOWEVER, we do have reduced registration fees for early registration and for ECPs/students. We regret that we can't provide more and we anticipate that with strong positive response to this year's meeting, we'll be capable of allowing more and different types of waivers next year.
In regard to the continuing education credits, we are securing the required information at this time and will be offering credits for the keynote addresses, breakout sessions and the workshop. You don't want to miss this opportunity!
Please consult the website as well as the attachment!
Sara Jo Nixon, Ph.D.
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Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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[DIVISIONSANNOUNCE] APA Listserv Rules -- Annual Reminder
Listserv Managers:
In following up from the Division Leadership Conference and as part of our yearly reminders, we are sending out the APA Listserv Rules. As always, if you have any questions about these rules please contact your list administrator, APA Division Services or Jesse Raben in the Office of General Counsel at APA at jraben@apa.org .
The rules that are located on this web page: http://listserve.apa.org/infopages/APARules.html
They state the following:
APA Listserv Usage Rules :
Rule 1: Do not use the forum for illegal purposes, including but not limited to defamation, violation of intellectual property laws, violation of antitrust or unfair competition laws or violation of criminal laws.
a. Copyright – Referring to an article or news item with typical reference citations, providing a brief quote, or offering a link to legitimate online published content is permissible; list members should not post a full-text version of published material to the listserv. Not infrequently a list member wants to tell others about an article or news item related to the issues discussed on the list. However, sending the entire article to the list, without the permission of the author or publisher, results in a prima facie case of copyright violation. While there can be defenses to a claim of copyright infringement where the purpose of copying is clearly not for commercial purposes (e.g. “fair use” or academic teaching exceptions), those defenses are complicated, have been construed differently in different jurisdictions and are not necessarily applicable to listserv distribution.
b. Defamation and libel – In exchanges on the listserv and when referring to others, avoid personal attacks and characterizations that question a person’s motives or qualifications. Sometimes a robust debate about ideas spills over into attacks on the proponents or opponents of the ideas. List members need to be reminded that a false statement that harms someone's reputation can be actionable as libel. There is a substantial difference between disagreeing with how someone did their research or treated a patient and accusing the person of fraud or incompetence. Because negative statements that impugn someone's professional qualifications can cause substantial economic and emotional harm, this is an area for careful scrutiny. Keeping criticism on an objective basis that is factually verifiable and skipping personal commentary about character, competence or motive minimizes legal risk.
c. Antitrust concerns – APA by its nature is subject to antitrust issues. Discussions about rates charged, efforts to exert collective pressure on payors, terms of contracts with insurance companies, internship salaries, etc., all are prohibited. The antitrust laws are broad and complex but on a very basic level they operate to prohibit and even in some cases criminalize certain anticompetitive agreements between competitors. A professional association like APA is almost by definition a group of competitors that has come together to pursue common interests. Where those common interests involve agreements on such terms of competition as rates charged, salaries paid, standards applicable to members of the profession, and other issues of the marketplace, the antitrust laws apply. Listservs provide a written record of statements that can create an antitrust risk even when there is no anti-competitive intent.
Rule 2: Do not intentionally interfere with or disrupt other forum members, network services, or network equipment. This includes distribution of unsolicited advertisement or chain letters, propagation of computer worms and viruses, and use of the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the Forum.
Rule 3: Do not use the Forum for commercial purposes. "Commercial" as used for purposes of evaluating listserv messages means communications whose primary purpose is to advance the business or financial interests of any person or entity, or otherwise to promote a financial transaction for the benefit of the author directly or indirectly. Examples of prohibited communications include advertisements for products or services, notices regarding rental of office space, or direct solicitations of listserv members to purchase products or services.
Examples of messages that may be of financial benefit to listserv members but are not prohibited because they do not inure to the financial benefit of the author include news of job listings or position openings, or discussion of professionally-related products or services where the listserv member conveying the information is not in the business of selling the products or services. Announcements that provide useful professional information to List members but may also have some incidental commercial benefit to the sender (e.g. an author who is a list member merely advising the List of publication of a professional book) typically would not be "commercial" for purposes of this restriction.
a. Further Explanation about Commercial Postings on APA Listservs: The Listserv agreement provides that "commercial use" includes communications whose “primary purpose is to advance the business or financial interests of any person or entity or otherwise to promote a financial transaction for the benefit of the author directly or indirectly. Examples of prohibited communications include advertisements for products or services, notices regarding rental or office space, or direct solicitation of listserv members to purchase products or services.
Examples of messages that may be of financial benefit to listserv members but are not prohibited because they do not inure to the financial benefit of the author include news of job listings or position openings, or discussion of professionally-related products or services where the listserv member conveying the information is not in the business of selling the products or services.
Announcements that provide useful professional information to List members but may also have some incidental commercial benefit to the sender (e.g. an author who is a list member merely advising the List of publication of a professional book) typically would not be “commercial” for purposes of this restriction.”
The ban on commercial use of the lists is based in legal requirements that flow from APA's status as a 501(c)(3) organization. APA and its divisions enjoy exemption under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which is the most favorable tax status available to any United States organization; it is the same tax exemption held by universities, churches, and charitable foundations. Because of this status, among other things, APA and its divisions pay no federal income tax on revenues from carrying out exempt activities; voluntary contributions are tax deductible by donors as charitable contributions; and they are exempt from some kinds of local taxes. With these advantages come significant restrictions on how APA can conduct its business, including such restrictions as taking no role in political elections, restricting lobbying and using resources for tax-exempt purposes.
The commercial use ban derives from the related requirements that 1.) APA activities, including those of APA divisions, be focused on 501(c)(3) tax exempt purposes 2). APA's assets, such as its lists, be used for tax exempt purposes and 3.) APA not provide financial support directly or indirectly to other persons or entities that are not 501(c)(3) organizations, absent certain limited conditions that would not apply to use of APA’s lists by other organizations for their business purposes. Thus, the Listserv rules provide that sponsored lists hosted by APA cannot be used for commercial purposes or to promote the financial or commercial interests of others, as these are not tax-exempt purposes.
In addition, material that looks like an advertisement or has that intent, also runs afoul of the rule that APA not provide support to non-c-3 organizations by allowing, in effect, free advertising on the List that would normally be purchased elsewhere i.e. APA is donating support to the advertiser. Posting recruitment materials for other non-c-3 membership organizations does not comply with these restrictions.
A closely related and equally important restriction based in the tax law, is the fact that APA is not able to share its resources freely with organizations that are exempt under less restrictive tax statuses, such as 501(c)(6) organizations. Other membership organizations, that are not exempt under 501(c)(3) of the Code, are likely to engage in a range of activities that APA cannot legally engage in and therefore entwining their activities and initiatives with APA division listservs is not permissible. Thus permitting another entity, even one that is tax exempt under another Code provision, to utilize a list to promote membership, distribute its information or conduct activities is inconsistent with and could jeopardize APA’s tax status and that of the divisions who enjoy tax exemption under APA ‘s exempt status.
While these limitations on use of 501(c)(3) resources are clearly quite important, in administering the rules, APA has sought to avoid being heavy-handed. For example, an individual author of a publication of professional interest to others on the list is not precluded by the policy from simply announcing the publication of a book to the list (as opposed to a de facto advertisement) and providing a link to another site where commercial information could be available. In short, we are trying to balance the benefits of information exchange among members with our legal obligations and need to protect an important APA asset, its tax-exempt status.
List managers’ and list members’ judgment is involved in following the rules and protecting the interests of all involved. The APA ITS and legal counsel are always available as resources for list managers and members if needed. It has been APA's experience that when provided with the rules, and explanation of the underlying reasons for the rules, as needed, list members do a good job of keeping list discussions focused on material that is inherently related to the purposes for which APA and the divisions were formed.
Rule 4: Do not use this forum for any communication that could be construed in any way as support for or opposition to any candidate for a federal, state or local public office. The Federal law providing for the American Psychological Association's tax exempt status absolutely forbids the use of APA resources or facilities, including this forum, in any way that would even appear to support or oppose such a political candidate.
a. Political statements affecting tax exemption – Listserv exchanges must avoid electioneering or endorsing a candidate for federal, state, or local political office.
Rule 5: APA does not endorse or forward requests for research participation to any APA listserv. Divisions may choose to post requests for research participants to their listservs. If you need more information about a Division listserv, it is recommended that you contact the listserv administrator of that Division. Please note the following statements regarding the limits of division and all other listservs as sources for research participants and samples.
APA disclaimer regarding limits of division listservs as research samples.
• Listservs (Division and other APA discussion lists) make no claim to be exhaustive collections of members who may fit into one or more specific category (e.g., clinical psychologists, practitioners, educators, and so on). In fact some 45% of APA members do NOT belong to any one Division. By using a Division as the "universe" for one's respondents, researchers are excluding a large number of eligible participants and hence may be introducing bias into their research.
• Many members belong to more than one Division, and if the research is being sent to more than one Division, the researcher faces the challenge of defining response rate given duplication and of removing duplicate records.
APA members and others who are not APA members belong to Divisions and topical listservs for a number of reasons, some of these may not reflect the fact that the member works in the area covered by the Division or list in any more than a tangential sense - raising questions about the suitability of the sample to the research
Sarah Jordan | Director, Division Services Governance Affairs email: sjordan@apa.org | www.apa.org | |
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[DIV28SUPER] Call for nominations for journal editor of "Translational Issues in Psychological Science"
nominations for the inaugural editorship of Translational Issues in
Psychological Science (TPS) for the years 2015–2020. This new journal
is co-sponsored by the American Psychological Association and the
American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS). The
journal's two missions are to publish timely critical reviews of
psychological research that can be applied to broad aspects of life,
and to serve as a mentoring vehicle for advanced graduate students and
early career psychologists to gain editing and reviewing experience.
Please read details about the journal at
Candidates should be members of APA and should be available to start
receiving manuscripts in early 2014 to prepare for issues published in
2015. In addition, given the unique focus of the journal, candidates
· have received their doctorate in 1999 or earlier;
· hold a tenured position; and
· have either served as an Editor of an established journal
(defined as 10 or more years of publication prior to candidate having
started term as Editor) OR served as an Associate Editor of an
American Psychological Association (APA) or APA Division Journal.
Please note that the P&C Board encourages participation by members of
underrepresented groups in the publication process and would
particularly welcome such nominees. Self-nominations are also
Candidates should be nominated by accessing APA's EditorQuest site on
the Web. Using your Web browser, go tohttp://editorquest.apa.org. On
the Home menu on the left, find "Guests." Next, click on the link
"Submit a Nomination," enter your nominee's information, and click
Deadline for accepting nominations is February 4, 2013, when reviews
will begin. The search committee is co-chaired by Megan Smith, MA, and
Gary R. VandenBos, PhD.
Alexa Lopez, B.S.
NIDA Pre-doctoral Trainee
University of Vermont
Department of Psychology
APA Division 28 Student Representative
___________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
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[DIV28SUPER] Two DEA Drug Science Specialist positions - United Nations Reporting and Quotas Section
The Drug Science Specialist position (GS 601) is a "catch-all" scientific series that DEA has been used to hire a variety of scientific professionals including, pharmacists, biologists, chemists, pharmacologists, behavioral pharmacologists, physiological psychologists, clinical psychologists, pharmacists and other related health scientists.
Specifically, the employee analyzes and interprets information from a variety of sources including DEA/DOJ, pharmaceutical industry, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and others, to establish annual production, manufacturing and procurement quotas for all schedule I and II controlled substances and the List I chemicals, pseudoephedrine, ephedrine and phenylpropanolamine (Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act). Compiles and prepares periodic reports for submission to the United Nations (UN) as mandated by U.S. international drug control treaty obligations on the manufacture and distribution of narcotic and psychotropic substances as well as determining the anticipated future needs for narcotic and psychotropic substances. Prepares responses to ad hoc questionnaires and inquiries received from the UN. Participates in and guides international policy activities including development and formulation of UN resolutions, position papers, background documents and briefing materials for use by agency officials and U.S. delegations to several UN bodies such as the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (UNODC). Conducts liaison with HHS and other domestic and international agencies having similar scientific and regulatory programs. Represents DEA at national and international conferences pertinent to drug regulatory programs. Serves as expert witnesses in court proceedings and other hearings.
The position requires a full-field Top Secret Security clearance and drug use questionnaire.
Job Specifics:
GS 601- 12/13/14: Salary range: $74,872.00 to $136,771.00 USD per year
DEA HQ is near the Pentagon City metro stop in Arlington VA
Must apply online at: www.usajobs.gov
Announcement # D-OD-13-811757-MP-HCC (merit promotion for current government employees)
Announcement # D-OD-13-811761-DEU-HCC (non-government employees)
If you have any questions about the position, please feel free to contact me:
Christine A. Sannerud, Ph.D., Section Chief
United Nations Reporting & Quota Section
Office of Diversion Control
DEA Headquarters
Arlington, Virginia
[DIV28SUPER] [GRAYMAIL] Fwd: Early Career Convention Travel Awards
From: Wiggins, Sonja <swiggins@apa.org>
Date: Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 11:33 AM
Subject: [EARLYCAREER] Early Career Convention Travel Awards
To: EARLYCAREER@lists.apa.org
American Psychological Association
2013 APA Convention Travel Awards
for Early Career Professionals
The Committee on Early Career Psychologists is pleased to announce the travel award program for early career members from all areas of psychology (education, practice, public interest and science) to attend the 2013 APA Annual Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 31 - August 4, at the Hawai'i Convention Center.
Twenty award recipients will receive $1,000 to be applied toward their 2013 APA convention expenses. The program is designed to encourage attendance and increase representation of early career members at this year's APA convention.
Criteria for applying are: an APA early career member (within seven years receipt of their doctorate), and a first-time convention attendee. Preference will be given to those whose primary work is in basic psychological science or those who will be presenting at the 2013 convention. The submission package must include the following information:
1. Brief statement (maximum one page) about your interest in attending the convention and how you will use this award to support your attendance. Please highlight any significant achievements in your career as well as any leadership positions you have held as an early career psychologist (within APA, other related scholarly or professional organizations such as state and local psychological associations) and indicate how you believe you would benefit from attending the convention. Also, please include in your statement if your primary work is in basic psychological science, if the 2013 convention will be your first APA convention and if you will be receiving other funding to help cover your expenses.
2. If you are presenting at APA Convention, please include an abstract of your presentation along with the title and the names of co-presenters.
3. Include your Curriculum Vitae (the year you were awarded a doctorate in psychology should be clearly stated).
Electronic submission instructions: Please submit all materials in a single Word document. Put your name and the name of the award in the subject line (e.g. Jane Smith, Early Career Travel Award).
The deadline for submission of materials is March 1, 2013, 11:59 pm (EST). Email all materials to Sonja Wiggins at earlycareer@apa.org. Award winners will be notified in April 2013 and will be acknowledged during the Early Career Social Hour sponsored by the Committee on Early Career Psychologists at the APA convention on Friday, August 2, 2013.
Sonja B. Wiggins Assistant Director, Governance Affairs and Administration Public and Member Communications American Psychological Association email: swiggins@apa.org | www.apa.org | |
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Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
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[DIV28SUPER] NIH told to retire most research involving chimpanzees
Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
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[DIV28SUPER] position announcement
Tenure Track Faculty Position in Health Services Research
The Department of Behavioral Science, located within the College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky, is seeking applicants for a newly established full-time, tenure-track position at the Associate and Full Professor rank; salary will be commensurate with the rank. Successful candidates must have completed advanced degrees (e.g., Ph.D.) and established programs of funded health services research, outcomes research or translational research. The University of Kentucky has growing programs of health outcomes and health services research among its Colleges (Medicine, Public Health, Pharmacy) and Centers (Center for Clinical & Translational Science, with biostatistics, biomedical informatics and community engagement functions; Cancer, Aging, Prevention Research, and Drug and Alcohol Research). Other university resources include the Center of Excellence in Rural Health; the Kentucky Ambulatory Network; the Center for Poverty Research; and many more. With increasing opportunities for collaboration throughout the University, health services research comprises a major research initiative.
The Department of Behavioral Science is a multidisciplinary, basic science department within the College of Medicine with a tradition of collaboration among various centers and departments. The University is located in Central Kentucky's Bluegrass Region. Lexington is a community of approximately 330,000 with excellent schools, diverse business and industry, and a variety of cultural and recreational opportunities. Information about the Department of Behavioral Science is available at http://www.mc.uky.edu/behavioralscience. Additional information can be obtained by e-mail from TK Logan, Ph.D. tklogan@uky.edu.
Interested applicants should submit: (1) a current curriculum vitae, (2) a letter of application outlining their research and interest in the position, and (3) three letters of recommendation to: Search Committee (c/o Cynthia Campbell), Department of Behavioral Science, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY 40536-0086. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. All applicants will be required to pass a pre-employment drug screen and undergo a pre-employment national background check as mandated by University of Kentucky Human Resources. The University of Kentucky is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684
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not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by
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attachments, if any.
Family and friends, seeing a person they care about struggling with substance abuse, often will try imposing feelings of guilt to try to help the substance abuser gain control over this problem. And individuals who are substance abusers will often try to make themselves feel guilty in the hope that this might help. In many communities this strategy of imposing guilt is referred to as “guilting.”
How effective is this approach?
Guilting and an alternative to guilting that was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi are compared in an article titled:
Empirical research that supports the theory is discussed in:
The research suggests that those who tend to use the approach inspired by Gandhi, when compared to those who tend to use “guilting,” provoke less covert and overt anger, are more liked and respected, and their requests are more likely to meet with compliance.
Jeff Rubin
[DIV28SUPER] [GRAYMAIL] PsycCRITIQUES Blog highlight: "Should We Call for a Truce in the War on Cannabis?"
I am writing on behalf of Danny Wedding, PhD, Editor, PsycCRITIQUES. APA has developed a PsycCRITIQUES blog that makes it possible for interested psychologists around the world to read selected book and film reviews and comment on the issues raised in those reviews. We think the following probe would interest those in Division 28.
(Blog post by Dr. Fred Heide)
Should We Call for a Truce in the War on Cannabis?
Mitch Earleywine, in his review of Doug Fine's (2012) Too High to Fail: Cannabis and the New Green Economic Revolution, briefly summarizes moral and economic arguments for ending our decades-long prohibition on cannabis. These include the following: (1) even though the Drug Enforcement Agency spends $2 billion a year on the war on drugs and someone is arrested in the United States for cannabis possession every 40 seconds, teenagers still report that it is easier to obtain than beer; (2) people of color are arrested and locked up at rates far in excess of Whites; and (3) almost twice as much of California's budget goes to prisons than to higher education. Earleywine might have added other arguments from his own work, e.g., legal substances such as alcohol and tobacco are addictive and together lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths per year, whereas cannabis is not addictive and has never caused death due to health complications in recorded history. Is it time to stop throwing people in jail for cannabis and instead regulate it as we do cigarettes and alcohol?
You can review the blog posting and make comments at
(click on the red comments button at the bottom of the probe). We would especially welcome comments from members of Division 28.
The home page for our blog is at http://psyccritiquesblog.apa.org/. You can also subscribe to all new blog posts via e-mail and web-based news readers at http://feeds2.feedburner.com/PsycCRITIQUESBlog.
Christine Pearce
Managing Editor, PsycCRITIQUES
California School of Professional Psychology
Alliant International University
One Beach St., Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94133-1221