
[DIV28M] FW: NLPA Conference

Please take a moment to review the details on this important and exciting upcoming conference.

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: APA Division Officers list [mailto:DIVOFFICERS@LISTS.APA.ORG] On Behalf Of Jordan, Sarah
Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2010 8:21 AM
Subject: [DIVOFFICERS] FW: NLPA Conference

Dear Division Officers:

I would like to let people know about the upcoming National Latina/o Psychological Association conference this November 11-13 in San Antonio Texas at the Westin Riverwalk. APA is a sponsor of the conference along with Divisions 17, 35 and 45, Southwest Airlines, Dunspaugh-Dalton Community and Education Well Being Research Center of the University of Miami, Our Lady of the Lake University, Pearson, CETPA, Inc, Teachers College, Texas A&M, the Texas Psychological Association, the National Resource Center for Hispanic Mental Health, Psi Chi, and others.

NLPA is an organization focused on a mission "to generate and advance psychological knowledge and fosters its effective application for the benefit of the Hispanic/Latino population". We are one of the five ethnic minority psychological associations recognized by APA and membership is open to anyone who shares out mission.

Our conference program is now available at www.nlpa.ws under the "conferences"
 The conference kicks off Thursday, November 11, with pre conference
 workshops on Psychopharmacology, Treatment, Assessment and Ethics in working
 with Latino/a populations. CEUs are available in partnership with TPA. That night we are partnering with Our Lady of the
 Lake University for a poster session and a reading from acclaimed Chicana
 author Sandra Cisneros.

We have keynote presentations from APA President-Elect Melba Vasquez and
 "Living Legend" and NLPA founder Patricia Arredondo. We are honoring
 pioneering psychologists Nadya Fouad and Lillian Comas-Diaz. In addition
 there will be networking, papers, symposia, roundtables and posters
 throughout the two days. We have an entire program set up for students and
 early career professionals. We end the conference on Saturday night with an
 awards banquet.

Please visit our website for more information and/or visit my presidential
 blog at: http://nlpapresident.blogspot.com/ to learn more about the
 conference, program and travel award programs made possible by our sponsors.
 If you are unable to attend, but would like to support student travel to the
 conference, we have that option available on the website.
 Day registrations are also available.

Also please forward this email to any mental health professionals, faculty
 and graduate/undergraduate students interested in Latino/a psychology. In
 particular we are trying to reach Latino/a undergraduates and those at
 Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI).

Edward A. Delgado-Romero, Ph.D.
Department of Counseling and Human Development Services
402 Aderhold Hall,
University of Georgia,
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: 706-542-1812
FAX: 706-542-4130
President, National Latina/o Psychological Association
Georgia Licensed Psychologist


[DIV28SUPER] NIH board votes to merge NIDA and NIAAA into an Addictions institute

See posting below from SRNT list…


Colleagues – As many of you may already know, the Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction (SUAA) Working Group of the NIH Scientific Management Review Board (SMRB) met September 14&15 to discuss and vote on merging the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National  Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)  into an Addictions Institute.  The full report can be found at http://smrb.od.nih.gov/Sept2010_SUAA_Working_Group.pdf.  Note that the report address including tobacco (see bottom of page 14).  Additional information can be found at the SMRB website at http://smrb.od.nih.gov/meetings/ 


The SMRB voted 12 to 3 to merge NIDA and NIAAA, however, it is not clear approvals and timeframes.  It is also not clear the scope of tobacco-related research that would be included in this new institute if it moves forward.  Here is an article in the Science Insider concerning the potential merger -




Thanks - Cathy

Cathy L. Backinger, PhD, MPH 
Tobacco Control Research Branch
Behavioral Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Blvd., EPN 4050
Bethesda, MD 20892-7337 (for regular mail)
Rockville, MD 20852 (for express mail and deliveries)

Phone: 301-496-8584
Fax: 301-496-4675
Email: backingc@mail.nih.gov




[DIV28M] interesting reading related to publications... Redesigning Scientific Reputation


Hi folks.

I saw this in an online mag today (The Scientist)...and with all the talk we've been having about using social media, technology, etc., in our groups dedicated to addictions and substance use, I thought this article might be of interest to folks, as it could be the type of thing we all have to deal with someday (maybe sooner than we think!).

It's related to the basic process of publication...and alternatives being discussed. Interesting and unnerving possibilities for those of us who still like the charm of paper and traditional journals...

Read and enjoy.

Nancy A. Piotrowski, Ph.D.
Core Faculty, General Psychology
Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Psychology, Capella University
President, San Francisco Psychological Association
Co-Chair, Government Affairs Steering Committee, California Psychological Association
3450 Geary Boulevard, Suite #107
San Francisco, CA  94118
Phone & FAX by request
Email:               napiotrowski@yahoo.com
Skype:              napiotrowski

 "Not all those who wander are lost..." - J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954.


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restricted to APA members list archive
twitter: @apadiv28


[DIV28SUPER] Winter Conference on Animal Learning & Behavior

A meeting of potential interests to Div28 members…

The Winter Conference on Animal Learning and Behavior will convene in Winter Park, Colorado from Saturday, January 29, through Wednesday, February 2, 2011.  If you are interested in attending WCALB 2011, we need your  small refundable deposit by October 15, 2010 to know how many condominiums to reserve.  See instructions under "DEPOSITS" section below. For additional information visit the WCALB website at http://www.american.edu/academic.depts/cas/psych/wcalb.htm.  


 Terry Davidson will be our 2011 Keynote Speaker.  His address is titled,

 Bi-directional Links Between Obesity and
Learning and Memory Dysfunction

 Abstract--Traditionally, investigators have viewed the problems of overeating and obesity, on one hand, and cognitive disorder on the other, as involving dissimilar etiologies that target different underlying behavioral and biological functions which rely on distinct brain structures and circuits.  However, evidence is emerging that obesity and cognitive impairment are causally-intertwined.  Integrating recent neuroanatomical, physiological, and behavioral findings, this talk will describe how dietary factors may promote obesity by interfering with negative occasion setting--a learning and memory process that may be critically involved with inhibiting conditioned appetitive and consummatory behaviors.

 Terry Davidson is Professor in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Purdue University.  He received his doctorate at Purdue under the supervision of Betty Capaldi and then went on to do post-doctoral work with Bob Rescorla at Penn.  He’s been Convener of Purdue’s Graduate Neuroscience Program and was founding Director of the Ingestive Behavior Research Center (IBRC).  The IBRC includes over 50 faculty members from across the University and has been the top research center at Purdue (out of over 100) in terms of extramural funding brought in by its members.  His research currently focuses on understanding how learning and memory mechanisms, both associative and neural, are involved in the control of energy regulation.


 Pavlovian Mechanisms of Appetite

 This Focus Session related to the Keynote Address is being organized.  The format will be presentations followed by discussion among participants.  Let Kevin Myers kmyers@bucknell.edu and me (sweiss@american.edu) know if you would like to join that session.

 Recent WCALB Focus sessions have been concerned with Economic Demand, Reinforcer Essential Value and Drug Addiction (2009) Remembering and Anticipating Events in Time (2008), Modeling Data: From Description and Significance to Behavior and Theories (2007), The Question of Animal Consciousness and Cognition (2006), Choice in Humans and other Animals (2005), Associative Mechanisms and Drug-Related Behavior (2004) and Learning, Choice and Context Effects (2003).  The 2004 Focus Session was published as a Special Issue of the International Journal of Comparative Psychology. Aaron Blaisdell, last year’s Keynote Speaker, is arranging for the publication of presentations from the 2010 Focus Session on The Interface Between Learning and Cognition. 


 The Winter Conference is a friendly and informal meeting that provides an opportunity to combine intensive, scientifically rigorous discussions on a variety of topics related to animal conditioning, behavior and learning with skiing at one of Colorado's premier ski areas, Winter Park.  The breadth of WCALB paper sessions that reflect the research interests of participants can be seen in recent programs posted on the website.  Currently, we also anticipate session(s) in behavioral pharmacology anchored by research from the laboratories of Rick Bevins and Stan Weiss.

 Daily paper sessions begin 3:30 - 4:00pm and end in time for a fashionably late dinner.  All participants are invited to make a presentation and suggest topics.  Graduate students are welcome, and can make presentations with the written recommendation of their advisor.

 There is downhill skiing for all skill levels, up to black diamond, as well as exciting cross-country skiing in the Arapaho National Forest, Devil's Thumb and Snow Mountain Ranch.  The majestic snow-covered Rockies in winter are breathtaking.

 The all inclusive cost for registration, four nights in a shared Snowblaze condominium, an opening buffet reception, snacks during sessions and a dinner at a fine restaurant in Winter Park is only $350 per person or $700 per couple (couples have their own room, usually with private bath, in a condo). The cost of the Conference is the same as it was in 2001!  The Snowblaze is located in Winter Park near restaurants and shops.  It has an excellent health club with sauna, steam room, hot tub, pool, weight room and handball courts.  All units have complete kitchens.

 A family can have an entire 2-bedroom condominium unit for $1,050 plus $100 for each person over three. The 2-bedroom units each sleep up to six people if a convertible sofa in the living room is used.  All family members are invited to the opening buffet reception, closing dinner and sessions.


 We will be in the Colorado Rockies just a week before the prime ski season starts.  Therefore, condominiums need to be reserved early.  If you think you would like to attend WCALB 2011, please let me (sweiss@american.edu) know ASAP by e-mail and send your refundable (until November 30) deposit ($50 per person, $100 per couple, $200 per family) by October 15, 2010.

 Make deposit checks out to Stanley Weiss, WCALB with “WCALB 2011" in the lower left corner.  Final payment is due November 30, 2010, when receipts will be sent.  Until that date, your deposit can be returned if conditions develop that prevent you from attending the Conference.  But timely deposits are very important for appropriate planning and to ensure we reserve enough condominiums. 

 Please send your deposits to:

 Stan Weiss, Convener
Winter Conference on Animal Learning & Behavior
Department of Psychology
American University
Washington, DC 20016

 Accommodations at the indicated rates cannot be guaranteed once the reserved condo units are filled.  We will do our best to include late registrants in the Conference, but often they have had to pay substantially more for their accommodations because they couldn't be housed in a reserved condominium.  Therefore, if you are interested in attending the Conference let me know soon and send your refundable (until November 30) deposit by October 15, 2010.  A CALL for presentations will go out to registered participants in mid December.  If you have any questions or suggestions, contact me at sweiss@american.edu.

 Hope to see you in Winter Park!



 WCALB 2011 Organizing and Program Committee

Stan Weiss (Convener) <sweiss@american.edu>
Rick Bevins <rbevins1@unl.edu>
Cody Brooks <brooksc@denison.edu>
Kevin Myers (Focus Session) <
Mark Reilly <reill1mp@cmich.ed
Bill Timberlake <timberla@indiana.edu>



[DIV28M] Yale BIRCWH Scholar Program

Please find attached to this e-mail an opportunity that may be of interest to you.

Thank you,


__________________ Div28m@lists.apa.org ___________________
restricted to APA members subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

[DIV28M] Battelle Sr. Research opportunity

Please find attached to this e-mail, information about a position opening.


Thank you,





[DIV28SUPER] West Virginia University Department of Psychology

TWO OPENINGS -- West Virginia University's Department of Psychology
(www.psychology.wvu.edu) invites applications for tenure-track faculty
positions beginning August 2011 in Behavioral Neuroscience at the rank
of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor and Applied Behavior
Analysis at the rank of Assistant Professor. The Behavioral
Neuroscienceposition will require an active research program in the
biological bases of behavior (particular areas of interest include, but
are not limited to, the psychobiology or developmental psychobiology of
emotion, affective processes, states of consciousness, sleep and sleep
disorders, circadian rhythmicity, and memory). For applicants at the
Associate level, a history of external grant support is expected. The
Applied Behavior Analysis position is defined broadly; we will consider
applicants with any specialization within applied behavior analysis that
complements the current Behavior Analysis faculty. Both positions
require a Ph.D. by the starting date and evidence of strong potential in
research and teaching, Responsibilities include undergraduate and
graduate teaching (including student research supervision and, for the
Applied Behavior Analysis position, practicum supervision) and research.
Interests in, and qualifications for, teaching advanced methodology
courses will be viewed favorably. Obtaining significant external
research support will be expected. Laboratory facilities will be
assigned in our Life Sciences Building, which houses the Departments of
Psychology and Biology. The Department's clinic provides opportunities
for delivering services and supervising graduate students. Additional
facilities and opportunities for both positions are available through
the University Health Sciences Center, Center for Excellence in
Disabilities, Center for Advanced Imaging, and the interdisciplinary
Ph.D. program in Neuroscience. The Department of Psychology has 24
full-time faculty, 90 graduate students, and 800 undergraduate
pre-majors and majors. Our position for a Behavioral Neuroscientist is
part of our development of a new Behavioral Neuroscience doctoral
program area. Ph.D. training also is offered in Behavior Analysis (ABA
accredited), Clinical and Clinical Child Psychology (APA accredited),
and Life-Span Developmental Psychology. Review of applications will
begin November 1, 2010, and continue until the positions are filled.
Send a letter outlining teaching and research interests and plans for
obtaining external research support, a vita, three letters of
recommendation, and three (p)reprints to the Behavioral Neuroscience or
Behavior Analysis Search Committee, Department of Psychology, P.O. Box
6040, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506-6040. Inquiries may
be directed to Hawley Montgomery-Downs in Behavioral Neuroscience
(304-293-2001 ext 31610, Hawley.Montgomery-Downs@mail.wvu.edu), or
Kennon A. Lattal in Behavior Analysis (304-293-2001 ext 31608,
Andy.Lattal@mail.wvu.edu). Women, minorities, and persons with
disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. WVU is an Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

_submitted by______________________________
Karen G. Anderson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Associate Chair
Department of Psychology
West Virginia University
P.O. Box 6040
53 Campus Drive
Morgantown, WV 26506
Office: (304) 293-2001 ext. 31606
FAX: (304) 293-6606
"A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence."
      ---David Hume (1711-1776)

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Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28


[DIV28SUPER] Smoking Cessation Leadership Center

From: Stephen Thomas Higgins <shiggins@uvm.edu>
Ron, can you please forward to Div 28 listserv...  
Thanks, Steve 

Dear Colleagues,

I'm writing on behalf of my colleague, Steven Schroeder, M.D., to bring to
your attention a wonderful resource for free materials and information on
promoting smoking cessation among our research volunteers and patients.  I
encourage you to visit the site and to consider assisting Steve and
colleagues in this important effort.

Smoking Cessation Leadership Center:

All the best,
Steve Higgins

_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
Div28m members may post here list archive
twitter: @apadiv28


[DIV28M] Information to help you decide how to vote in the APA Presidential Election

Dear Division 28 Fellows and Members.


On September 15th, you will be receiving your ballot to cast your vote for the next President of APA. In an effort to help you make an informed decision about your vote, I reached out to each candidate on the slate and gave each person the opportunity to send us a statement and communicate a message to our membership. Since May, these statements have been coming in and I have passed them onto you. This e-mail provides you with all of the statements that we have received to date consolidated into one document.


During the APA Convention in August, the Executive Committee held its monthly meeting. During this meeting, all Executive Committee members present voted unanimously to recommend Suzanne Bennett Johnson, PhD for the next APA President. In our view she has the strongest scientific record and commitment to psychology as a science.


Slate of Candidates in the order provided to me by Garnett Code


Suzanne Bennett Johnson, PhD

Current Position           

Distinguished Research Professor

Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences

Florida State University College of Medicine

Tallahassee Florida


Donald N. Bersoff, PhD, JD

780 College Avenue

Haverford, PA 19041-1205


Paul L. Craig, PhD

Board-certified in Clinical Neuropsychology
Treasurer – American Psychological Association
Clinical Professor – Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington School of Medicine (WWAMI Program)
4048 Laurel Street, Suite 201
Anchorage, AK  99508


Robert H. Woody, PhD, ScD, JD

Professor of Psychology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha

Independent practitioner of psychology and law

Licensed Psychologist in Florida and Michigan, and a member of the Florida, Michigan, and Nebraska Bars.


Armand R. Cerbone, PhD

3625 North Paulina Street

Chicago, IL  60613-3623


Candidates Statements and Information Sent to Us


Suzanne Bennett Johnson, PhD

(Division 28 Executive Committee Recommendation)

For the first time in its 118-year history, APA has a strategic plan, with three goals. I am committed to these goals and will work to make them a reality.

1.) Maximize organizational effectiveness. Years of service to APA in many capacities provide me the multiple perspectives needed to address this goal. APA membership is aging; it is critical that we make APA a viable home for younger psychologists. Without the next generation, APA will no longer be the strong force it is today.

2.) Expand psychology’s role in advancing health. My work as a practitioner and educator in medical settings and my experiences in Senator Hillary Clinton’s office are particularly relevant to this goal. With the passage of mental health parity and health-care reform, APA has the opportunity to make psychology an integral part of health care. We need to both advocate for psychology and train psychologists to take their rightful place in health care.

3.) Increase recognition of psychology as a science. Advocating for psychology as a science on NIH interdisciplinary research teams has been the hallmark of my research career. I think psychology is an awesome science and as good as any of my biomedical colleagues’ sciences. Yet, psychology does not get the recognition it deserves. I want to use the APA presidency to address this issue on a larger scale than I have been able to do in my own scientific work.

Why now? Why I am seeking the APA presidency now? After 35 years in academia, I have given up my administrative duties to devote my time to research and service. I am grateful for my career as a psychologist and service to psychology is my way of giving back. I would be honored to serve as APA president and ask for your support.

On September 15 2010, APA will mail paper ballots to members who do not have an e-mail address on file and e-mail the ballot to those who do have an e-mail address on file. Members who receive paper ballots by mail will have the option to vote online or by mail. The election closes November 1.

For more information go to SBJforAPA.com


Donald N. Bersoff, Ph.D., J.D.



I have been asked by the Division to share my thoughts and ideas about psychological science that might be of interest to its members.  I am pleased to respond to that request.


I took General Psychology over 50 years ago at NYU.  The first thing we learned was the definition of psychology—the scientific study of the behavior of human beings and other animals.  The definition has not changed, only our forgetting of it.  Science and behavior are like conjoined twins connected by their brains—impossible to separate and deadly to both if they should be.  Whether psychologists are clinicians or involved in public interest policy, the scientific underpinnings of what they do is crucial to their credibility. 


Psychology is the only behavioral health profession that has as its based the requirement that its practitioners have solid grounds in research design and abiding appreciation for its scientific foundations.  If psychology is serious about being a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) discipline, it must be willing to subject its intervention and assessment practices to the rigors of empirical investigation.  Thus, psychologists who engage primarily in assessment must rely on psychometrically sound instruments developed by our colleagues who specialize in measurement and evaluation.  In fact, the US Supreme Court in 1993 ruled that forensic testimony must be based on facts, theory, and methodology that is scientifically valid, not merely generally accepted.  Similarly, psychologists who provide therapy are increasingly realizing that if they are to survive the transformational changes that health care reform will bring, they must rely on evidence-based interventions, not empirically-unsupportable theoretical orientations    .


One of the activities I cherished most when I served as APA’s first general counsel was the drafting of friend of the court (amicus) briefs in the Supreme Court.  Whatever the topic, APA’s arguments were always based on the scientific literature.  Should I be elected, as APA President and Chair of the Board of Directors, I will make sure APA stays true to its scientific roots.  APA’s public interest and professional advocacy in the courts and in the legislatures will only have credibility if it is grounded in science. 


Last, and certainly not least, APA must make sure that basic science in human behavior is supported by NIH, NIMH, NSF, and other funders.  Advocacy for science and science education should receive as much attention and support within APA as is advocacy for practice.


My presidential platform is based on the concept of data-based public policy.  To paraphrase the song from Oklahoma, the scientist and the practitioner should be friends.  I pledge to advocate and foster this relationship.


Paul L. Craig, Ph.D., ABPP

The APA’s recently adopted mission is, “…to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people’s lives.”  If we demonstrably fulfill this mission, psychology will flourish as a science and profession.


Science is the foundation of the “…creation…of psychological knowledge.”  The APA’s journal program is out primary vehicle for the “communication” of our science to psychologists, policy makers, and the public.  These aspects of psychology and the APA need to be vigorously promoted.


Psychology's prominence as a STEM discipline needs to be advanced. Increased funding for psychological research must be a point of emphasis for the APA in the context of its advocacy efforts. Furthermore, we need to support education and training models that are competency-based and that appropriately prepare the next generation of psychologists to do the research and provide the evidence-based services needed in our increasingly diverse society. 


Psychology is a discipline supported by three legs – science, education, and practice.  All three legs must be strong for psychology to serve the public interest.  If one leg of our discipline is weak, the entire profession suffers.  If elected, it would be an honor to serve all members of the APA as a uniting force with an emphasis on strengthening all facets of psychology so that we can collectively achieve our stated mission to benefit society.


As a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist, it is intuitively obvious that my specialty practice would not exist were it not for the neuropsychological research that my colleagues and I have published in peer-review journals.  Science must inform practice. 


APA’s Council of Representatives recently approved development of practice guidelines consistent with the recommendations that emerged from the 2009 Future of Psychology Practice Summit.  NIH has expressed increased interest in funding translational research – studies that bridge science and practice.  As stated above, science must inform practice, bringing psychological research from bench to bedside.  But practice can also inform science by identifying the clinical questions needing empirical answers.  By way of integrating existing and future translational research findings, science and practice should work synergistically within the APA to develop evidence-based practice guidelines to ensure that we, not others, define best practices for our profession.  


I have enjoyed serving as APA’s Treasurer since 2008 and would welcome the opportunity to serve as your President.  To learn more and to review my CV, please visit my practice and campaign websites:






Thank you for considering me for your #1 vote for President-elect.  Please vote and pursuant to the Hare voting system, please rank order all candidates so that your preferences will be heard even if your first place candidate is not elected.  Again, I appreciate your consideration.


Paul L. Craig, Ph.D., ABPP
Board-certified in Clinical Neuropsychology
Treasurer – American Psychological Association
Clinical Professor – Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
University of Washington School of Medicine (WWAMI Program)
4048 Laurel Street, Suite 201
Anchorage, AK  99508
907-274-8200 (phone)
907-274-8211 (fax)



Robert H. Woody, PhD, ScD, JD


APA President-Elect Candidate’s Statement to D28 - Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse


From Robert “Bob” Woody, PhD, ScD, JD, ABPP (Clinical & Forensic)


Given our shared commitment to science for psychology, I appreciate the opportunity to provide my views to the Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse. As will be evident, I have embraced the scientist-practitioner model throughout my career.


Because of my allegiance to science providing the foundation for practice and my involvement with health care, I was pleased that the APA strategic plan promotes STEM status for psychology, with special emphasis on health care and organizational efficiency. In addition to my identity as a psychologist (PhD, Michigan State) and an attorney (JD, Creighton), I had the good fortune of earning a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health. As might be expected, the curriculum required courses in biostatistics, epidemiology, health services delivery systems, organizational theory, and medical sociology (with concentration on governmental influence on health care). Obviously this experience has proven to be a presage to contemporary health care issues.


Personal values lead me to support open-mindedness and authoritative advocacy. In other words, I welcome new information, and constantly search for new knowledge that is evidence-based—and I seek to bring about change that will benefit society and the profession.


My qualifications support making psychology a first-class citizen among the health care professions. By being in the forefront of research and practice, psychologists can lead the effort to provide quality services for ALL people, regardless of global, cultural, or individual characteristics.

As for the future, I believe that psychology should be linked to primary care, with respect and acceptance from all health-related professions. I promote new competencies and roles for psychologists, including (but not limited to) neuropsychology, prescription authority, and evidence-based assessment and interdisciplinary interventions. I believe that the scientist-practitioner model can persuade third-party payment sources to accept the value-added results of psychology in health care, such as the benefits from prescription authority.


Families and communities must be a primary focus for contemporary psychological services, addressing critical problems like discrimination, abuse, crime, and failures in governmental policy. Among other things, I am prepared to promote a resurgence of community mental health principles, as will address the unmet needs of the chronically mentally ill, homeless, disabled, offenders, and poor persons of all ages and cultures, including in disasters.


With persuasive communications and relying on tact and scholarship to gain desire outcomes, I shall constructively pursue the aforementioned professional objectives. I will bring high energy and interdisciplinary knowledge to the table, and work tirelessly for the creation of effective strategies and solutions—I do not waiver in the face of adversity. I will appreciate the support of Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse for my candidacy for APA President-Elect.


Brief Bio: I am a Professor of Psychology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and an independent practitioner of psychology and law. I have authored thirty-three books and about two hundred articles. I am a Licensed Psychologist in Florida and Michigan, and a member of the Florida, Michigan, and Nebraska Bars.

More information about my ideas and credentials may be found on my website: www.BobWoodyHelpsPsychology.com


Armand R. Cerbone, PhD


Dr. Cerbone wrote to say he would be sending a statement but I have not received it as of 9/1/10.