Forwarding at the request of Tanya Burrwell - Maybe be of interest!
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Forwarding at the request of Tanya Burrwell - Maybe be of interest!
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The American Psychological Association (APA) Ad Hoc Committee on Psychology and AIDS (COPA) is seeking nominations for two new members whose term will begin on January 1, 2011, and end on December 31, 2013. The mission of COPA, an ad hoc committee that reports to the Board for the Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest (BAPPI), is to guide the development and implementation of APA's organizational responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
COPA members are required to attend two, face-to-face meetings per year in Washington, DC, with expenses reimbursed by APA, and to participate in monthly conference calls. Between meetings, members are expected to devote a substantial portion of time to COPA projects, provide consultation to APA Office on AIDS staff, and participate in advocacy activities as needed. Each of the face-to-face meetings begins on a Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. and ends on Sunday morning at noon. On average, in addition to the time associated with the 1-hour monthly conference calls and the time associated with the two face-to-face meetings each year, members spend approximately 2 to 4 hours per month on COPA business.
Candidates should have demonstrated expertise in dealing with HIV/AIDS issues as a researcher, practitioner, educator, and/or policy advocate. COPA seeks to involve a diverse group of psychologists, including persons of color and individuals who are living with HIV. COPA is particularly interested in candidates with expertise in the following areas: (1) mentoring behavioral scientists with an interest in developing HIV/AIDS-related research careers focusing on ethnic minority communities; (2) clinical and practitioner issues associated with working with people affected by HIV/AIDS; (3) HIV prevention and care for people with serious mental illness; and/or (4) public policy pertaining to HIV/AIDS prevention and care.
Nomination materials should include a summary of the nominee's qualifications, a letter from the nominee indicating a willingness to serve on COPA, and a curriculum vita. Self-nominations are encouraged. Materials should be sent by mail or e-mail to Cherie Mitchell, Office on AIDS, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242 (phone: 202-336-6042; e-mail: ). All materials must be received by no later than September 10, 2010
Office on AIDS
The American Psychological Association
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(202) 336-6042
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(Sorry for any duplicate emails.) I received the email message below, went to the report at the link provided, and was amazed at the total lack of mention of behavioral and social science in the linked draft report on proposed science education standards. I then completed the feedback survey to register my dissatisfaction at this glaring omission, but more is needed. Below this message is my note to new NIH OBSSR director Bob Kaplan, to encourage him to work to insert behavioral and social science in this proposal for science education standards. Given that the process seems pretty far along, there may not be much time to get such a major addition inserted into the report, but I hope you will make the effort to get this change made.
Ken Perkins
Kenneth A. Perkins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry
Mailing address:
WPIC, Room E-1335
University of Pittsburgh
3811 O'Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
phone: (412) 246-5395; fax: (412) 246-5390
Forwarded Message:
Proposed K-12 Science Education Standards Omit Psychological Science
The National Academy of Sciences' Board on Science Education is collecting comments on its proposed Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards until Monday, AUGUST 2ND.
Of particular concern to APA is the absence of behavioral and social sciences, including psychological science, from any of the framework's "core ideas" of science. Rather, the committee sought to identify and articulate the core ideas in science in the disciplines of life sciences, physical sciences, earth and space sciences, and engineering and technology, cross cutting ideas and scientific practices.
As the framework will be used by organizations and states to develop guidelines for the next generation of science education standards, APA is requesting the framework be revised to reflect the inclusion of core ideas of psychological science within the life sciences in the current framework and is joining with the broader scientific community to request fuller inclusion of the behavioral and social sciences.
We encourage you to review the report and respond to the survey to submit your comments.>
-----Original Message-----
From: Perkins, Kenneth
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2010 10:29 AM
To: 'Robert M. Kaplan'
Subject: Congratulations, and please work to get Behavior and Social Science included in the NAS's Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards
Congratulations on being chosen by Dr. Collins to be Director, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) and NIH Associate Director for Behavioral and Social Sciences Research. It sounds like a difficult but very challenging job, but with the potential to accomplish quite a bit.
In fact, I would like to suggest one step that could have a profound impact on Americans for decades to come, that of working to get behavioral and social sciences fully included in the National Academy of Science's Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards. I just reviewed the draft of this report and was astounded to see no mention of behavioral or social science instruction. There is mention of the behavior of "matter" (p. 45), "waves" (p. 48), "technological systems" (p. 51), and "gases" (p. 87), but no mention of behavior by humans or animals. There is mention of behavior as part of professional responsibilities of scientists, but not as an actual subject of scientific inquiry. This report was developed by the NAS's "Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education", and yet there is no mention of behavioral and social sciences. Even the feedback survey asks if the respondent teaches in an area of science and lists several, none of which includes behavioral and social science. It then asks if the respondent is a researcher and lists most of those same topics but not behavioral and social science, although "Medicine" is included.
This report clearly needs to include an additional full topic area on behavioral and social science, so that children have a complete understanding of what constitutes science and how to do it. The current challenges of obesity, smoking and substance abuse, violent behavior, and lack of economic literacy in the U.S. population demand it. You have as great an appreciation of the importance of this area of science as anyone I know, so you are clearly someone who can communicate why this report will short-change the science education of our kids if it does not include a full topic area on behavioral and social science.
Here is a link to the report (it should work even though the link looks odd):>
Thanks, and again congratulations on the new position.
Ken Perkins
Kenneth A. Perkins, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry
Mailing address:
WPIC, Room E-1335
University of Pittsburgh
3811 O'Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
phone: (412) 246-5395; fax: (412) 246-5390
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NIH Director Announces Appointment of Robert Kaplan as Associate Director for Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
National Institutes of Health Director Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., announced today the appointment of Robert M. Kaplan, Ph.D., as Director, Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) and NIH Associate Director for Behavioral and Social Sciences Research. Dr. Kaplan is expected to join the NIH in early 2011. “NIH will benefit from Dr. Kaplan’s longstanding proven expertise in high priority behavioral health areas such as tobacco-induced lung disease,” said Dr. Collins. “His commitment to evidence-based behavioral research and his broad knowledge of health services research and epidemiology will be a significant asset to OBSSR and all of NIH. I look forward to welcoming him to NIH.”
OBSSR’s work focuses on how behavioral and social factors often influence illness and health. The office stimulates and integrates behavioral and social sciences research across NIH’s institutes and centers to improve the understanding, treatment, and prevention of disease.
Dr. Kaplan comes to the NIH from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he is distinguished professor in the Department of Health Services at the School of Public Health and the Department of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine. He has also served as the principal investigator of the UCLA/RAND CDC Prevention Research Center and director of the UCLA/RAND Health Services Research training program. He was also professor and chair of the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.
At the University of California, Riverside, Dr. Kaplan earned an M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology. His research interests include behavioral medicine, health services research, health outcome measurement and multivariate data analysis. He is editor-in-chief of the American Psychological Association journal Health Psychology.
Dr. Kaplan received the American Psychological Association’s Division of Health Psychology’s annual award for outstanding scientific contribution as a junior scholar in 1987 and as a senior scholar in 2001. He also received the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s national leadership award in 2004 and distinguished research mentor award in 2006. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.
The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR)’s mission is to stimulate behavioral and social sciences research throughout NIH and to integrate these areas of research more fully into others of the NIH health research enterprise, thereby improving our understanding, treatment, and prevention of disease. For more information, please visit .
The Office of the Director, the central office at NIH, is responsible for setting policy for NIH, which includes 27 Institutes and Centers. This involves planning, managing, and coordinating the programs and activities of all NIH components. The Office of the Director also includes program offices which are responsible for stimulating specific areas of research throughout NIH. Additional information is available at
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) — The Nation's Medical Research Agency — includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is the primary federal agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and translational medical research, and it investigates the causes, treatments, and cures for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its programs, visit
Ronald P. Abeles, Ph.D.
Special Assistant to the Director
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
Office of the Director
National Institutes of Health
Bldg. 31C, Rm. B1C19, MSC 2027
31 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-2027
July, 2010 |
in this issue...
APA’s Summer Science Fellows Join the Science GRO for Policy Day
Behavioral and Social Science Community Meets with New OSTP Staff
It’s Official! Alan Guttmacher Appointed NICHD Director
Proposed K-12 Science Education Standards Omit Psychological Science
APA To Submit Comments on Proposed HHS Conflict of Interest Rule
APA’s Summer Science Fellows Join the Science GRO for Policy Day
On July 9, APA’s twelve Summer Science Fellows took part in a Policy Day organized by APA’s Science Government Relations Office (GRO). The accomplished undergraduate students were selected to spend six weeks in an intensive training program at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, working with some of the most outstanding researchers in the Washington, DC area. Science GRO staff gave an overview of the office’s goals and activities and discussed how psychologists can advocate for the scientific discipline and use their expertise to educate policy makers at the federal, state, and local levels. The Fellows then embarked on a tour of the U.S. Capitol and visited the offices of their home districts’ Congressional Representatives. A highlight of the day was a meeting with Ruth Friedman, Ph.D., Deputy Director of Education Policy for the House Committee on Education & Labor (and a former APA post-doctoral Congressional Fellow). Friedman shared her career path and her experiences as a psychologist working on the Hill. Ideally the Fellows will finish their summer training not only with new research skills but also an increased understanding of psychologists’ roles in public policy. For more information on APA’s Summer Science Fellowship program, please visit the program’s webpage.
Behavioral and Social Science Community Meets with New OSTP Staff
On Wednesday, July 20, the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) invited colleagues from the behavioral and social science advocacy community to meet with Daniel Goroff, PhD, who has just arrived at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on loan from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Goroff received his doctorate in mathematics and was a Professor at Harvard and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty at Harvey Mudd College. He also has served as a Division Director at the National Research Council in Washington and did a previous stint at OSTP in 1997-98. Goroff is especially interested in economics, finance, mathematics, the scientific and technical work force, and education, and he will handle the OSTP portfolio of social, behavioral and economic sciences.
It’s Official! Alan Guttmacher Appointed NICHD Director
On July 22, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins appointed Alan Guttmacher to lead the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). He has been serving as Acting Director since December 2009. A pediatrician and geneticist by training, he began his career as a middle school teacher where he developed an interest in the origins and treatment of pediatric learning disorders. Guttmacher began his NIH career at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) as a special assistant to the director, where he initially worked with Francis Collins. He became deputy director in 2002 and acting director in 2008.
Proposed K-12 Science Education Standards Omit Psychological Science
The National Academy of Sciences’ Board on Science Education is collecting comments on its proposed Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards until Monday, August 2nd. Of particular concern to APA is the absence of behavioral and social sciences, including psychological science, from any of the framework’s “core ideas” of science. Rather, the committee sought to identify and articulate the core ideas in science in the disciplines of life sciences, physical sciences, earth and space sciences, and engineering and technology, cross cutting ideas and scientific practices. As the framework will be used by organizations and states to develop guidelines for the next generation of science education standards, APA is requesting the framework be revised to reflect the inclusion of core ideas of psychological science within the life sciences in the current framework and is joining with the broader scientific community to request fuller inclusion of the behavioral and social sciences. We encourage you to review the report and respond to the survey to submit your comments.
APA To Submit Comments on Proposed HHS Conflict of Interest Rule
At press time, APA was preparing comments in response to a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking from the Public Health Service, which proposes to modify its Conflict of Interest rules. The comment period for this federal regulation, entitled “Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for Which Public Health Service Funding is Sought and Responsible Prospective Contractors,” was extended until August 9, 2010.
APA is broadly supportive of efforts to maintain the public trust and ensure scientific integrity. However, as a nonprofit organization that encourages the participation of its members in such activities as peer review, journal editing, site visits, volunteer service and governance, APA will voice its concern about HHS’s revised definition of Significant Financial Interest (SFI). The proposed regulation drops several categories of formerly excluded income and lowers the amount of outside income that may flag an SFI from $10,000 to $5,000. APA will comment that the Public Health Service should exclude income that supports the scientific enterprise, such as reimbursement for services of journal editing, peer review, advisory committee membership and nonprofit association governance. If reimbursement for expenses for those types of activities should flag a SFI, APA members may be much less inclined to offer their time and talents to help maintain the human infrastructure of science.
A link to APA’s comments will be included in the next issue of SPIN.
About SPIN
APA's Science Government Relations Office (GRO) wants you to know about the important policy issues that involve psychological science at the national level. The Science GRO staff advocate for psychological science not only with Members of Congress, but also with the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services, Transportation, Veterans Affairs, Education, Justice, and with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and National Science Foundation. To keep you up-to-date regarding science policy within these agencies and on Capitol Hill, Science GRO staff write various articles and publish them monthly in an electronic newsletter called Science Policy Insider News (SPIN).
For additional news from the Science Directorate, please see Psychological Science Agenda.
If you have any questions regarding SPIN or specific science policy issues, please feel free to contact any of APA's Science GRO staff.
Geoff Mumford, PhD
Associate Executive Director for Government Relations
Pat Kobor
Senior Science Policy Analyst
Heather O'Beirne Kelly, PhD
Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer
Karen Studwell, JD
Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer
Christine Jamieson
Science Policy Associate
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William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684
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Please forward as you see fit. Sorry for any cross-posting. Nancy A. Piotrowski, Ph.D. Core Faculty, General Psychology Harold Abel School of Social and Behavioral Sciences Department of Psychology, Capella University President & Website Chair, San Francisco Psychological Association Co-Chair, Government Affairs Steering Committee, California Psychological Association 3450 Geary Boulevard, Suite #107 San Francisco, CA 94118 Phone & FAX by request Email: Skype: napiotrowski --- On Mon, 6/28/10, Randolph Hencken, MAPS <> wrote:
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Lelia Hood
Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to assist her.
Joshua A. Lile, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Medical Behavioral Science Building
Lexington, KY 40536-0086
Phone: 859.323.6034
FAX: 859.323.5350
William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
phone: (859) 257-5383
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Many thanks to everyone who has already submitted abstracts and symposia proposals for the 2010 Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) conference. Your timely submissions will help us to begin to plan the conference program. Registration for the conference is open and can be accessed on the AHSR website at
We're happy to announce that a limited number of Junior Investigator Travel Awards will be available because of the generous support of NIDA and NIAAA. One requirement for these travel awards is submission of a Conference Abstract, so we are extending the Abstract Submission deadline to July 14. Travel Award application instructions and eligibility criteria are posted on the AHSR website. We also hope that this extension will be helpful if you experienced technical difficulties with the abstract submission website yesterday.
We look forward to seeing you in Lexington!
Hannah Knudsen
Carl Leukefeld
Conference Co-Chairs
William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Psychology
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684
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