
Re: [DIV28SUPER] Award nominees - First Notice

Hi Everyone,

This is the final call for nominations for Div 28 awards.  Nominations are requested for the 2012 MED Associates Brady/Schuster Award, Outstanding Dissertation Award, and the Young Psychopharmacologist Award. Please take some time over the next week to look over the previous winners (included in the attachment), consider potential nominees and submit nomination materials. Candidates must be nominated by a Member or Fellow of Division 28. Any snail-mailed materials should be sent to: Chana Akins, Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0044.   E-mailed materials may be sent to ckakin1@uky.edu.  Materials must be received no later than January 4, 2012 .



Happy Holidays,  


Div 28 Awards Chair


Chana K. Akins, Ph.D.


Department of Psychology

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY 40506-0044

(859)257-1103, Fax (859)323-1979



[DIV28SUPER] University of Vermont Postdoctoral position in Drug Abuse Research

> University of Vermont announces availability of NIDA postdoctoral fellowships in internationally recognized center of research excellence on drug abuse. The Human Behavioral Pharmacology Laboratory, est. in 1986, is a research unit of the Department of Psychiatry that studies biological, environmental and pharmacological factors influencing abuse of licit and illicit drugs. Fellows train in wide range of humanlaboratory and treatmentoutcome research.
>  *Openings with Drs. Stacey C. Sigmon or Stephen T. Higgins on lab studies of psychomotor stimulants and clinical trials on behavioral treatments for cocaine dependence and smokingcessation in opioiddependent and pregnant smokers.
>  *2 to 3 year appointment.
>  *Applicants must have completed doctoral training in psychology or a related discipline and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Trainees are selected on the basis of scholastic record and commitment to drugabuse research.
>  *Supported by an NIDA/NIH Institutional Training Award.
>  To apply: Please forward a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and three letters of reference in c/o:
> Diana Cain
> University of Vermont, Dept. of Psychiatry
> 1 South Prospect St. UHC MS#482
> Burlington, VT 05401
> Email: Diana.Cain@uvm.edu


[DIV28SUPER] FW: Faculty and Program Director Position Announcement

From: "Jessica A. López" <jalopez@alliant.edu>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 13:11:23 -0500
To: Ronald Wood <Ronald_Wood@URMC.Rochester.edu>
Subject: Faculty and Program Director Position Announcement


Dear Ronald Wood,


Keith Cooke suggested that I send this directly to you for Division 28.


Sheila Henderson (I-MERIT Associate Director) suggested that we contact you regarding the distribution of the attached announcement for a faculty position and Program Director position in our APA accredited, Clinical Psychology PhD Program at Alliant International University in San Diego. Would you please distribute the attached position announcement to your membership in Division 28? In advance, thank you for your help with our faculty search and Program Director.


Thank you,


Jessica López

Administrative Assistant Clinical PhD Program

Alliant International University

10455 Pomerado Road DH 117B

San Diego, CA 92131

T: (858) 635-4767

F: (858) 635-4482




[DIV28SUPER] SAMHSA's 2012 Science and Service Awards

FYI, we've been asked to circulate this announcement.  Please circulate it to other individuals or groups who might be interested.


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is seeking applications from qualified opioid treatment programs (OTPs) and office-based opioid treatment providers (OBOT) for the 2012 Science and Service Awards Program. This national awards program promotes excellence in the treatment of opioid addiction by honoring OTPs and OBOT providers using pharmacotherapy and other innovative approaches to enhance patient outcomes.       


Please refer to SAMHSA'S web site for additional information.




[DIV28SUPER] University of Vermont Postdoc Position


University of Vermont announces availability of NIDA postdoctoral
fellowships in internationally recognized center of research
excellence on drug abuse. The Human Behavioral Pharmacology
Laboratory, est. in 1986, is a research unit of the Department of
Psychiatry that studies biological, environmental and pharmacological
factors influencing abuse of licit and illicit drugs. Fellows train in
wide range of human?laboratory and treatment?outcome research.

*Openings with Drs. Stacey C. Sigmon or Stephen T. Higgins on lab
studies of psychomotor stimulants and clinical trials on behavioral
treatments for cocaine dependence and smoking?cessation in
opioid?dependent and pregnant smokers.

*2 to 3 year appointment.

*Applicants must have completed doctoral training in psychology or a
related discipline and be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Trainees are selected on the basis of scholastic record and commitment
to drug?abuse research.

*Supported by an NIDA/NIH Institutional Training Award.

To apply: Please forward a curriculum vitae, statement of research
interests, and three letters of reference in c/o:
Diana Cain
University of Vermont, Dept. of Psychiatry
1 South Prospect St. UHC ? MS#482
Burlington, VT 05401

Email: Diana.Cain@uvm.edu

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Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] APA Minority Fellowship Program Call for Fellowship Applications

American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program:

Call for Fellowship Applications


MFP Fellows receive much more than financial support; they join a community committed to their success.  Fellows are mentored by leading ethnic minority psychologists and become part of a lifetime network of professional psychologists interested in ethnic minority behavioral health issues.


Fellowship Opportunities (Click for more information)

This fellowship is aimed at those pursuing doctoral degrees in clinical, counseling, and school psychology, as well as other behavioral health services or policy areas.


This fellowship is aimed at early career doctoral recipients who are interested in developing a career in behavioral health services or policy.


About the Minority Fellowship Program

The APA MFP is an innovative, comprehensive, and coordinated training and career development program that promotes psychological and behavioral outcomes of ethnic minority communities.  MFP is committed to increasing the number of ethnic minority professionals in the field and enhancing our understanding of the life experiences of ethnic minority communities. 


The application deadline is January 15


For more information or to apply, please visit our web site at www.apa.org/pi/mfp





Jared Shamwell | Program Coordinator, Minority Fellowship Program

Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202.336.6127 |  Fax: 202 336.6012

email: jshamwell@apa.org | www.apa.org


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[DIV28SUPER] Positions at the University of Kentucky

Tenure Track Faculty Positions in Health Services Research

The Department of Behavioral Science, located within the College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky, is seeking applicants for multiple newly established full-time, tenure-track positions at all ranks; salary will be commensurate with the rank. Successful candidates must have completed advanced degrees (e.g., Ph.D.) and established programs of extramurally funded health outcomes or health services research. The University of Kentucky has growing programs of health outcomes and health services research among its Colleges (Medicine, Public Health, Pharmacy) and Centers (Center for Clinical & Translational Science, with biostatistics, biomedical informatics and community engagement functions; Cancer, Aging, Prevention Research, and Drug and Alcohol Research). Other university resources include the Center of Excellence in Rural Health; the Kentucky Ambulatory Network; the Center for Poverty Research; and many more. With increasing opportunities for collaboration throughout the University, health services research comprises a major research initiative. The Department of Behavioral Science is a multidisciplinary, basic science department within the College of Medicine with a tradition of collaboration among these units. The University is located in Central Kentucky's Bluegrass region, an area known for its quality of life. Lexington is a community of approximately 330,000 with excellent schools, diverse business and industry, and a variety of cultural and recreational opportunities. Information about the Department of Behavioral Science is available at <http://www.mc.uky.edu/behavioralscience>. Additional information can be obtained by e-mail from TK Logan, Ph.D. < tklogan@email.uky.edu>. Interested applicants should submit a current curriculum vitae, a letter of application outlining their research and interest in the position, and three letters of recommendation to: Search Committee (c/o Cynthia Campbell), Department of Behavioral Science, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY 40536-0086. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled. All applicants will be required to pass a pre-employment drug screen and undergo a pre-employment national background check as mandated by University of Kentucky Human Resources. The University of Kentucky is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: January Deadline for APA Executive Branch Science Fellowship Program

From: Jamieson, Christine
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 5:01 PM

January Deadline for APA Executive Branch Science Fellowship Program


January Deadline for APA Executive Branch Science Fellowship Program

Come spend a year in Washington, DC as an APA Executive Branch Science Fellow!  Applications are due January 6, 2012 for the fellowship program, which places psychological scientists as special assistants in federal science agencies for one year appointments.  Previous placement opportunities for APA Fellows have included the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Department of Defense, the Department of Education, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy. Activities may involve soliciting research applications and running peer review panels, staffing inter-governmental scientific task forces and committees, producing scientific media materials, responding to Congressional inquiries, working on agency budgets and programming, and preparing briefs and speeches.  Along with Fellows sponsored by over two dozen other professional scientific societies, APA Fellows attend an orientation program on Congressional and Executive Branch operations as well as a year-long science and public policy seminar series administered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and APA. APA will sponsor one or more Fellows for a one-year appointment beginning September 1, 2012. The Fellowship stipend is $74,500 and APA also provides $5,300 for health insurance coverage, $3,000 for professional development and relocation expenses during the fellowship year, and travel/lodging for the 2013 APA convention. Final selection of Fellows will be made in early spring of 2012.

Fellows should demonstrate excellence in scientific psychology, understand the application of psychological knowledge to national research and policy issues, and be able to work quickly and communicate effectively on a wide variety of topics and work cooperatively with individuals having diverse viewpoints.  Applicants must have a doctorate in psychology (from an APA-accredited doctoral program) or related field and be members of APA (or applicants for membership) and U.S. citizens.  A minimum of two years post-doctoral experience is preferred.  Apply online through the Fellowship website at http://www.apa.org/about/awards/science-fellowship.aspx or contact Dr. Heather Kelly, Fellowship Director, at (202) 336-5932.


[DIV28SUPER] APA statement on DSM-5 Development Process

The APA Board of Directors has released a statement on the DSM-5 development process.  This statement builds upon earlier communications and calls for a science-based process and one that avoids the problem of over or misidentification of individuals as being in need of treatment in ways that could lead to unnecessary and potentially harmful interventions.
See the full text of the statement at:


[DIV28SUPER] Apportionment Ballot for 2013: Please allocate your votes to Division 28

Dear Division 28 Voting Members:

APA members with voting rights should recently have received via "snail mail" a folded brochure titled, "Apportionment Ballot for 2013 Legislative Year".   Each member is able to allocate up to 10 votes to APA divisions or state/provincial/territorial psychological associations.

As we have routinely requested in prior years, we strongly encourage Division 28 members to allocate all 10 of their personal votes to Division 28.  This is highly advantageous to ensure representation of our division (which is relatively small compared to others).

As the brochure indicates, the apportionment ballot needs to be mailed and received at APA central office by Dec 16, 2011.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards, Mark

Mark Greenwald, PhD
President, Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse)
American Psychological Association


[DIV28SUPER] FW: Call for Nominations for Committee on Human Research (CHR)

Call for Nominations for Committee on Human Research (CHR)

The Committee on Human Research (CHR) is seeking nominations for two new members to serve three-year terms beginning January 1, 2013.
The mission of this seven-member Committee is to facilitate research with human participants that complies with prevailing ethical principles and governmental regulations, and examine issues regarding the formulation and implementation of such principles and regulations. The Committee's purview encompasses such topics as confidentiality, decisional capacity, diversity of research populations, research dissemination, cross-disciplinary standards, international collaborations, and resource and data sharing. The committee also engages in educational and advocacy efforts in the realm of human research protections.
CHR is seeking nominees for the following areas:
(1) Applied research
(2) Community-based research
Nominees should be currently or recently engaged in research with human participants and have served on an institutional review board (IRB) or similar body. CHR is especially seeking nominations from researchers who work with children, and highly encourages early career psychologists to apply.
Self-nominations are welcome. Nomination materials should include:
(a) A statement of interest clearly indicating which of the two areas the nominee represents, and describing their expertise, experience, and interests in contemporary human research protection issues; and,
(b) A current curriculum vita.
Nominees selected by the APA Board of Scientific Affairs (BSA) to serve on the Committee will be required to attend two Committee meetings per year in Washington, DC, with expenses reimbursed by APA, and to participate in conference calls.
Nomination materials should be received by no later than February 1, 2012. Please submit nominations via e-mail to Jenna McGwin <mailto:jmcgwin@apa.org>  (jmcgwin@apa.org)

[DIV28SUPER] FW: Call for Nominations - CWP Leadership Awards

Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) Leadership Awards
Deadline February 1, 2012

The APA Committee on Women in Psychology (CWP) invites nominations for its annual Leadership Awards. These awards demonstrate CWP's commitment to ensuring that women receive equity both within psychology and as consumers of psychological services, and that issues pertaining to women are kept at the forefront of psychological research, education, training, and practice.
Nominees will be identified as "emerging" or "distinguished" leaders in one or more areas of influence: practice, scholarship, public interest, and service in psychology. Emerging leaders are psychologists who have received their doctorate within the past 15 years, have made a substantial contribution to women in psychology and show promise of an extensive, influential career. Distinguished leaders are psychologists who have worked for 15 years or more after receiving their doctorate. They should have a longstanding influence on women's issues and status and should be recognized leaders in their area of expertise.
The following categories are used to examine each candidate's work and qualifications. Successful candidates will have made significant contributions in one or more of the following areas:
This award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding delivery of psychological services to women. Such leadership includes working directly with women, directing and/or supervising psychological services for women, and/or development of innovative psychological services for women.
This award recognizes innovative, high-quality research accomplishments that affect women's lives or improve their status. Such leadership includes but is not limited to (a) increasing our general knowledge and understanding of women's experiences and development; and/or (b) developing theory and research relevant to decreasing societal biases (e.g., sexism, racism, heterosexism, abelism, ageism, etc.) that impede the advancement of women. Relevant activities include publication, teaching, and mentoring.
Public Interest
This award recognizes individuals whose efforts have furthered the welfare of women. Such leadership includes but is not limited to (a) promoting policy/legislation that improves the welfare of women; (b) increasing the representation of women in psychology and society; (c) advocating for the rights of women; (d) using the psychology of science to advance women's lives; (e) challenging the discrimination and harassment of all women; and (f) improving the welfare of underrepresented subpopulations of women in psychology and society
Service in Psychology
This award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in their service to psychology, nationally and internationally. Such leadership includes serving in multiple leadership positions in the governance of psychology-oriented groups, having a sustaining impact and influence on women's issues in policy and procedures in professional organizations, and/or tackling important and significant issues for women as part of their leadership activities.
Procedures for Making Nominations
All nominations must include a brief statement of support for the nominee (500-word maximum), a current vita, and three letters of reference. Reference letters should indicate whether the candidate is being nominated as an emerging or a distinguished leader, and identify the areas in which the candidate has made contributions (practice, scholarship, public interest, and/or service in psychology). Additionally, letters should address the nominees' leadership activities, contributions, and scope of influence that advance knowledge for and about women, foster understanding of women's lives, and improve the status of women and underrepresented populations of women in psychology and society.
Current CWP members, liaisons and monitors to CWP, BAPPI members and other like representatives, members of APA's Board of Directors, individuals who have announced candidacy for APA President, and APA staff are not eligible to apply during the year(s) they serve in the aforementioned positions and two years after. CWP members cannot make nominations. Award recipients, selected by CWP at the spring meeting, are announced at the following APA Convention.
Nominations and supporting materials must be postmarked by February 1, 2012. Incomplete nominations and materials sent after the deadline will not be reviewed. Send nominations materials to: Women's Programs Office, American Psychological Association, 750 First St., N.E., Washington, DC 20002-4242, and/or by fax to 202-336-6117, and/or by email at Khill@apa.org.


[DIV28SUPER] Summer research experience for undergraduate s tudents - app lications available


Subject line:  Summer research experience for undergraduate students – applications available


Please help us spread the word about a wonderful summer research experience for undergraduate students at US and Canadian colleges and universities.   APA is again sponsoring its Summer Science Fellowship program, hosted by the Psychology Department at George Mason University.  Up to twelve students who are current juniors will be selected for this six week long, paid summer research internship.  Students will be selected for experiences in one of several areas, including biological, applied developmental, applied cognitive, neuroscience, clinical, school, and industrial/ organizational.

International students enrolled in US or Canadian colleges are eligible; US citizenship is not required. Students from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

The application deadline is February 10, 2012.  Please encourage your best students to apply for this outstanding program.    


Please visit http://www.apa.org/science/resources/ssf/index.aspx for more information about the Summer Science Fellowship program.  Contactssf@apa.org or call 202-336-6000 if you have questions.



[DIV28SUPER] Award nominees - Second Notice

Sorry - sending this again with the attachment that includes previous award winners.

From: Akins, Chana
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 11:18 AM
Subject: Award nominees - Second Notice

Hi Everyone,

I have attached an announcement soliciting nominations for Division 28 awards.  Nominations are requested for the 2012 MED Associates Brady/Schuster Award, Outstanding Dissertation Award, and the Young Psychopharmacologist Award. Please take some time over the next week to look over the previous winners (included in the attachment), consider potential nominees and submit nomination materials. Candidates must be nominated by a Member or Fellow of Division 28. Any snail-mailed materials should be sent to: Chana Akins, Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0044.   E-mailed materials may be sent to ckakin1@uky.edu.  (Please put "Division 28 Nomination"in the Subject line on all emails). Materials must be received no later than January 4, 2012 .



Thank You,  


Awards Chair Div 28





The Winter Conference on Animal Learning and Behavior will 
convene in Winter Park, Colorado from Saturday, January 28, through 
Wednesday, February 1, 2012.  
A limited number of accommodations remain available plus 
participants have until early January 2012 to submit 
presentations to be included in the Program.




Project Nim.  The Untold Story


Herb Terrace

Columbia University


Abstract--In the mid-70’s, I directed a project at Columbia University to teach Nim, an infant chimpanzee, to use American Sign Language.  Project Nim, a documentary that opened on July 8, loosely describes the project.  It shows Nim interacting with his teachers after he arrived from his birthplace at the Primate Institute in Norman, Oklahoma when he was two weeks old.  Viewers would have to close their eyes not to appreciate Nim’s loveable personality and his endearing antics.  But, unfortunately, they would be hard pressed to see the science on which the project was based.


That’s because the documentary pointedly avoided that topic, -which is a shame because the project provided important scientific insights into what chimpanzees can tell us about humanity.  The project’s goal was to determine whether a non-human primate could learn to use grammatical rules to create particular meanings, the essence of language.  Positive evidence of Nim’s grammatical ability would undermine the claim of human uniqueness in the animal kingdom.  Negative evidence would raise the question, “Why can’t a chimpanzee learn a grammatical language?”  My talk today addresses that question and also outlines what there is about the evolution of humans that made them specifically equipped to learn language.




Theory of Mind:  Current Status of the Controversy Focus Session already has international representation and there is a slot still open for one with relevant research interests.  In addition, all participants are invited to make a presentation of their WCALB-related research in other sessions.  Graduate students are welcome, and can make presentations with the written recommendation of their advisor.  Posters are also accepted.




The all inclusive cost for registration, four nights in a shared Snowblaze condominium, an opening buffet reception, and a dinner at a fine restaurant in Winter Park is only $360 per person or $720 per couple (couples have their own room, usually with private bath, in a condo).  The Snowblaze is located in Winter Park near restaurants and shops.  It has an excellent health club with sauna, steam room, hot tub, pool, weight room and handball courts.  All units have complete kitchens.


There is downhill skiing for all skill levels, up to black diamond, as well as exciting cross-country skiing in the Arapaho National Forest, Devil's Thumb and Snow Mountain Ranch.  The majestic snow-covered Rockies in winter are breathtaking.


Contact me (sweiss@american.edu) if you need more information.  Accommodations at the indicated modest rates cannot be guaranteed once reserved units are filled.  We will do our best to include late registrants in the Conference, but often they have had to pay substantially more for their accommodations.  Therefore, if you are interested in attending the Conference let me know as soon as possible.  More information on the Conference and registration can be found on our website, http://www.american.edu/academic.depts/cas/psych/wcalb.htm.


Hope to see you in Winter Park!




Stanley J. Weiss
Convener, Winter Conference on Animal Learning & Behavior
Professor of Experimental Psychology
American University
Washington, D. C. 20016
Phone:  202-885-1724
Fax:  202-885-1023
e-mail:  sweiss@american.edu







The 120th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association will be held August 2-5, 2012 in Orlando, FL. 


The 2012 Convention promises to be exciting, with the Association’s typical offering of popular speakers and distinguished lecturers, in addition to the hours of symposia, workshops, and poster sessions sponsored by the scientific divisions. 


The deadline for submitting abstracts and symposia is THIS THURSDAY, December 1st – less than 3 days away.  The call for proposals is posted on the APA web site at http://www.apa.org/convention/proposals.aspx


Division 28 is planning an active program at next year’s Convention under the broad theme, Translational Research in Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse.  Posters and symposia related to all aspects of psychopharmacology and substance abuse research are welcomed and encouraged.




Insider’s Secret: When submitting symposia, be sure to request CE credits to ensure a large turnout!


If you have any questions about next year’s program or how to submit your proposal, please don't hesitate to contact me (masmith@davidson.edu).


Best Regards,

Mark Smith

APA Division 28

2012 Program Chair



Mark Smith, PhD

Department of Psychology

Box 7037

Davidson College

Davidson, NC 28035-7037


Phone: 704-894-2470

Fax: 704-894-2512


[DIV28SUPER] Award nominees - Second Notice

Hi Everyone,

I have attached an announcement soliciting nominations for Division 28 awards.  Nominations are requested for the 2012 MED Associates Brady/Schuster Award, Outstanding Dissertation Award, and the Young Psychopharmacologist Award. Please take some time over the next week to look over the previous winners (included in the attachment), consider potential nominees and submit nomination materials. Candidates must be nominated by a Member or Fellow of Division 28. Any snail-mailed materials should be sent to: Chana Akins, Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0044.   E-mailed materials may be sent to ckakin1@uky.edu.  (Please put "Division 28 Nomination"in the Subject line on all emails). Materials must be received no later than January 4, 2012 .



Thank You,  


Awards Chair Div 28




[DIV28SUPER] Request for Information (RFI): To Solicit Input on Partnerships between Extramural and NIH Intramural Investigators Utilizing the NIH Clinical Center

Request for Information (RFI): To Solicit Input on Partnerships between Extramural and NIH Intramural Investigators Utilizing the NIH Clinical Center

Notice Number: NOT-OD-12-005

Key Dates
Release Date: October 12, 2011
Response Date: December 1, 2011 

Issued by
National Institutes of Health (NIH)


The NIH Clinical Center (CC) seeks input from extramural scientists to identify potential opportunities for proposals involving use of the CC, in collaboration with the NIH intramural community, to enhance translation of basic biological discoveries into clinical applications that improve health. Information is sought on potential paradigms for collaborative partnerships, not necessarily on specific projects.



The NIH Clinical Center is a hospital exclusively dedicated to clinical research. Its mission includes the support of clinical studies that are considered intellectually challenging and high-risk but with the potential of high reward with new breakthroughs in medicine.

In December 2010, the Congressionally-mandated Scientific Management Review Board (SMRB) recognized the potential benefits of opening the Clinical Center to extramural investigators. Their final report states, "The Clinical Center has boasted a long, distinguished history of significant research accomplishments. It also has served as a home for many of our nation's leading clinical investigators and academic leaders and is considered by many to be the premier institution for training the next generation of clinical researchers. Nonetheless, the traditional perception is that the Clinical Center is a resource intended only for NIH and its intramural program. Given  the unique resources, expertise, and patient populations housed within the Center, some have argued that allowing qualified external investigators to conduct research at the Clinical Center could yield tremendous benefits to the clinical research enterprise overall."  The SMRB formally recommended that the role of the NIH Clinical Center "should be to serve as a state-of-the-art national resource, with resources optimally managed to enable both internal and external investigator use." SMRB Report on the Clinical Center: pgs. 8 – 10. (http://smrb.od.nih.gov/documents/reports/CC_122010.pdf)

The special environment of the CC supports collaborative studies with NIH intramural investigators that may not be readily supported elsewhere. This is because the CC is a hospital that is exclusively dedicated to research with such special resources and opportunities as listed below, which may be accessible to extramural investigators via partnerships with intramural investigators:

To implement the SMRB recommendations and to broaden and accelerate translational research, the NIH is considering the establishment of a new Bench to Bedside program of cooperative agreements between basic and clinical researchers, both within and outside the NIH. Teams will have at least one NIH intramural and one extramural investigator. These investigators will have access to the NIH Clinical Center, leveraging its diverse resources, expertise, and infrastructure to test promising discoveries in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease.

Information Requested

NIH requests responses to all or some of the following items:

1.     How would partnering with NIH intramural investigators and use of the NIH Clinical Center resources help advance your research project or enhance your science?

2.     What special Clinical Center resources would you be most interested in using and why?

3.     What current barriers or challenges exist for you in accessing the Clinical Center or in partnering with the NIH intramural community?

4.     What actions should the NIH and Clinical Center consider taking to address these challenges or to make it more feasible for you to access the Clinical Center and NIH intramural investigators? If you have ever utilized the Clinical Center or partnered with an intramural program at the Clinical Center, how did the partnership/utilization work and how satisfied were you with your overall experience?

 How to Submit a Response
Response to this RFI is voluntary.  Interested extramural investigators and other interested parties are invited to respond. Responders are free to address any or all the above items. Please note that the Government will not pay for response preparation or for the use of any information contained in the response. 

All comments must be submitted electronically to:

Responses to this RFI will be accepted through December 1, 2011. You will receive an electronic confirmation acknowledging receipt of your response, but will not receive individualized feedback on any suggestions.  No basis for claims against the U.S. Government shall arise as a result of a response to this request for information or from the Government's use of such information.

A summary of responsive input will be made publicly available.  Personally identifiable information will be removed to the extent possible prior to making the comments public.  We recommend that respondents remove personal identifiers prior to submission and that no proprietary information be included in the response. 


Specific questions about this RFI should be directed to the following e-mail address: ClinicalCtrPartner@mail.nih.gov

Weekly TOC for this Announcement
NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices

Office of Extramural
Research (OER)


National Institutes of Health (NIH)
9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20892


Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS)



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The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services

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[DIV28M] proposed bylaws amendment

Dear Division 28 Members-
I have attached our bylaws that include a proposed amendment to expedite the membership process. This amendment has been reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee. Please look over the revisions, visible in track changes on Microsoft Word, and email me (william.stoops@uky.edu) with a yes or no vote for the amendment by December 3, 2011 at 5 PM Eastern Time.
Thanks for your time,
Bill Stoops.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information
may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for
the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have
received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or
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[DIV28M] Fellowships in Addictive Disorders and Hepatitis C/HIV

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heath Gordon <heath_gordon@bellsouth.net>
Date: Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 11:23 AM
Subject: [EARLYCAREER] Fellowships in Addictive Disorders and Hepatitis C/HIV
To: EARLYCAREER@lists.apa.org

Please pass this on to interested colleagues:
Postdoctoral Fellowship Training Programs
G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VAMC Jackson MS
The G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery Veterans Affairs medical Center is currently accepting applications for two, full time, one-year, postdoctoral fellowship training positions with emphasis areas in Addictive Disorders and Hepatitis C/HIV. The fellowship offers a stimulating collegial environment and considerable flexibility in developing individual training plans.
Addictive Disorders
  • Advanced clinical training settings include : Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders including a special team for co-occurring substance use and trauma spectrum disorders, Detoxification/Stabilization, and Tobacco Cessation
  • Opportunities are available to work in a variety of treatment settings including: inpatient, residential, day hospital, and outpatient programs
  • Treatment interventions emphasize the use of empirically supported treatments including motivational enhancement, harm reduction, and contingency management interventions
  • Opportunities for collaborative research with scientist-practitioner faculty at VAMC and University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMC), including grant writing training
Hepatitis C/HIV
·        Advanced clinical training settings include : HIV and Hepatitis C Outpatient Clinics, Primary Care Mental Health, Inpatient Consultation, and the outpatient Addictive Disorders Treatment Program
·         Work as part of a multidisciplinary team including physicians, residents, pharmacists, and nurse practitioners
·         Treatment interventions emphasize the use of empirically supported interventions including cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement, and assessing readiness for HIV/HCV therapies
·         Opportunities to participate in HIV/HCV fellowship evaluation activities and didactic trainings
·         Training settings also include opportunities to learn about long-term effects of HIV/HCV infection, side effects of medications, and awareness of pharmacological interventions
  •  Opportunities for collaborative research with scientist-practitioner faculty at VAMC and University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMC), including training in grant writing and conduction of clinical research studies
Stipend and Benefits
  • Full-time salary (approximately $42,239 per annum)
  • Vacation (13 days paid vacation)
  • Sick leave (up to 13 days)
  • Authorized leave for conferences
  • Benefits as applicable including eligibility for health insurance



Accreditation Status

Our program is not accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA). Our self-study has been approved and a site visit is anticipated in 2012. 



Our program is a member of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC). As part of our selection procedures we will be participating in the Uniform Notification Date with an option for a reciprocal offer (UNDr). Details regarding the UNDr are available at http://www.appic.org/About-APPIC/Postdoctoral/APPIC-Postdoc-UNDr/UNDr-Policy


Continuing Education

Our program is an APA approved sponsor of continuing education.



  • U.S. citizens who are candidates in or have completed an APA-accredited doctoral program in clinical/counseling psychology and are enrolled in or have completed an APA-accredited internship
  • Doctoral requirements must be completed prior to beginning the fellowship
  • Application deadline is December 15, 2011
  • Anticipated start date is flexible (between July 1, 2012 and September 1, 2012) 
  • The VA Medical Center invites and strongly encourages applications from women and members of ethnic minorities and is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Application Procedure                                                                                                                
Please submit the following application materials to Dr. Randy Burke at the address below:  
  • Cover Letter indicating the emphasis area of interest.
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation (at least one of these must be from an internship supervisor)
  • Official transcripts of your graduate work sent directly by your university
  • 2 de-identified samples of your clinical or other scholarly work. (e.g. journal article, book chapter, published case report, abstract)
Dr. Randy Burke
Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Mental Health Service (116A4)
G. V. (Sonny) Montgomery VAMC
1500 East Woodrow Wilson Drive
Jackson, MS 39216


More Information

For further information, contact Dr. Randy Burke at randy.burke@va.gov

Neuropsychology and Geropsychology
G.V. (Sonny) Montgomery VAMC
1500 E. Woodrow Wilson Drive (116B)
Jackson, Mississippi 39216-5199
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Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
NIDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224
BPRU Phone: (410) 550-2254
CLH Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-0030
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