
[DIV28M] FW: Please Post on Division Listserv: Board of Scientific Affairs Call for Award Nominations

Please see the call for BSA Award nominations below.
-Bill Stoops.
Secretary, Division 28.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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From: Wandersman, Suzanne [SWandersman@apa.org]
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 3:55 PM
To: dksimonton@ucdavis.edu; wpickren@pace.edu; cautinr@mville.edu; khollis@mtholyoke.edu; mmcdanie@artsci.wustl.edu; vjdark@iastate.edu; Marcy Andberg; sgwest@asu.edu; jbovaird2@unl.edu; M.PAPINI@TCU.EDU; Akins, Chana; mecain@ksu.edu; nancy.eisenberg@asu.edu; ggoodman@ucdavis.edu; brownell@pitt.edu; pgdevine@facstaff.wisc.edu; funder@citrus.ucr.edu; biernat@ku.edu; jgbeck@memphis.edu; SOBELLM@NOVA.EDU; jlinton@hsc.wvu.edu; acolella@tulane.edu; doug.reynolds@ddiworld.com; mmcphail@valtera.com; Carolyn.Aldwin@oregonstate.edu; pparmelee@ua.edu; lmsmiller@ucdavis.edu; jswarm@fuse.net; dgm@uiuc.edu; hfeng@clemson.edu; hughesc@uncw.edu; eajacobs@siu.edu; rbevins1@unl.edu; aliguori@wfubmc.edu; Stoops, William W; eklonoff@sunstroke.sdsu.edu; astanton@ucla.edu; mlumley@wayne.edu; wkbickel@vt.edu; sjnixon@ufl.edu; amee@mail.utexas.edu
Subject: Please Post on Division Listserv: Board of Scientific Affairs Call for Award Nominations


I would appreciate you posting the following links to the Board of Scientific Affairs Calls for Nominations on your division's listserv.

APA Board of Scientific Affairs Meritorious Research Service Commendation (deadline is March 1, 2012) http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2012/01/meritorious-research.aspx

APA Board of Scientific Affairs Culture of Service Awards for university and college departments and individuals (deadline is April 1, 2012) http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2012/01/culture-service.aspx

Please share the call for nominations with your colleagues. We are trying to generate as many nominations as we can. Thanks for your help.

Suzanne Wandersman
Director for Governance Affairs
Science Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-6000
(202) 336-5953 FAX

__________________ Div28m@lists.apa.org ___________________
restricted to APA members subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] NIH funding summary for 2011

Of interest to many of the members…


From: SRNT Listserv [mailto:SRNT_List@reesgroupinc.com] On Behalf Of Hughes, John R
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:57 PM
To: SRNT Listserv
Subject: [SRNT List] NIH funding summary for 2011


Dear all,


For an interesting data-based description of decreases in NIH funding for 2011, go to http://tinyurl.com/83etl72




Can one resolve to not resolve?

John Hughes, MD

Professor, Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology and Family Practice

University of Vermont

UHC Campus, Mailstop 482

1 South Prospect St

Burlington VT 05401


(802) 656-9610


[DIV28SUPER] Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize - Call for Nominations 2012

> ___________
> From: Gelgia Fetz [mailto:gelgia.fetz@jacobsfoundation.org]
> Sent: Monday, January 23, 2012 11:48 AM
> To: Anderson, Norman
> Cc: ExecutiveOffice; 'ppo@apa.org'
> Subject: Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize - Call for Nominations 2012
> Dear Dr. Anderson
> The Jacobs Foundation would like to invite the American Psychological Association to nominate a candidate for the Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize 2012. The prize in honour of the Jacobs Foundation's late founder Klaus J. Jacobs is awarded annually in the first week of December in Zurich, Switzerland. We would also like to ask whether it is possible to distribute the call for nominations further to APA Members or post it on your website.
> The prize in honour of the Jacobs Foundation's late founder Klaus J. Jacobs is awarded annually in the first week of December in Zurich, Switzerland. The Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize awards outstanding scientific contributions of individuals from all disciplines aiming at the improvement of young people's development and perspectives worldwide. The prize is endowed with 1 Mio. Swiss Francs, of which 900'000 Swiss Francs are for use in a research project, 100'000 Swiss Francs are for related costs, such as travel, networking, and dissemination.
> The prize addresses scholars from all countries who have achieved major breakthroughs in understanding and contributing to child and youth development and at the same time have the potential to advance the field by actively conducting research.
> An international jury will choose the laureate from the pool of nominated candidates. The following individuals currently form the jury:
> Professor Albert Bandura, Stanford University, USA Professor Monique Boekaerts, Leiden University, the Netherlands Professor Thomas W. Boyce, University of British Columbia, Canada Professor Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Columbia University, USA Professor Meinrad Paul Perrez, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Professor Anne C. Petersen, University of Michigan, USA Professor Rainer K. Silbereisen, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany Professor William Julius Wilson, Harvard University, USA
> Your support in the nomination process would be very much appreciated. Please have your nomination submitted by 15 March 2012 at the latest. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. To find out more about the Research Prize, please also visit our website: http://award.jacobsfoundation.org/
> Yours sincerely,
> Gelgia Fetz
> _______________________
> Gelgia Fetz
> Jacobs Foundation
> Seefeldquai 17
> P.O. Box
> CH-8034 Zürich
> Tel.: +41 44 388 61 02
> Fax: +41 44 388 61 37
> www.jacobsfoundation.org
> Please visit www.jacobsfoundation.org <http://www.jacobsfoundation.org/> or www.youtube.com/jacobsfoundation to find out more about the Jacobs Foundation and current projects!
> Click on this link to unsubscribe from this list UNSUBSCRIBE <mailto:EMG-unsubscribe-request@lists.apa.org?subject=unsubscribe>
> An email will automatically open with "Unsubscribe" in the subject area. Just Send the message, as is, to unsubscribe from this list..

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[DIV28SUPER] Public meeting: FDA Center for Tobacco Products Research Program: Expanding the Research Base for Tobacco Product Regulation

FDA Center for Tobacco Products Research Program: Expanding the Research Base for Tobacco Product Regulation

February 29, 2012
Center for Tobacco Products, Room 020B
9200 Corporate Blvd, Rockville, MD 20850

The purpose of this free public meeting is:

·         Discuss FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products Research Program priorities across a broad array of disciplines.

·         Increase awareness of barriers and challenges to conducting tobacco product regulatory research.

·         Discuss how federal agencies can coordinate tobacco product research.

·         Identify how non-government organizations can contribute to advancing tobacco product research.

·         Mobilize researchers that are new to regulatory tobacco product research.

The agenda and live meeting webcast information will be posted when available.

Who Should Attend?

Scientific and medical experts and other interested participants from all sectors public and private interested in regulatory tobacco product research.


Registration is free and on a first-come, first-serve basis. Early registration is recommended. Seating is limited.

Register by:

·         Email Kate Zimmer at RESOLVE, kzimmer@resolv.org

Please provide contact information including name, title, affiliation, address, email address, and telephone number. Registrants will receive a confirmation.

Onsite registration on the day of the workshop will be based on space availability. If registration reaches maximum capacity, FDA will post a notice closing registration for the workshop at http://www.fda.gov/TobaccoProducts/default.htm1.

Special Accommodations

If you need special accommodations because of disability, please contact Lucinda Miner, below, at least seven days before the workshop.


Lucinda L. Miner, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Office of Science
Center for Tobacco Products







Allison C. Hoffman, Ph.D., Office of Science
Center for Tobacco Products/FDA
CTP Call Center: 1.877.CTP.1373






[DIV28SUPER] FW: APA Seeks Your Input on NIH's RFI "Input into the Deliberations of the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director Working Group on Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce"



Dear APA Division, Board and Committee Colleagues:


The APA Science and Public Interest Directorates seek your input as we prepare APA's response to the following Request for Information from the NIH Working Group on Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce. As you may know, NIH commissioned a report, Race, Ethnicity, and NIH Research Awards, that was published in Science last August documenting racial disparities in R01 success rates. In response, NIH established a Working Group on Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce, which has been charged with focusing on five key transition points in the pipeline: (i) entry into graduate degree programs; (ii) the transition from graduate degree to post-doctoral fellowship; (iii) the appointment from a post-doctoral position to the first independent scientific position; (iv) the award of the first independent research grant from NIH or equivalent in industry; and (v) award of tenure in an academic position or equivalent in an industrial setting. The Committee will provide concrete recommendations to the NIH Director on ways to improve the retention of underrepresented minorities, persons with disabilities, and persons from disadvantaged backgrounds through these critical periods. The DBRWG's analysis will include both the NIH intramural research community and the NIH extramural research community. The Committee is also seeking comments identifying the potential factors in the peer review process that might contribute to the disparities in award funding.


In September of 2011, APA sent an initial response to NIH Director Francis Collins recommending that NIH take a scientific approach to identifying the causes of the disparity in award success, encouraging any recommendations to include measurable outcomes and that the agency utilize the full breadth of the social and behavioral sciences in evaluating the role of bias in peer review. 


As the deadline for comments is Friday, February 24th, we would appreciate receiving your feedback to Karen Studwell, Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer, at kstudwell@apa.org  by Friday, February 17th. You may also provide your own comments to the NIH via their website to share your perspective as independent investigators, scientists who have been supported by NIH training grants, experienced mentors, and members of study sections.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Karen Studwell or Diane Elmore, Associate Executive Director for Government Relations for Public Interest at delmore@apa.org.  




Karen Studwell, J.D.

Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer

American Psychological Association

Science Government Relations Office

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

T: 202-336-5585

F: 202-336-6063



Diane Elmore, PhD, MPH

Associate Executive Director

Director, Congressional Fellowship Program

Government Relations Office

Public Interest Directorate

American Psychological Association

750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

Tel: 202.336.6104 |  Fax: 202.336.6063

email: delmore@apa.org | www.apa.org


Request for Information (RFI): Input into the Deliberations of the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director Working Group on Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce


Notice Number: NOT-OD-12-031

Key Dates

Release Date: January 10, 2012

Response Date:  February 24, 2012

Issued by

National Institutes of Health (NIH)


This Notice is a time-sensitive Request for Information (RFI) requesting input into the deliberations of the Advisory Committee to the NIH Director Working Group on Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce.




The Advisory Committee to the NIH Director (ACD) has established a working group to examine diversity in the biomedical research workforce (see http://acd.od.nih.gov/DBR.asp for charge and roster) and provide concrete recommendations to the ACD and the NIH Director on ways to  enhance diversity throughout the various research career stages, particularly with regard to underrepresented minorities, persons with disabilities, and persons from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Working Group on Diversity in the Biomedical Research Workforce has considered the evidence presented in "Race, Ethnicity, and NIH Research Awards" published in the August 2011 edition of Science and additional data provided by the NIH. This data shows that R01 applications from Black or African American PhD applicants between 2000 and 2006 did significantly worse than those applications from White applicants, even after controlling for observable characteristics. The article and a corresponding policy piece by NIH Director Francis Collins and NIH Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak can be found athttp://www.sciencemag.org/hottopics/race-nihfunding/. 


The Working Group would like to gather input from various sources, including extramural and intramural researchers, academic institutions, industry, and the public, to help inform the development of recommendations to present to the ACD and the NIH Director on actions the NIH can take to increase the diversity of the biomedical research workforce.

In its initial deliberations, the working group identified the following issues as important to consider when developing recommendations:

•             Biomedical Research Workforce Pipeline

o             The appropriate transition points where NIH's training, career development and research grant programs could most effectively cultivate diversity in the biomedical research workforce

             Entry into graduate degree programs

             Transition from graduate degree to post-doctoral fellowships

             Appointment from a post-doctoral position to the first independent scientific position

             Award of the first independent research grant from NIH or equivalent in industry

             Award of tenure in an academic position, at the NIH, or the equivalent in an industrial setting

o             The role of mentorship in the training and success of biomedical researchers throughout their careers

             Development of relationships between professional societies, institutions, and individuals to develop mentoring programs

             Creation and expansion of institutional mentoring programs

             Mentoring of applicants and preparation of applications prior to submission

o             The influence of role models whose qualities and characteristics can positively affect the training and success of underrepresented biomedical researchers through their careers

o             The role of NIH messaging in encouraging underrepresented researchers to apply for NIH fellowships and grants

o             The role of institutional infrastructure support and climate as a factor in the success of underrepresented researchers

•             Factors  in the Review Process

o             The potential role of institutional affiliation, academic pedigree, and various conscious and unconscious factors on review outcomes

             Exploration of the possible influences of racial, ethnic, gender, affinity, or other biases

             Research on the NIH Peer Review system to determine appropriate methods or interventions to identify and if necessary redress bias, including efforts to anonymize applications or test the effects of unconscious bias training on outcomes. 

Information Requested


To ensure a thorough and comprehensive evaluation of the issues underlying the diversity of the biomedical research workforce, input  is being sought from the biomedical research community, including students, postdoctoral fellows, scientists, scientific societies, and NIH grantee institutions, as well as from the general public.   Input is sought for each of the areas identified above and any other items the working group might consider.

•             For any of the areas identified above and any other specific areas you believe are worthy of consideration by the working group, please identify the critical issues(s) and impact(s) on institutions, scientists, or both.

•             Please identify and explain which of the issues you identified are, in your opinion, the most important for the working group to address and why

•             Please comment on any specific ways you believe these or other issues would or should affect NIH policies or processes.

Response to this RFI is voluntary.  Responders are free to address any or all of the above items.

Please note that the Government will not pay for response preparation or for the use of any information contained in the response.  All responses will be available, including name of the responder. In addition, NIH will prepare and make available a summary of all input received which is responsive to this RFI.


How to Submit a Response


All comments must be submitted electronically to  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfi_files/nih_dbrw/add.cfm. Responses to this RFI will be accepted through February 24, 2012. You will see an electronic confirmation acknowledging receipt of your response, but will not receive individualized feedback on any suggestions.  No basis for claims against the U.S. Government shall arise as a result of a response to this request for information or from the Government's use of such information.


Specific questions about this RFI should be directed to the following e-mail address: ACDDiversity@mail.nih.gov


Weekly TOC for this Announcement

NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices





[DIV28M] Research Position

Please see position announcement below and circulate to anyone who may be interested. Thanks.

Seeking a part-time research assistant in a translational neuroscience laboratory studying eating disorders and obesity, as they relate to addiction. Duties will include assisting with preclinical experiments (behavioral testing in rodents as well as molecular biological and blood assays), assisting with literature reviews and writing, organizing and executing experiments (clinical and preclinical), and general lab management tasks. Candidates should be motivated and well organized, with a BA or higher in a scientific discipline. There is opportunity to become full-time. Seeking a 1-2 year commitment. The position is in Princeton, NJ. Please send your CV to Dr. Nicole Avena, navena@ufl.edu if interested.


Nicole M. Avena, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

University of Florida

College of Medicine

Department of Psychiatry

Gainesville, FL 32608


Visiting Research Associate

Princeton University

Department of Psychology

Princeton, NJ 08501


Office: (352) 294-4935

Cell: (609) 647-1277

Fax: (609) 259-3787

Email: navena@ufl.edu



[DIV28SUPER] Article: amednews: Ban on 'bath salts,' synthetic marijuana delayed in Senate :: Jan. 9, 2012 ... American Medical News

amednews: Ban on 'bath salts,' synthetic marijuana delayed in Senate :: Jan. 9, 2012 ... American Medical News

(Sent from Flipboard)

Sent from my iPhone


[DIV28SUPER] APA Awards and Training Programs


Summer Science Fellowship

Applications due 2/10/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/science/resources/ssf/index.aspx

PSA announcement: http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2011/12/summer-research.aspx


Master Lecturers and Distinguished Scientist Lectures

Nominations due 2/12/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/bsa-masters.aspx (Master); http://www.apa.org/about/awards/bsa-scientist.aspx (Distinguished)

PSA announcement: http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2011/12/scientist-lecturers.aspx


McGuigan Early Career Investigator prize

Nominations due 3/1/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/apf/funding/mcguigan-prize.aspx

PSA announcement: http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2011/11/mcguigan-prize.aspx


Meritorious Research Service Commendation

Nominations due 3/1/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/bsa-merit.aspx


Departmental Award for Culture of Service in the Psychological Sciences

Submissions due 4/1/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/bsa-culture.aspx


Award for Distinguished Service to Psychological Science

Nominations due 4/1/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/about/awards/bsa-distserv.aspx


Advanced Training Institute (ATI): Structural Equation Modeling in Longitudinal Research

Application Due 3/20/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/science/resources/ati/equation-model.aspx


Advanced Training Institute (ATI): Exploratory Data Mining in Behavioral Research

Application Due 3/20/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/science/resources/ati/data-mining.aspx


Advanced Training Institute (ATI): Research Methods with Diverse Racial & Ethnic Groups

Application Due 3/27/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/science/resources/ati/res-diversity.aspx


Advanced Training Institute (ATI): Non-Linear Methods for Psychological Science

Application Due 3/27/12

Main page: http://www.apa.org/science/resources/ati/nonlinear.aspx




Chad Rummel, MEd | Communications Manager

Division Services Office | Governance Affairs

CODAPAR Staff Liaison

American Psychological Association

750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242

Tel: (202) 336-6121 | Fax: (202) 218-3599 |  crummel@apa.org

Join divisions online at www.apa.org/divapp

[DIV28SUPER] Patient centered outcomes research

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From: "Jamieson, Christine" <cjamieson@apa.org>



PCORI Solicits Feedback on Proposed Research Design Framework


Dear Division 28 Colleagues:


The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) has announced an opportunity to submit feedback concerning its proposed framework for assessing the design of research that examines the safety and effectiveness of health interventions.  This framework is expected to guide the Institute's future decisions for soliciting and funding comparative effectiveness studies.  APA encourages individual psychologists with relevant expertise to submit comments and the deadline is February 17, 2012.  Instructions for submitting comments are included in the online Request for Information.


The proposed framework incorporates such factors as internal and external validity, precision, heterogeneity of risks/benefits across subgroups, ethical considerations, time urgency, logistical constraints, and data availability.  The Institute seeks comments on the list of factors, suggestions for alternative factors or frameworks, and discussion of how these factors apply in different research domains.  Respondents are strongly encouraged to provide examples or case studies demonstrating how designs are selected for particular research questions, including considerations of trade-offs among factors.  Relevant research domains listed include behavioral therapies, health promotion programs, and delivery system interventions.


PCORI was established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (the health care reform law) as an independent, non-profit organization to support research on how to most effectively prevent, treat, and manage diseases and disorders.  Read more about PCORI in APA's Psychological Science Agenda:

·         Behavior change research highlighted at first PCORI board meeting (December 2010)

·         PCORI solicits public input on its research funding priorities (August 2011)

·         PCORI issues first funding announcement (October 2011)



Christine Jamieson | Science Policy Associate

Government Relations Office
Science Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002
Tel: (202) 336-6182 | Fax: (202) 336-6063
Email: cjamieson@apa.org | www.apa.org




[DIV28SUPER] Postdoctoral research fellowship positions at the University of Vermont

University of Vermont announces availability of NIDA postdoctoral
research fellowship positions in an internationally recognized center
of excellence on drug abuse. The Human Behavioral Pharmacology
Laboratory, est. in 1986, is a research unit of the Department of
Psychiatry that studies biological, environmental and pharmacological
factors influencing abuse of licit and illicit drugs. Fellows train
in wide range of human-laboratory and treatment-outcome research.

*Openings with Drs. Stacey C. Sigmon or Stephen T. Higgins on lab
studies of psychomotor stimulants and clinical trials on behavioral
treatments for cocaine dependence and smoking-cessation in
opioid-dependent and pregnant smokers.

*2-3 yr. Appointment

*Applicants must have completed doctoral training in psychology or a
related discipline and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Trainees are selected on the basis of scholastic record and commitment
to drug-abuse research.

*Supported by an NIDA/NIH Institutional Training Award.

*Forward CV, statement of research interests, 3 letters of reference
c/o: Diana Cain, University of Vermont, Dept. of Psychiatry, 1 South
Prospect St. UHC - MS#482, Burlington, VT 05401, Email:

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[DIV28SUPER] National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)

On January 6, NIH posted 3 related items of interest to the scientific community:

– a notice to inform the NIH community of changes underway that will create the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS):  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-12-027.html

–  a Federal Register notice establishing NCATS:  http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-01-06/pdf/2012-54.pdf

– a notice to inform the NIH community of changes to NIH administrative grant and application processes due to dissolution of the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR):  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-12-026.html




Towards methods refinement in health care delivery via Medicare and Medicaid .. Funded limited term participation

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[DIV28SUPER] NIH Seeks Proposals to Support Pain Management Education in Health Professional Schools




Proposals Sought to Support Pain Management Education in Health Professional Schools


The NIH Pain Consortium is encouraging medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy schools to respond to a new funding opportunity to develop Centers of Excellence in Pain Education (CoEPEs). The National Institute on Drug Abuse is the lead Institute on this effort.  On December 30, 2011, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was released by Altarum Institute and Palladian Partners, an Altarum company, on behalf of the NIH Pain Consortium, to develop and disseminate pain management curriculum resources for health care professionals and to provide leadership for change in pain management education. The RFP can be found at:  http://www.altarum.org/project-highlights-pain-education.



The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services

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- You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov 301-435-1309




[DIV28SUPER] Postdoctoral Training at the University of Missouri - Columbia

Please forward to suitable candidates.
Thanks and Best Wishes for the New Year,
Ken Sher

Postdoctoral Fellowships in Alcohol and Addiction Research
Department of Psychological Sciences
University of Missouri
and the Midwest Alcoholism Research Center

The Department of Psychological Sciences, at the University of Missouri, (MU) has openings for up to THREE POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWS IN ALCOHOL AND ADDICTIONS RESEARCH. Faculty preceptors include: Lynne Cooper (drinking motives, alcohol and sexual behavior, adolescent risk-taking, personality, diary and longitudinal methodologies), Ian Gizer (genetics of drug and alcohol use disorders, comorbidity, relations between personality and addictive behavior), Tom Piasecki (tobacco dependence and withdrawal, alcohol X tobacco interaction, hangover, ecological momentary assessment), Ken Sher (etiological processes in alcohol use disorders, comorbidity, alcohol and adult development, college student drinking), Wendy Slutske (behavioral genetics of alcoholism, externalizing behavior disorders, pathological gambling), Tim Trull (alcoholism and personality, personality disorder comorbidity), Phil Wood (alcohol use and cognitive development, alcohol use and schooling, quantitative methodology), Denis McCarthy (drinking motives, underage use, drinking and driving, behavioral pharmacogenetics of alcohol), Bruce Bartholow (alcohol and social cognition, alcohol and executive control, individual differences in alcohol sensitivity, social neuroscience), Doug Steinley (application of statistical methods to improvediagnosis, understand the use of substances in social networks, and subtyping addictive behaviors), Dennis Miller (behavioral pharmacology of nicotine and other drugs), and Matt Will (behavioral pharmacology of appetitive behaviorincluding eating and psychoactive substance use) . Postdoctoral research fellows will undertake advanced training in addictions and pursue their ownresearch interests under the supervision of one or more faculty preceptors.MU's addiction training is closely affiliated with the Midwest Alcoholism Research Center (MARC) based at Washington University in St. Louis (PI: Andrew Heath). Postdoctoral fellows will have the opportunity to become involved with MARC research activities in addition to those activities based on the MU campus. Two of the three positions will beinternally funded and international candidates will be considered. The other is funded through an NIH Institutional Training grant and only US citizens andpermanent residents can be considered. Candidates must hold a Ph.D. or other doctoral degree relevant to the study of the psychology of addiction. Thesepositions are for up to two years and start date is negotiable.

We will begin reviewing applicants after February 1st, 2012 and those applications received by thatdate will get full consideration.

Send vita, up to 5 representative reprints, a cover letter describing your research interests and training goals, and 3 letters of reference to: Addiction Research Training, c/o Gail Raskin, Dept. of Psychological Sciences, 200 S. 7th Street, University of Missouri,Columbia, MO 65211, rasking@missouri.edu<mailto:rasking@missouri.edu>, 573-882-1682. Inquiries can be made to Ken Sher, 573-882-4279, Email: SherK@missouri.edu<mailto:SherK@missouri.edu>.

Two of these appointments is contingent upon final budgetary approval by the Provost. The University of Missouri does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, disability, status as disabled veteran, or veteran of Vietnam era.

Kenneth J. Sher, Ph.D.
Curators' Distinguished Professor of Psychological Sciences
University of Missouri
200 South Seventh Street
Columbia, MO 65211
email: sherk@missouri.edu
Web: http://web.missouri.edu/~sherk

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