
[DIV28SUPER] position available

A tenure-track faculty position is available in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. I am attaching our advertisement to this Email. Please feel free to contact me if you have a question.

William L. Woolverton, Ph.D.
Billy S. Guyton Distinguished Professor
Vice-Chair for Research
Department of Psychiatry
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 N. State Street
Jackson, MS 39216
phone: 601-815-1022
FAX: 601-984-5899

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[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: William Riley Named to Behavioral Research Post at NCI


Dr. William Riley <http://staffprofiles.cancer.gov/brp/prgmStaffProfile.do?contactId=2300231&bioType=stf>  has been named Chief of the newly established Science of Research and Technology Branch (SRTB) <http://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/brp/srtb/>  in the Behavioral Research Program (BRP), within NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS). BRP initiates, supports, and evaluates a comprehensive program of research ranging from basic behavioral research to the development, testing, and dissemination of interventions in areas such as tobacco use, screening, dietary behavior, and sun protection. The Program has recently restructured its organization to form six Branches <http://dccps.nci.nih.gov/brp/about.html>  to increase the breadth, depth, and quality of behavioral research in cancer prevention and control.

Dr. Riley will provide leadership in behavioral science methodologies, analytics, and approaches; theory development and application; and the application of technological advances to health behavior measurement and intervention. Dr. Riley's research is in the application of new technologies, particularly mobile and wireless technologies, in behavioral measurement and intervention; and the potential of these technologies to assess and intervene adaptively in the context of the behavior, and with broad reach and scalability. 

"Bill's experience and expertise fits well within SRTB's mission in the development and application of innovative research approaches, theories, methods, measures, analytic tools, and technologies to advance social and behavioral science in the context of cancer prevention and control," said Dr. Robert Croyle, DCCPS director. "His contributions to measurement science are impressive, including his recent work on the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS)."

Dr. Riley completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Sociology from James Madison University and his Master of Science and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Florida State University. Before his current NCI appointment, he was a Health Scientist Administrator and Deputy Director in the Division of AIDS and Health Behavior Research at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and a Program Director at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI).  He also serves as a Professorial Lecturer in the School of Public Health at George Washington University. 

To learn more about BRP's areas of scientific emphasis, key research initiatives, tools and resources; and view the staff network of mentorship and collaboration, please visit behavioralresearch.cancer.gov <http://dccps.nci.nih.gov/brp/index.html>  and staffprofiles.cancer.gov/brp <http://staffprofiles.cancer.gov/brp/prgmStaffHome.do> .



[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: For Your Listserv: Division Programming at Convention

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Rummel, Chad" <crummel@apa.org>
Date: June 26, 2012 5:42:35 PM EDT
To: "crummel@apa.org" <crummel@apa.org>
Subject: For Your Listserv: Division Programming at Convention

Listserv Moderators: Please consider posting to your division listserv.


Division Programming

In just a few short weeks, you will be joining your colleagues from the American Psychological Association in Orlando for the 120th Annual APA Convention. As final touches are placed on the convention program, you are probably starting to develop your schedule to maximize your professional development and networking time.


Many divisions provide additional programming through hospitality suites or social hours. While not listed in the official convention program, much of this programming is open to current and potential division members—including you. And while the Convention Program is the official guide to convention, these division schedules may help you navigate the convention in Orlando.


I encourage you to take a few moments to browse the division programming schedules to find additional time to network with your colleagues. Each can be downloaded (to a computer, tablet or smart phone) or printed separately at http://www.apa.org/convention/programming/divisions/index.aspx.


Finally, if there's a division you've been thinking about joining, please stop by the Division Services booth in the Member Resource center at convention. If you join a division in the booth, you'll be entered for a chance to win an iPod Nano or iPad. Even if you don't win, you might find your next professional home, and we're sure you'll walk away feeling like a STAR!


If you've already found your professional home and aren't looking to join another Division, you should still stop by our booth and tell us  "Why You LOVE Your Division." I'm sure your response will help "LIGHT up our day" AND yours!


See you in Orlando!






Chad Rummel, MEd | Communications Manager

Division Services Office | Governance Affairs

CODAPAR Staff Liaison

American Psychological Association

750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

Tel: (202) 336-6121 | Fax: (202) 218-3599 |  crummel@apa.org

Join divisions online at www.apa.org/divapp


[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: New Leadership Needed to Address Evolving Health Opportunities

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 3:52 PM, RWJF Content Alerts <contentalert@rwjfmail.org> wrote:
This message contains graphics. If you do not see the graphics, click here to view.

New Leadership Needed to Address Evolving Health Opportunities

As the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation marks its 40th year, we look toward the future to identify how to speed improvements in health and health care for all Americans:

Young Leader Awards: Nomination Deadline July 16—RWJF Young Leader Awards will recognize leaders who have demonstrated the characteristics necessary to provide leadership for improving health and health care in the future. Up to 10 awards will be given to young leaders, 40 and under, who offer great promise for leading the way to improved health and health care. Each winner will receive an individual award of $40,000. To view the call for nominations and information about criteria and nomination requirements, go to RWJFyoungleaderawards.org.

Symposium on Health in the Year 2032—RWJF and the Institute for Alternative Futures convened health leaders last week for an intensive two-day look into the future via scenario modeling. Leadership was identified as a key ingredient to tackle challenges and build on opportunities over the next 20 years.

The group identified four key opportunities on the horizon:

  • Develop new health roles beyond traditional medical care professionals and public health providers;
  • Focus the health-tech sector on developing community health metrics;
  • Cultivate new leadership for a healthy society; and
  • Remove barriers to achieve better health outcomes and quality.

A report to the nation about how to plan now to improve health across the next two decades will be released by the Institute for the Future in fall 2012.

You have received this email alert because you have elected to receive information from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation on: Content Alerts.

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40 Years of Improving Health and Health Care
Learn more at www.rwjf.org/40years.

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Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
NIDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
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twitter: @apadiv28 join our network


[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: Research Coordinator Opportunity

See below

Dear Colleagues,

The Applied Behavioral Biology Unit (ABB) at the Institutes for Behavior Resources (IBR)
is seeking outstanding candidates for a full-time position as Research Coordinator (RC) for its diverse behavioral science activities.  Start Date is immediate. 

IBR is an independent nonprofit organization founded in 1960 by prominent behavioral scientist Dr. Joseph V. Brady (
(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=brady%20jv), now under the leadership of President Dr. Steven R. Hursh (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=hursh%20sr).  For more information, feel free to visit us online (www.ibrinc.org). 

The RC focuses primarily on logistics, data management, and administration for the ABB's small-group behavior, social neuroscience, behavioral economics, and operational performance research and technology development currently supported by the NASA Human Research Program, the National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI), and various organizations in the transportation sector. 
Please note that the position is for research and development work with humans; however, people from all backgrounds are welcome to apply.  A good attitude, strong work ethic, cross-disciplinary skillset, and willingness/ability to learn take priority over mastery of a specific technique; however, research experience of some kind is critical.

tached is a flyer with a more detailed description of the job and directions for applying online (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/IBR-ABB_RC-App).  This document is suitable for email forwarding, and if so inclined, includes pull-tabs suitable for printing and posting on your Department bulletin board.  If you know of any qualified individuals such as former or current students who may be interested, or have colleagues who may know others interested in this uniquely engaging and dynamic hands-on research opportunity, we would appreciate you passing this information on to them. 

My colleagues and I appreciate any help you may be willing to offer in our search, and we thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely Yours,

Pete Roma

Peter G. Roma, Ph.D.
Director, Applied Behavioral Biology Unit
Institutes for Behavior Resources
Baltimore, MD, USA
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Behavioral Biology
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD, USA
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Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
NIDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
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twitter: @apadiv28 join our network


[DIV28SUPER] Election Results

Dear Div 28 Members:


The elections results are in.


Thanks to Scott Lane and Ellen Walker (Presidential nominees) and Cynthia Crawford and Joe McClernon (Member-at-Large nominees) for their willingness to serve if elected.


Ellen Walker was elected President and will start serving as President-elect in January 2013.


Cynthia Crawford was elected Member-at-Large and will start in January as Wendy Lynch’s term finishes.


Thanks for participating in the election processes,




Rick A. Bevins, Ph.D.

President of Division 28


Twitter: @APADiv28






[DIV28M] CONA Call for Nominations

Call for nominations
The Committee on Aging (CONA) is accepting nominations, including self-nominations, for two new members. CONA is the chief committee within the APA governance structure charged with addressing aging concerns. CONA seeks full members of APA with specialization in aging issues to serve a three-year term beginning January 2013 and ending December 2015.
CONA, a six-member Committee, places priority on maintaining representation within the Committee's membership that reflects the diversity of psychology and society, including (a) individuals with experience in research, clinical training and practice, policy and advocacy, and education; (b) early- and mid-career psychologists and those who are retired or employed less than full time; and (c) diversity with respect to ethnicity, culture, age, gender, ability, sexual orientation, and geographic location.  This year CONA plans to fill one of its two vacancies with an early career psychologist (defined by APA as in the first 7 years from the receipt of the doctoral degree).
CONA's mission is to advance psychology as a science and profession and as a means of promoting health and human welfare by ensuring that older adults, especially the growing numbers of older women and members of minority groups, receive the attention of the Association.  Its goals include:
  • provide leadership for a scientific agenda on aging,
  • advocate for policies that enhance availability and reimbursement of health and mental health services to older adults and their families,
  • contribute to the formulation and support of public policies that promote optimal development of older adults, facilitate psychological practice with older persons, and expand scientific understanding of adult development and aging,
  • promote inclusion of knowledge about adult development and aging in all levels of education,
  • develop and disseminate information concerning the scientific findings and practice issues about older adults,
  • serve as a visible focus for the coordination of information among groups within APA that address aging issues and offer consultation to relevant APA boards, committees, divisions, state associations, and directorates, and
  • ensure that older members of APA receive appropriate attention from the Association.
For an overview of CONA's activities and members since its inception, visit: http://www.apa.org/pi/aging/cona/efforts-summary.pdf
Prospective nominees
Selected candidates are required to attend two committee meetings each year in Washington, DC, with expenses reimbursed by the APA. The Committee will meet on March 15-17 and September 20-22, 2013; March 21-23, 2014 and [Fall Meeting Dates TBD]. Members are encouraged to attend a CONA meeting held during the APA Convention at their own expense. CONA is a working committee with ongoing time sensitive and consuming projects that require members' attention. Members are expected to participate in frequent email discussions and bi-monthly conference calls, work on Committee priorities between meetings, provide consultation to the Director of the APA Office on Aging, and participate in policy advocacy activities.
Nomination materials should include a current curriculum vitae and a letter from the nominee indicating their commitment to serve on CONA and highlighting specific competencies, interests, and potential contributions to the work of CONA. Letters of support from other APA governance groups and divisions, state psychological associations, or other organizations are desirable but not required. Prior applicants are encouraged to reapply.
Nominations and supporting materials should be sent by August 31, 2012 to:
Martha Randolph, Office on Aging Administrative at: mrandolph@apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] FCTP Pharmacologist position posted




Just wanted to remind folks that CTP has a vacancy announcement posted for a pharmacologist (neuropharm or clinical pharm) with a closing date of June 22.  I know this is a short turnaround, but it is typical of CTP. This is an open position and we are hoping for a robust response from applicants.


CTP Vacancy Announcement: Pharmacologist, GS-0405-12/13, (MP)

Job Title:Pharmacologist, GS-0405-12/13 Department:Department Of Health And Human Services Agency:Food and Drug Administration Job Announcement Number:HHS-FDA-CTP-MP-12-680432 SALARY RANGE: $74,872.00 to $115,742.00 / Per Year OPEN PERIOD: Monday, June 11, 2012 to Friday, June 22, 2012 SERIES & GRADE: GS-0405-12/13 POSITION INFORMATION: Full Time - Permanent PROMOTION POTENTIAL:13



Thank you,





Allison C. Hoffman, Ph.D., Office of Science
Center for Tobacco Products/FDA
CTP Call Center: 1.877.CTP.1373





[DIV28M] CWP Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations to the Committee on Women in Psychology: 2013
The American Psychological Association's Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) is seeking nominations for two new members to begin terms in January 2013.  The committee functions as a catalyst by interacting with and making recommendations to the various parts of the APA governing structure and the APA membership, as well as other relevant groups. 
The committee's current strategic goals include promoting the health and well-being of all women, nationally and internationally; identifying and eliminating discriminatory and exploitive practices against all women, nationally and internationally; promoting the unique contributions of women to psychology; enhancing women's leadership within and outside of APA; monitoring activities of groups within the APA to assess the impact on women; collaborating with others as needed to achieve the empowerment of underrepresented groups; and advocating for public policy that enhances the lives of women, nationally and internationally.  As part of its monitoring function, CWP devotes a full day during each of their two committee meetings each year to discussion of cross-cutting items submitted by other groups.
The committee is interested in persons with demonstrated interest and experience in women's issues to serve a 3-year term from January 2013 through December 2015.  To fulfill the committee's commitment to full diversity in representation, one slate should be filled by an openly identified sexual minority psychologist and one slate should be filled by an ethnic minority psychologist. The committee seeks psychologists with expertise in practice and consulting and survey design, implementation, and analysis. Letters of nomination should clearly describe the candidate's specific qualifications relative to these criteria. Women at all career stages are invited to apply. Nominees to CWP must be full members of APA.
CWP members are required to attend two committee meetings each year in Washington, DC (Thursday night to Sunday afternoon) with expenses reimbursed by the APA.  Candidates should ensure they can attend all committee meetings.  Meetings in 2013 will be March 15-17 and September 20-22; meetings in 2014 and 2015 are tbd.  Committee members also work on CWP priorities between meetings and will be expected to participate in regular committee conference calls.  Because CWP sponsors a number of important events at the APA convention (e.g., the annual CWP Network meeting, presentation of the CWP Leadership Awards), CWP members are strongly encouraged to attend committee-sponsored APA convention events if possible, though expenses cannot be reimbursed.
Nomination materials should include a letter from the nominee indicating willingness to serve on CWP, a brief statement of the nominee's qualifications, and a current curriculum vita.  Self-nominations are encouraged.  APA nominations are open to members who are retired, are employed less than full time, or work full time.  Nominations and supporting materials should be sent by September 1, 2012, to Kari Hill, APA Women's Programs Office, 750 First Street, N.E., Washington, DC, 20002-4242 or via e-mail at khill@apa.org.


[DIV28SUPER] Call for Nominations: 2013 APF Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology

From: <Edington>, Samantha <sedington@apa.org>
To: Ronald Wood <Ronald_Wood@URMC.Rochester.edu>
Subject: Call for Nominations: 2013 APF Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology

Dear Dr. Wood:


You are being sent this announcement because you are a current Division 28 Listserv moderator. Attached you will find a Request for Nominations for the American Psychological Foundation's (APF) 2013 Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award, which recognizes significant career contributions of a psychologist who has a proven track record as an exceptional teacher of psychology. This $2,000 award also includes an all-expense paid round trip, and plaque presented at the APA convention. The deadline for nominations is December 1, 2012. Please consider publishing this announcement in your next message to your division and feel free to forward the call to anyone you think might be interested. Thank you for your time.




Samantha Edington

Program Coordinator

American Psychological Foundation

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

P: (202) 336-5873 I F: (202) 336-5812






[DIV28SUPER] V. A. Announces Aggressive National Recruitment Effort to Hire Mental Health Professionals

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Pope" <ken@kenpope.com>
To: "Ken Pope" <ken@kenpope.com>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 1:59 PM
Subject: V. A. Announces Aggressive National Recruitment Effort to Hire Mental Health Professionals

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs just issued the following news release:

June 11, 2012

VA Announces Aggressive National Recruitment Effort to Hire Mental Health Professionals

WASHINGTON (June 11, 2012)- Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki recently announced the department would add approximately 1,600 mental health clinicians as well as nearly 300 support staff to its existing workforce to help meet the increased demand for mental health services.

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has developed an aggressive national recruitment program to implement the hiring process quickly and efficiently.

"The mental health and well-being of our brave men and women who have served the Nation is the highest priority for this department," said Secretary Shinseki.

"We must ensure that all Veterans seeking mental health care have access to timely, responsive and high-quality care."

VA has developed an aggressive national mental health hiring initiative to improve recruitment and hiring, marketing, education and training programs, and retention efforts for mental health professionals, to include targeted recruitment in rural and highly-rural markets.

This will help VA to meet existing and future demands of mental health care services in an integrated collaborative team environment and continue to position VA as an exemplary workplace for mental health care professionals.

It is critical for VA to proactively engage psychiatrists and other mental health care providers about the vital mission to deliver high-quality mental health services, especially for returning combat Veterans.

"The VA mental health community is aggressively transforming the way mental health care services are provided to the Veteran population. As the mental health care workforce continues to increase, VA is committed to improving Veterans' access to services, especially for at-risk Veterans," said VA's Under Secretary for Health Dr. Robert Petzel.

The national recruitment program provides VHA with an in-house team of highly skilled professional recruiters employing private sector best practices to fill the agency's most mission critical clinical and executive positions.

The recruitment team consists of 21 national, dedicated health care recruiters targeting physician and specialty health care occupations.

These recruiters also understand the needs of Veterans because each member is a Veteran.

VHA has also established a hiring and tracking task force to provide oversight for this initiative to move the process forward expeditiously in a focused manner to ensure challenges, issues, or concerns are addressed and resolved.

This task force is accountable for reporting progress in hiring of mental health professionals in these occupations: psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health nurses, social workers, mental health technicians, marriage and family therapists and licensed professional counselors.

VHA anticipates the majority of hires will be selected within approximately six months and the most "hard-to-fill" positions filled by the end of the second quarter of FY 2013.

VA has an existing workforce of 20,590 mental health staff that includes nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers.

Interested mental health care providers can find additional information about VA careers and apply for jobs online at www.vacareers.va.gov.

To locate the nearest VA facility or Vet Center for enrollment and to get scheduled for care, Veterans can visit VA's website at www.va.gov.

Immediate help is available at www.VeteransCrisisLine.net or by calling the Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 (push 1) or texting 838255.

Ken Pope

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
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twitter: @apadiv28 join our network

[DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update June 11, 2012

Table of Contents


I. RFA-HG-12-009 Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (UM1)


II. Mouse Brain Architecture Project Releases Data as First Installment to Construct Whole Brain Wiring Diagram of Mouse


III. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Seeks Applications Using the JAX Diversity Outcross (DO) Mice NOT-DA-12-013


IV. Short Course on the Genetics of Addiction

Aug 18, 2012 - Aug 23, 2012 The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor ME


V. Lectures from the 2009 and 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory "Cellular Biology of Addiction Course"


I. RFA-HG-12-009 Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (UM1)

Application Due date: July 26, 2012, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.


The NHGRI and NIDA seek grant applications to explore, within an active clinical setting, the application of genomic sequence data to the care of patients.  Our understanding of human genetic variation and its association with disease risk and with individual response to treatment continues to expand rapidly.  Simultaneously, a revolution has occurred in genomic sequencing technologies, making it technically and economically feasible to consider the application and utilization of genomic sequence data in clinical care.  Applications submitted in response to this FOA will address critical questions about the application of genomic sequencing to clinical care of individual patients, from generation of genomic sequence data, to interpretation and translation of the data for the physician, to communication to the patient, including an examination of the ethical, legal and psychosocial implications of bringing broad genomic data into the clinic.  See  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HG-12-009.html for the entire funding opportunity announcement.




II. Mouse Brain Architecture Project Releases Data as First Installment to Construct Whole Brain Wiring Diagram of Mouse

A NIH-funded neuroscience team led by Prof. Partha P. Mitra, Ph.D., at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has publicly released the first installment of data from the 500 terabytes so far collected in their project to construct the first whole-brain wiring diagram of a vertebrate brain, that of the mouse.  The data just released – the first in what will be a regular series of releases in the Mouse Brain Architecture project -- consists of gigapixel images of whole-brain sections that can be zoomed to show individual neurons and their processes, providing a "virtual microscope." The images are integrated with other data sources from the web, and are being made fully accessible to the neuroscience community as well as interested members of the general public (http://mouse.brainarchitecture.org). Each sampled brain is represented in about 500 images, each image showing an optical section through a 20 micron-thick slice of brain tissue.  A multi-resolution viewer permits users to journey through each brain, following the pathways taken through three-dimensional brain space by tracer-labeled neuronal pathways.   A key point is that at the mid-range "mesoscopic" scale, the team expects to assemble a picture of connections that are stereotypical and probably genetically determined in a species-specific manner. By dividing the volume of a hemisphere of the mouse brain into 250 equidistant, predefined grid-points, and administering four different kinds of tracer injections at each grid point -- in different animals of the same sex and age a complete wiring diagram that will be stitched together in "shotgun" fashion from the full dataset.  Major funding for the Mouse Brain Architecture project comes from a Challenge Grant from the National Institutes of Health (RC1MH088659) and a Transformative Award from the Office of the NIH Director (R01MH087988).


III. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Seeks Applications Using the JAX Diversity Outcross (DO) Mice NOT-DA-12-013


The Genetics and Molecular Neurobiology Research Branch (GMNRB) at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) seeks applications using the JAX Diversity Outcross (DO) mice to identify genetic variants associated with substance abuse and addiction as well as treatment response.  To apply for grants within this area of interest, refer to PA-11-026 Molecular Genetics of Drug Addiction and Related Co-Morbidities (R01)  (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-11-026.html).

The diversity outcross mice permit fine mapping of genetic loci for complex trait with far less effort and greater resolution than before with other mouse resources.   Papers highlighting this resource can be found in the Feb 16, 2012 issues of Genetics www.genetics.org and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics www.g3journal.org

Identification the gene variants underlying the following traits DO mice that are of interest to GMNRB include but are not limited to:

·         Motivation to work for a drug as measured by drug self-administration breakpoint.

·         Persistence of drug seeking behavior

·         Compulsivity of drug seeking behavior

·         Preference between drug and sucrose following drug self-administration and the absence of any withdrawal symptoms

·         Withdrawal

·         Tolerance

·         Sensitization

·         Novelty seeking

·         Different measures of impulsivity, e.g.  5CSRTT (five-choice serial reaction time task) and reversal learning

·         Goal trackers vs. sign Trackers, i.e. difference in cue reactivity and auto-shaping.

·         Measures of anxiety associated with drug seeking behavior.

·         Altered brain circuitry following drug exposure

·         Drug Toxicity

·         Pharmacokinetics

·         Phenotypes produced by GXE interactions that may affect substance abuse and addiction phenoytpes such as maternal separation, victimization by aggression,  learned helplessness in utero exposure to drugs of abuse and environmental toxins such as lead,  and vulnerability to drugs of abuse during puberty and early adulthood.

·         Genetic modifiers of knockout mouse phenotypes affecting drug response.

·         Treatment response to pharmacological agents that have potential for treating substance abuse

·         Nicotine, cocaine, and heroin vaccine responses such antibody titer and amount of free and bound drug in tissues.

The JAX:DO are available from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME), as JAX Mice stock number 009376. Sibling information at each generation is tracked and made available upon request.  http://cgd.jax.org/datasets/phenotype/SvensonDO.shtml.

If interested in developing an application please contact Dr. Jonathan Pollock.



Please direct all inquiries to:

Jonathan D. Pollock, Ph.D.


Genetics and Molecular Neurobiology Research Branch

Division of Basic Neuroscience and Behavioral Research

National Institute on Drug Abuse

6001 Executive Blvd. Rm 4103

Bethesda, MD 20892

(For Fedex Delivery the address is Rockville, MD 20852)

Telephone: 301-435-1309

FAX:  301-594-6043


IV. Short Course on the Genetics of Addiction

Aug 18, 2012 - Aug 23, 2012 The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor ME


·         Topic

·         Organizers

·         Speakers

·         Schedule

·         Registration

·         Hotel/Travel

·         Sponsors


This course emphasizes genetic applications and approaches to drug addiction research through methodological instruction based on literature, data sets and informatics resources drawn from studies of addiction related phenotypes. The course includes plenary sessions on major progress in addiction genetics, and discussion sessions in which students present their work for discussion on applications of genetic methods. Students will leave the course able to design and interpret

genetic and genomic studies of addiction as they relate to their specific research question, and will be able to make use of current bioinformatics resources to identify research resources and make use of public data sources in their own research.


Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by R13 DA 032192 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. These views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the offical policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention by trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


V. Lectures from the 2009 and 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory "Cellular Biology of Addiction Course"



The 2009 course features presentations by Mark Von Zastrow,  Bertha Madras, Ulrike Heberlein, George Koob, Robert Edwards, Eric Nestler, Mary Jeanne Kreek, Jonathan Pollock, Peter Kalivas, Antonello Bonci, Mark Wightman, John Williams, Bridgitte Kieffer, Julie Blendy, Angus Nairn, Ken Mackie, Charles O'Brien, Marina Picciotto, Laura Bierut, and George Augustine http://leadingstrand.cshl.edu/Drug/Drug09/Index.htm


The 2011 course features talks by Chris Evans and Mark Von Zastrow, Brigitte Kieffer, Kenneth Mackie, Mary Jeanne Kreek, David Goldman, Ilana Witten, Paul Kenny, Jonathan Pollock, Ulrike Helberlein, Phil Skolnick, Charles Chavkin, Geoffrey Schoenbaum, Nora Volkow, Charles O'Brien, Peter Kalivas, Robert Edwards, Richard Palmiter, R. mark Wightman Marina Picciotto,  and Eric Nestler, http://leadingstrand.cshl.edu/Drug/Drug11/



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