
[DIV28SUPER] Dr. John Harvey has passed

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Moerschbaecher, Joseph M." <JMoers@lsuhsc.edu<mailto:JMoers@lsuhsc.edu>>
Date: June 27, 2011 10:43:02 PM GMT+08:00
Reply-To: Members of the Behavioral Pharmacology Society <BPS@LSUHSC.EDU<mailto:BPS@LSUHSC.EDU>>

After being contacted by Jim Barrett, I am saddened to pass along the news that Dr. John Harvey died Saturday night, June 25th, after a lengthy hospitalization. Dr. Harvey was Professor of Pharmacology and former department chair at Drexel University. His many contributions to behavioral pharmacology are well known.

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[DIV28SUPER] Conference on tobacco regulation

"Where there's smoke, there's ire: Conference lauds new FDA powers to regulate tobacco." http://hvrd.me/lasGRh

by Harvard Research at 6/26/11 8:50 AM

PowerPoint presentations online from this interesting conference

(Source: http://twitter.com/HarvardResearch/status/84981752816345088)

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[DIV28M] Krokodil: The drug that eats junkies - Europe, World - The Independent

Here is a link about an alarming new drug being abused in Russia.


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twitter: @apadiv28


Re: [DIV28SUPER] Mixer: Meeting room 303 N tower

How would I go about unsubscribing?

I apologize that everyone has to receive this message.


On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 5:24 PM, Greenwald, Mark wrote:

> Dear CPDD attendees of APA Div28: tomorrow's (Wed) 6-8 pm mixer for
> current members and new recruits will be held in meeting room 303.
> This is located on the 3rd level in the north tower of the hotel (not
> the conference area) on the beach side.
> We will provide pizza and sodas. Alcoholic beverages can be purchased
> in the hotel and brought to room 303.
> I look forward to seeing you! Best, Mark
> Sent from my iPhone
> ___________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
> Div28m members may post here subscribers corner:
> http://lists.apa.org

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[DIV28SUPER] Mixer: Meeting room 303 N tower

Dear CPDD attendees of APA Div28: tomorrow's (Wed) 6-8 pm mixer for current members and new recruits will be held in meeting room 303. This is located on the 3rd level in the north tower of the hotel (not the conference area) on the beach side.

We will provide pizza and sodas. Alcoholic beverages can be purchased in the hotel and brought to room 303.

I look forward to seeing you! Best, Mark

Sent from my iPhone
___________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[DIV28M] FDA Tobacco Products warning label update

Beginning September 2012, FDA will require larger, more prominent cigarette health warnings on all cigarette packaging and advertisements in the United States.  These warnings mark the first change in cigarette warnings in more than 25 years and are a significant advancement in communicating the dangers of smoking.
Go to the site above to see the new warnings.

Nancy A. Piotrowski, Ph.D.
Core Faculty, General Psychology
Lead Faculty, Addiction Psychology
Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Psychology, Capella University
Co-Chair, Government Affairs Steering Committee, California Psychological Association
Past President, San Francisco Psychological Association
President-Elect, Napa Solano Psychological Association
3450 Geary Boulevard, Suite #107
San Francisco, CA  94118
Phone & FAX by request

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twitter: @apadiv28

[DIV28SUPER] Cigarette Health Warning Announcement Watch today's announcement live from the White House. When: Tuesday, June 21, at 12:30 PM EST Webcast Link: http://wh.gov/live


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[DIV28SUPER] Update on Div28 mixer (@ CPDD)

The Westin Diplomat will not be able to tell me the room number from the hotel for the mixer until mid-day Wednesday. I will send an email blast between 11 am and 3 pm Wed to let you know. Thanks for your patience! Mark

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___________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
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[DIV28SUPER] FW: Call for Applications - APF Gold Medal Awards for Life Achievement

Dear Members:
Attached you will find a Call for Applications for the American Psychological Foundation's (APF) 2012 Gold Medal Awards for Life Achievement, which are bestowed in recognition of a distinguished career and enduring contribution to psychology.
The deadline for applications is December 1, 2011. Please consider nominating or forwarding to someone you think might be qualified.
If you have question, contact:
Anjalene Whittier
Grants & Scholarships Intern
American Psychological Foundation
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
P: (202) 336-5873 I F: (202) 336-5812 I E: awhittier@apa.org
APF: Psychology, Philanthropy

[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: Call for Applications - APF Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award

Dear Members
Attached you will find a Call for Applications for the American Psychological Foundation's (APF) 2012 Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award, which recognizes a significant career of contributions of a psychologist who has a proven track record as an exceptional teacher of psychology.
The deadline for applications is December 1, 2011. Please consider nominating or forward to anyone you think might be qualified.
For questions, contact:
Anjalene Whittier
Grants & Scholarships Intern
American Psychological Foundation
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
P: (202) 336-5873 I F: (202) 336-5812 I E: awhittier@apa.org <mailto:awhittier@apa.org>
APF: Psychology, Philanthropy


[DIV28SUPER] Reminder Request: Head Count for APA Division 28 Mixer at CPDD

Dear all

I thank those who have already responded to the initial request as to whether you will attend the APA Division 28 mixer at CPDD next Wednesday June 22 (6-8 pm) at the Westin Diplomat in Hollywood Florida.  

I'd like to ensure sufficient food and drink for everyone, so this is a friendly reminder to respond to me by tomorrow if you plan to attend.  Please be sure to indicate if you will bring a new recruit (which I hope you will do).  (Even if you don't, you're welcome to attend.)  If you bring a new member, remember that you get to draw for a prize and they will get first-year free membership!

See you soon for this win-win event.

Thanks, Mark

Mark Greenwald, PhD
President, Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse)
American Psychological Association


[DIV28SUPER] Nora Volkow interview in NY Times



Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
NIDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Learning and Health
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5200 Eastern Avenue, Suite 142 West
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-7495
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[DIV28SUPER] Initial Head Count for APA Division 28 mixer at CPDD (Wed June 22 from 6-8 pm)

As you know, we are holding a mixer at CPDD on Wed June 22 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm in my suite to:

    • Celebrate Division 28, its excellent professional activities, and support/development of our member-scientists
    • Welcome new members (who receive a free first-year membership), and
    • Hold a fun prize drawing as an incentive for current members who recruit new members
    • Eat, refresh and chat (we will provide pizza and drinks)

See http://www.apadivisions.org/division-28/membership/index.aspx for details.

To prepare for this event, it will be very useful to have a head count.  

Please respond to me (mgreen@med.wayne.edu) to indicate if you are attending and recruiting a new member (who should also attend this event).

We look forward to seeing you there!  Stay tuned to receive info re: the Westin Diplomat hotel suite room number for this event.

Thanks, Mark

Mark Greenwald, PhD
President, Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse)
American Psychological Association


[DIV28SUPER] Update: Reorganization of Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction (SUAA) Research at NIH

This morning, NIH Deputy Director, Dr. Lawrence Tabak, gave a presentation at the NIAAA Advisory Council meeting to provide an update on the timeline for the reorganization of SUAA research at NIH. Dr. Tabak told the group that the timeline for releasing a draft portfolio integration plan has been extended to October/November 2012. A parallel process will be designed to provide greater opportunity for stakeholder input in a strategic plan for the reorganized entity (distinct from the portfolio integration planning) with the intent that a strategic plan will be released at the same time as a portfolio integration plan. Dr. Tabak's presentation will be available on the NIH Feedback website tomorrow after he briefs the Advisory Council to the NIH Director. More details wil follow in the next editions of PSA and SPIN.


[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: request for panelists for ECP Committee of Div 35


Please see message below seeking about volunteer panelists for a Div 35 ECP session at the annual convention.


Begin forwarded message:


The Early Career Psychologist Committee of Div 35 is looking for 4-6 psychologists to sit on a panel for its suite programming at the APA Convention this August in Washington, DC. Here is a description of what our panelists will be discussing:

With therecession and current job climate, psychologists are having to consider lesstraditional careers. During this discussion hour, we will have a panel ofpsychologists who have gone outside of the box and expanded their careers intoother markets talk about non-traditional psychology jobs and how to find them.

This suite programming will be on Saturday, 8/6 from 11am to 11:50pm. The suite is located at the Washington Marriott Metro Center Hotel in the Presidential Suite (775  12th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005).

If you are interested in participating, please email me directly at sslaughterpsyd@gmail.com. Also please feel free to share this email with others or send me names of psychologists I can contact who you think would be appropriate for this panel.

Thanks so much for all your help. See you in DC!!

Samantha Slaughter, PsyD

Private Practice, Seattle, WA
Assistant Director, Fremont Community Therapy Project
Secretary, Washington State Psychological Association


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[DIV28SUPER] Short Course on the Genetics of Addiction at the Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, Aug 14-18: Application deadline, July 14, 2011

Short Course on the Genetics of Addiction

Supported by National Institute on Drug Abuse Grant - DA030036, The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, LabDiet and TestDiet

Application deadline: July 14, 2011


Date: August 14-18, 2011

Location: The Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine

Website: http://courses.jax.org/2011/addiction


This course emphasizes genetic applications and approaches to drug addiction research through methodological instruction based on literature, data sets and informatics resources drawn from studies of addiction related phenotypes. The course includes plenary sessions on major progress in addiction genetics, and discussion sessions in which students present their work for discussion on applications of genetic methods. Students will leave the course able to design and interpret genetic and genomic studies of addiction as they relate to their specific research question, and will be able to make use of current bioinformatics resources to identify research resources and make use of public data sources in their own research.


A limited number of scholarships may be available to help attendees with travel expenses.


For more information or to apply for this event, please go to http://courses.jax.org/2011/addiction or contact Erin McDevitt; erin.mcdevitt@jax.org or 207-288-6659



The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services

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- You will receive a confirmation email if successful. If you have problems contact jpollock@mail.nih.gov 301-435-1309



[DIV28SUPER] Caffeine Survey...less than 5 minutes!

Dear APA Division 28 member:
Please consider participating in a brief Caffeine Disorders Survey that can be accessed by clicking on the following link below

The survey should take just a couple of minutes.

Dr. Alan Budney of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences is conducting this survey.  The results will be shared with the DSM-V Substance Use Work Group. Note that Dr. Budney is a member of that Work Group. Thank you for your time and for considering this request.

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[DIV28M] Scientist Spotlight: June 2011


Please enjoy this June edition of the Scientist Spotlight!

Kelly and Sarah


Scientist Spotlight is a monthly series that asks senior and mid-level scientists to provide information on how they choose to balance work and life responsibilities. This column is in response to an overwhelming request from Early Career Psychologists that more information (and assistance) in learning how to balance work and life be made available.  We are hopeful that by reading how different scientists balance work and life goals and responsibilities, graduate students and Early Career Psychologists will be better prepared to develop methods for being successful in science while still meeting personal life goals. Overall, we hope you find this series useful and enjoyable!

Please contact Kelly Dunn (kdunn9@jhmi.edu) or Sarah Tragesser (stragesser@tricity.wsu.edu) to nominate someone to be highlighted in this series.

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
NIDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Learning and Health
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5200 Eastern Avenue, Suite 142 West
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-7495
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