
[DIV28SUPER] Early Independence Award

> This is a pilot year for the Early Independence Award, a highly competitive
> award for exceptional junior scientists finishing their doctoral degrees.
> This award would allow these junior scientists to skip the postdoctoral
> stage and thus shorten their training period. There is a short window for
> application as well; applications will be accepted only between December
> 21, 2010 and January 21, 2011. If you know of anyone who might be
> interested, please pass this on. Thanks!
> Dionne
> Dionne J. Jones, Ph.D.
> Deputy Branch Chief
> Services Research Branch
> Division of Epidemiology, Services & Prevention Research National Institute
> on Drug Abuse
> 6001 Executive Boulevard
> Room 5185
> Bethesda, MD 20892
> Telephone: 301-402-1984
> Fax: 301-443-6815
> e-mail: djones1@nida.nih.gov

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[DIV28M] [CWP-NET] November Issue of the Women's Psych-E now available!

Please forward as you see fit!

--- On Mon, 11/29/10, Hill, Kari <khill@APA.ORG> wrote:




Kari Hill | Program Assistant, Women's Programs Office

Public Interest Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel:  (202) 336-6044  |  Fax: (202) 336-6117

email: khill@apa.org | http://www.apa.org/pi/women/index.aspx




P Please consider the environment before printing this email.



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restricted to APA members list archive
twitter: @apadiv28


[DIV28SUPER] Travel award for junior investigators

The Women and Sex/Gender Differences Program at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is soliciting applications for a limited number of travel awards to attend the 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the College of Problems on Drug Dependence (CPDD) to be held in Hollywood, Florida, June 18-23, 2011 (http://www.cpdd.vcu.edu/ ).  An applicant’s CPDD abstract on women or sex/gender differences must be accepted for presentation by CPDD  for either an oral session, a poster session, or a symposium.  The preferred candidate for this award is a researcher who demonstrates  commitment to research on women and sex/gender differences in any area of drug abuse, both human and animal.  Applicants must fall into one of the following categories:  graduate and/or medical student, post-doctoral student, medical resident, and investigator with no more than five years past the doctoral degree or residency.  In addition, an applicant must be first author on their CPDD oral or poster abstract.  Minority investigators and male investigators are especially encouraged to apply.  Federal employees are ineligible. 


Application procedures:


First, follow the CPDD abstract submission instructions (http://www.cpdd.vcu.edu/) .  Next, submit your travel award application materials to Dr. Samia Noursi at snoursi@nida.nih.gov  in the following format and with the required attachments:


·            E-mail subject line: CPDD 2011 Women & Sex/Gender Junior Investigator Travel Award Application

·            Attach a copy of the abstract that you submitted to CPDD, including title and authors.  Or, if applicable, attach the accepted symposium submission.

·            Attach your curriculum vitae.  List all NIH grant support if applicable. 

·            Attach a cover letter stating (1) your eligibility, (2) your interest in continuing to pursue research on women or sex/gender differences, and (3) your career goals.  Please include your mailing

                    address, telephone number and e-mail address in your cover letter.


Deadline for applications is December 17, 2010.



Cora Lee Wetherington, Ph.D.

Women & Sex/Gender Differences Research Coordinator

National Institute on Drug Abuse

6001 Executive Blvd., Rm 4282, MSC 9555

Bethesda, MD 20892-9555 (For overnight mail:  Rockville, MD 20852) 

Phone:  (301) 435-1319

Fax:  (301) 594-6043

E-mail:  cwetheri@nida.nih.gov


Standard Due Dates: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/submissionschedule.htm

Information on Electronic Submission:  http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/

New policy on resubmissions:  http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-09-003.html

Enhancing Peer Review information:  http://enhancing-peer-review.nih.gov/



[DIV28SUPER] Div 28 Nomination - Second Notice

Friendly Reminder:


Nominations are requested for the 2011 MED Associates Brady/Schuster Award, Outstanding Dissertation Award, and Wyeth Young Psychopharmacologist Award. I have attached an announcement soliciting nominations that includes a list of previous winners. Candidates must be nominated by a Member or Fellow of Division 28. Any snail-mailed materials should be sent to: Chana Akins, Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0044.   E-mailed materials may be sent to ckakin1@uky.edu.  (Please put "Division 28 Nomination"in the Subject line on all emails). Materials must be received no later than January 4, 2010 .

Thank you!  



Chana K. Akins, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Associate Editor, Psychology of Women Quarterly

Department of Psychology

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY 40506-0044

(859)257-1103, Fax (859)323-1979



[DIV28SUPER] Note from Francis Collins regarding Substance Use Abuse and Addiction Research

FYI…the latest from the Director…we’ll continue to follow the deliberations.


From: Collins, Francis (NIH/OD) [E]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 2:52 PM
Subject: Substance Use, Abuse, and Addiction Research



TO:       NIDA Staff  

FROM:   NIH Director

SUBJECT:         Recommendation to Create a Single Institute for Substance Use, Abuse, and  Addiction Research                                   

I know all of you are aware of the recent deliberations about merging NIDA and NIAAA.  I now have received the formal recommendation from the NIH Scientific Management Review Board (SMRB) that NIH create a new Institute focusing on substance use, abuse, and addiction research and related public health initiatives.  This Institute would integrate the relevant research portfolios from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), and other NIH Institutes and Centers.  The formation of a single, new Institute devoted to such research makes scientific sense and would enhance NIH’s efforts to address the substance abuse and addiction problems that take such a terrible toll on our society.


I recognize that such a major organizational change will require a great deal of analysis, coordination, and effort.  I also appreciate that this proposal has prompted many questions and concerns among staff and outside stakeholders.  We will make certain that this process is carried out thoughtfully, with careful consideration of not only the science, but also of the staff in NIDA and NIAAA, and others at NIH who may be affected by these changes. Consequently, I have asked NIH Principal Deputy Director Lawrence A. Tabak, D.D.S., Ph.D., and National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Director Stephen I. Katz, M.D., Ph.D., to pull together a task force of experts from within NIH to look carefully across all of NIH’s 27 Institutes and Centers to determine where substance use, abuse, and addiction research programs currently exist and make recommendations about what programs should be moved into the proposed new Institute.  An important component of this effort will be to take a careful look at the intramural programs of NIDA and NIAAA, and consider how best to build on the excellent science represented there.  In addition, the task force will survey NIDA and NIAAA for programs that are not related to substance use, abuse, and addiction research and make recommendations about where such programs will go.  The task force will also include expertise on organizational change.  Final recommendations to the NIH Director will be informed by consultation with relevant internal and external stakeholders.


In order to provide more information about this plan, and to answer questions and address concerns, I would like to convene a town hall meeting of the staffs of NIAAA and NIDA on the morning of December 1.  Drs. Tabak, Katz, Volkow, and Warren will join me.  More details about the time and location for the town hall meeting will follow shortly.


Clearly, it will take some time to carry out this assessment in a thoughtful, systematic manner.  I anticipate that the task force will produce a detailed reorganization plan for my consideration sometime in the summer of 2011.  In the interim, all existing substance use, abuse, and addiction research programs at NIH will continue status quo.  It is imperative we keep these important lines of research moving forward with all due speed for the benefit of the nation’s health.  I appreciate your help and your patience as we move forward, and will keep you apprised of new developments as they emerge over the coming months.  


Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.



Re: [DIV28SUPER] Food Ingredients & Packaging > Questions and Answers: Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages

FDA has authority over foods and beverages and shares responsibility for other aspects of alcoholic beverage regulation. (I misspoke by including "now"; my apologies)

Alcoholic beverages are now foods

  1. Under what authority is FDA issuing these Warning Letters?

    FDA is issuing the four Warning Letters under its authority to implement the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FFDCA).  Under the FFDCA, a substance added to food (such as caffeine added to an alcoholic beverage) is deemed an "unsafe food additive" and is unlawful unless its particular use has been approved by FDA, is the subject of a prior sanction, or is generally recognized as safe (GRAS).  A food that contains an unsafe food additive is deemed adulterated under Section 402(a)(2) of the FFDCA [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)]; adulterated foods are subject to agency enforcement actions, including seizure.

    The FDA has only listed caffeine as GRAS as an ingredient for use in cola-type beverages in concentrations of no greater than 200 parts per million. There is no food additive regulation that permits the addition of caffeine, at any level, to an alcoholic beverage. Based on the information FDA has reviewed, the agency does not consider the use of caffeine in the products listed above to be GRAS.


[DIV28SUPER] Food Ingredients & Packaging > Questions and Answers: Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages are now foods

  1. Under what authority is FDA issuing these Warning Letters?

    FDA is issuing the four Warning Letters under its authority to implement the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the FFDCA).  Under the FFDCA, a substance added to food (such as caffeine added to an alcoholic beverage) is deemed an "unsafe food additive" and is unlawful unless its particular use has been approved by FDA, is the subject of a prior sanction, or is generally recognized as safe (GRAS).  A food that contains an unsafe food additive is deemed adulterated under Section 402(a)(2) of the FFDCA [21 U.S.C. 342(a)(2)]; adulterated foods are subject to agency enforcement actions, including seizure.

    The FDA has only listed caffeine as GRAS as an ingredient for use in cola-type beverages in concentrations of no greater than 200 parts per million. There is no food additive regulation that permits the addition of caffeine, at any level, to an alcoholic beverage. Based on the information FDA has reviewed, the agency does not consider the use of caffeine in the products listed above to be GRAS.


Sent from my iPhone


[DIV28SUPER] Job ads at Wayne State University


As a result of a successful competition for a Provost's initiative we are now recruiting for additional positions at Wayne State University. We are hiring FOUR additional faculty – tenure-track assistant professors in the area of Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Social Neuroscience, Health Psychology, and Clinical with a research focus on learning disabilities.

I have attached copies of the job announcements.

Please circulate these to interested parties.

Thank you.


Scott E. Bowen, PhD
Chair, Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience Program
Department of Psychology
Wayne State University
5057 Woodward Ave., Suite 7908
Detroit, MI USA 48202
Office:(313) 577-9546
Lab: (313) 577-8961
FAX:(313) 577-7636

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[DIV28M] Postdoctoral Traineeship in Drug Abuse Treatment/ Services Research Training at the University of California, San Francisco

Please circulate this information about this very nice training opportunity; the attachments supplement what is provided below.

POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLARS: One- to two-year NIH/NIDA-funded positions as postdoctoral scholars in drug abuse treatment and services research are available in a multidisciplinary research environment in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California , San Francisco . Scholars work with a preceptor to design and implement studies on the treatment of drug dependence, and select a specific area of focus for independent research. Director Drs. James Sorensen and Co-Directors Drs. Steven Batki, Kevin Delucchi, Joseph Guydish, Sharon Hall, Carmen Masson, and Constance Weisner are all involved with either the NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) or Treatment Research Center (TRC). Training of psychiatrists, women, and minorities for academic research careers is a priority. Send CV, research statement, samples of work, and two (2) letters of recommendation to Barbara Paschke, 2727 Mariposa Street, Suite 100 , San Francisco , CA   94110 ; 415-437-3032; Barbara.paschke@ucsf.edu. Additional information including faculty research interests is available at:http://ucsftrc.autoupdate.com/post_doctoral_program.vp.html

Nancy A. Piotrowski, Ph.D.
Core Faculty, General Psychology
Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Psychology, Capella University
President & Website Chair, San Francisco Psychological Association
Co-Chair, Government Affairs Steering Committee, California Psychological Association
3450 Geary Boulevard, Suite #107
San Francisco, CA  94118
Phone & FAX by request
Email:               napiotrowski@yahoo.com
Skype:              napiotrowski
 "Not all those who wander are lost..." - J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954.

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twitter: @apadiv28


[DIV28SUPER] APAGS Grant Opportunity for Students

See message below:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Frederick Rotgers <Frederick.Rotgers@email.waldenu.edu>
Date: Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM
Subject: [DIV50ANNOUNCE] APAGS Grant Opportunity for Students
To: DIV50ANNOUNCE@lists.apa.org

Basic Psychological Science Research Grant


The Basic Psychological Science Research Grant provides support for up to 2 graduate students conducting psychological science research studies.  The intent is to fund psychology graduate students in science oriented fields. Students in fields with a practice component (e.g. clinical, counseling, and school) are not eligible. Students in the following fields are eligible: Cognitive, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational, Developmental, Experimental or Comparative, Industrial/Organizational, Neuropsychology, Neuroscience, Perception and Psychophysics, Personality and Individual Differences, Psycholinguistics, Physiological, Quantitative, Social.

Funds for this $1000 scholarship must be used to support the proposed research. This grant may be used for thesis, dissertation, or other research.  The deadline for this grant is Friday, December 3, 2010.

How to Apply:

  1. Title page that includes name of the scholarship for which you are applying, contact information for applicant (name, mailing address, phone number, email), university, area of research, expected graduation date, APA Membership number, and full name/email of your research mentor for your project.
  2. A cover letter (not to exceed two pages, single spaced) that includes background information about the applicant, the dissertation, why the applicant believes s/he should be awarded the scholarship (e.g. relevance of the project to the grant), and the applicant?s future educational and professional goals.
  3. An abbreviated curriculum vitae (not to exceed two pages, single spaced).
  4. An abbreviated research proposal (not to exceed three pages, single spaced) that includes specific aims, background and significance, proposed research methodology, implications of proposed research, and detailed budget.
  5. Letter of recommendation (not to exceed two pages, single spaced) supporting your application that addresses your qualifications, how your project will benefit the discipline, and the likelihood that your research will help you meet your future educational and professional goals.

All materials must be submitted for an application to be considered. Any applications that exceed the page limits (e.g. over two pages in a vita, over 3 pages in a proposal, over two pages for a letter of recommendation) will not be scored.

If you are not an APAGS member at the time of submission, you may send a copy of the receipt you get when you join APAGS/APA electronically as proof of membership.

You may submit materials electronically at apags@apa.org or by mail.

For mail submissions, please send to:

Basic Psychological Science Research Grant
American Psychological Association of Graduate Students
750 First St. NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242


Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
NIDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Learning and Health
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5200 Eastern Avenue, Suite 142 West
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-7495
WARNING:  E-mail sent over the Internet is not secure.  Information sent by e-mail may not remain confidential.
DISCLAIMER:  This e-mail is intended only for the individual to whom it is addressed.  It may be used only in accordance with applicable laws.  If you received this e-mail by mistake, notify the sender and destroy the e-mail

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Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28 join our network

[DIV28SUPER] FW: Faculty Position Announcement



From: Jessica A. López [mailto:jalopez@alliant.edu]
Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 1:45 PM
To: Wood, Ronald
Subject: Faculty Position Announcement


Dear Ronald Wood,


Sheila Henderson (I-MERIT Associate Director) suggested that we contact you regarding the distribution of the attached announcement for a faculty position in our APA accredited, Clinical Psychology PhD Program at Alliant International University in San Diego. Would you please distribute the attached position announcement to your membership in Division 28? In advance, thank you for your help with our faculty search.


Thank you,


Jessica López

Administrative Assistant Clinical PhD Program

Alliant International University

10455 Pomerado Road DH 103A

San Diego, CA 92131

T: (858) 635-4767

F: (858) 635-4585




[DIV28SUPER] NYTimes.com: Cigarette Giants in a Global Fight on Tighter Rules

The New York Times E-mail This
This page was sent to you by:  ronaldwood@gmail.com

LATEST NEWS   | November 13, 2010
Cigarette Giants in a Global Fight on Tighter Rules
Giant tobacco companies are stepping up efforts around the world to fight tough restrictions on the marketing of cigarettes.



[DIV28SUPER] Award nominees - First Notice

Hi Everyone,

I have attached an announcement soliciting nominations for Division 28 awards.  Nominations are requested for the 2011 MED Associates Brady/Schuster Award, Outstanding Dissertation Award, and Wyeth Young Psychopharmacologist Award. Please take some time over the next week to look over the previous winners, consider potential nominees and submit nomination materials. Candidates must be nominated by a Member or Fellow of Division 28. Any snail-mailed materials should be sent to: Chana Akins, Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0044.   E-mailed materials may be sent to ckakin1@uky.edu.  (Please put "Division 28 Nomination"in the Subject line on all emails). Materials must be received no later than January 4, 2010 .

Thank you!  



Chana K. Akins, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Associate Editor, Psychology of Women Quarterly

Department of Psychology

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY 40506-0044

(859)257-1103, Fax (859)323-1979



[DIV28M] Scientist Spotlight Series

Dear Division 28 Members,

This year there has been an increased effort towards addressing the needs and interests of Early Career Psychologists (ECPs) in Division 28. As part of this effort, we solicited input from ECPs to find out what issues and questions are most central to them. We received an overwhelming request that information (and assistance) in learning how to balance work and life be made available. In response, it was decided that we would publish a series of columns where senior scientists describe their answers to questions on how to successfully balance work and life. Senior scientists are nominated to be featured in this series based on their ability to successfully balance their careers with their non-work lives. The series has been so popular that it was decided that the columns should be distributed to the larger membership. Thus, we have included the first 3 columns (September, October, and November) as attachments. We hope you find this series useful and enjoyable!

Please notify Kelly Dunn (kdunn9@jhmi.edu) or Sarah Tragesser (stragesser@tricity.wsu.edu) if you know someone who ought to be highlighted in this series.

Sarah & Kelly

Sarah L. Tragesser, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Washington State University
2710 University Drive
Richland, WA  99354
509-372-7388 (phone)
509-372-7118 (fax)

[DIV28M] FW: 2010 President-elect election results


Dear Division 28 Members,


I am happy to share the good news with you that Suzanne Bennett Johnson, PhD, has been elected the 2011 APA President-elect. 



From: APA Division Officers list [mailto:DIVOFFICERS@LISTS.APA.ORG] On Behalf Of Cooke, Keith
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 2:58 PM
Subject: [DIVOFFICERS] 2010 President-elect election results


As you know the 2010 President-elect election was launched on September 15.  The election closed Monday, November 1.  Our election firm, Intelliscan, Inc. has tallied the results, the Election Committee has certified the election and the candidates have been informed of the outcome.  On behalf of the Election Committee, the Election Office is pleased to announce that Suzanne Bennett Johnson, PhD, has been elected the 2011 APA President-elect.  Dr. Bennett will begin her term as President-elect on January 1, 2011 and January 1, 2012 as President.  Please join our office in congratulating Dr. Bennett.

Following are the number of votes each candidate received in the order of finish and attached is Dr. Bennett’s biographical statement.  The tally sheet will be made available upon request.i

Suzanne Bennett Johnson, PhD            7662 votes

Donald N. Bersoff, PhD, JD                      5264 votes

Paul L. Craig, PhD                              3459 votes

Robert “Bob” H. Woody, PhD, ScD, JD     2553 votes

Armand R. Cerbone, PhD                  1563 votes

Election Office

<<2010 Johnson bio.doc>>


[DIV28_ANNOUNCEMENT] Fall/Winter Newsletter

I've attached the Fall/Winter Newsletter for 2010.
-Bill Stoops.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information
may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for
the sole purpose of delivery to the intended recipient. If you have
received this transmission in error, any use, reproduction or
dissemination of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you are
not the intended recipient, please immediately notify the sender by
reply e-mail or at (859) 257-5383 and delete this message and its
attachments, if any.
A Division 28 announcement-only list subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] APA Executive Branch Science Fellow

Apply to be an APA Executive Branch Science Fellow


Looking to infuse your research and teaching with more policy relevance?  Seeking an opportunity to work at the intersections of psychological science and public policy?  Come spend a year in Washington, DC through the American Psychological Association's 2011-2012 Executive Branch Science Fellowship program, and get a fresh look at our science through the lens of a federal agency such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Education, or the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.  APA's Science Government Relations Office is now accepting applications for our annual fellowship program, run in conjunction with the American Association for the Advancement of Science.  Fellows must have a doctorate in psychology or a related field, be American citizens and members of APA, and show a strong interest in applying psychological knowledge to national research and policy issues.  For more information on the fellowship program and application instructions, visit the APA website: http://www.apa.org/about/gr/fellows/science-fellowship.pdf or contact Dr. Heather O'Beirne Kelly at hkelly@apa.org.  Applications are due on January 7, 2011.




Christine Jamieson | Science Policy Associate

Government Relations Office
Science Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002
Tel: (202) 336-6182 | Fax: (202) 336-6063
Email: cjamieson@apa.org | www.apa.org





[DIV28M] 2011 CPDD Primm-Singleton Minority Travel Awards Program

Please circulate.

The Under-Represented Populations Committee (URPOP) of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) is soliciting applications for a limited number of travel awards to attend the 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of CPDD to be held in Hollywood, Florida, June 18-23, 2011. The preferred candidate for this award is a graduate student with a demonstrated commitment to research and/or teaching in substance abuse. Applicants are required to be enrolled in a graduate program. In addition, applicants must be members of an ethnic minority group under-represented in substance abuse research (including, but not limited to, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders).

Please assist me in distributing the flier announcing this career development opportunity.

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twitter: @apadiv28