

Copied Ron in case this doesn't make it to listserv.
Thanks Ron for your sending your links to ATTUD.

Date:         Mon, 28 Jun 2010 19:41:08 -0400
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Subtitle:  The AMA recommends that electronic cigarettes be classified as drug delivery devices.

American Medical News
Christine S. Moyer, Amednews Staff

Testing and safety information on electronic cigarettes is
limited, the American Medical Association said, and the devices
should be restricted.

The AMA House of Delegates adopted policy at the organization's
Annual Meeting in June recommending that e-cigarettes be
classified as drug delivery devices that are subject to
regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. In addition,
state legislatures should prohibit the sale of e-cigarettes and
all other nicotine devices that are not FDA-approved, and the
products should be covered by smoke-free laws, the policy says.

"I want them subject to [FDA] regulations so people know exactly
what they're inhaling," said Atlanta internist Sandra Fryhofer,
MD, a member of the AMA Council on Science and Public Health.

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This listserv is not moderated. Unless specifically stated, messages posted on this listserv represent only the views of the individuals posting the messages, and ATTUD does not endorse the accuracy of any "statements."


[DIV28SUPER] nicotine self-administration devices

electronic smoking devices coming to a mall near you.. second hand smoke free-- until the user exhales. of course, it's not smoke, but a condensation aerosol of relatively low volatility liquids... feels like smoke, a little acid-scratch in the pharynx... I was startled to find this in a local mall on a roll-around kiosk.

they're not alone

"...They are not intended to be drug products that diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate any disease or condition..".. but they clearly alter function, so these clearly fall into the regulatory purview of the FDA IMHO...

Ronald Wood

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[DIV28SUPER] Search APA Convention Program by Division

The APA convention program is now online and searchable by division.  Here's the URL: 


Over on the left, where it says "Search the Program by," choose Division.

Next choose a division and pick to sort by session title, session type, day, etc.

Then click on Search Now.


Keith Cooke

Division Services Office

American Psychological Association

750 First Street NE

Washington, DC 20002-4242

Phone: 202-216-7602

Fax: 202-218-3599

Web: http://www.apa.org/about/division/index.aspx


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twitter: @apadiv28


[DIV28SUPER] FW: 2010 AHSR Conference Abstract Submission Deadline is June 30

REMINDER: AHSR Abstract Submission Deadline is June 30

The Abstract Submission deadline for the 2010 Addiction Health Services Conference is fast-approaching. Instructions for submitting Individual Abstracts and Symposium Proposals can be found on the conference website at http://www.cecentral.com/live/2283. If you are ready to submit, you can directly access the online forms at http://www.jotform.com/form/10733950331 for Individual Abstracts and http://www.jotform.com/hknudsen/10734334305 for Symposium Abstracts.

We look forward to seeing you in Lexington, KY, on October 25-27 for the 2010 AHSR Conference!

Hannah Knudsen
Carl Leukefeld
Conference Co-Chairs

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[DIV28SUPER] Division 28 Election Results

Esteemed Colleges,


The results of the divisional elections have been received and both contests were very close.  The executive committee thanks all the candidates for their willingness to run for office and serve the Division.


Please join me in welcoming our next President-Elect, Rick Bevins, and our new Member-at-Large, Ellen Walker.  Both Rick and Ellen will begin serving their terms on January 1, 2011.


Best regards,


Secretary, Division 28



Mark Smith, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology

Davidson College

Davidson, NC 28035-7037


phone: 704-894-2470

fax: 704-894-2512




[DIV28SUPER] New Videos on NIH Peer Review & Tips for Applicants

http://obssr.od.nih.gov/Content/Research/BSSR_Guide_To_Grants_at_NIH/   (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/) abeles@nih.gov ..

New Videos Reveal How NIH Identifies the Most Promising Research Applications

The National Institutes of Health's Center for Scientific Review (CSR) today released a new video to show new applicants and others how NIH assesses over 80,000 grant applications each year to help find those with the most merit. With the majority of NIH’s $31 billion budget supporting grants to researchers, these assessments help ensure investments lead to significant advances in science and health.

"The video provides an inside look at the dynamic way reviewers evaluate NIH grant applications," said CSR Director Dr. Toni Scarpa. "You'll see the rigor and integrity of their efforts, which have enabled NIH to identify ground-breaking research year after year."

CSR also has released a companion video: NIH Tips for Applicants. In this video, the reviewers and NIH staff members featured in the NIH Peer Review Revealed video provide advice to new applicants.

Both the NIH Tips for Applicants and the NIH Peer Review Revealed videos can be viewed and downloaded via CSR’s website: http://www.csr.nih.gov/video/video.asp.

Both videos incorporate many of the recent enhancements to the NIH peer review and grants systems. They replace a similar CSR video that has been viewed by thousands online and used by hundreds of research institutions across the country and abroad to train and educate new and established researchers.

Video FAQs are available for viewing at: http://cms.csr.nih.gov/NR/rdonlyres/3C488E85-3D72-4C08-8099-9F7939F53CB6/23512/VideoFAQs1.pdf.



[DIV28SUPER] FW: 2010 mHealth Summit - Call for presentations - Deadline Correction: July 16

Please consider submitting to the opportunity below. Email me with any questions or for technical assistance and we can arrange a time to discuss it.

Cecelia McNamara Spitznas, Ph.D.
Program Official
Behavioral and Integrative Treatment Branch (BITB)
Division of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Research (DCNBR)
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institutes of Health

mHealth Summit

A Public-Private Partnership of the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health

November 8-10, 2010
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
Washington, D.C.

Corrected Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, July 16, 2010, 11:59 p.m. EDT

The 2010 mHealth Summit will bring together leaders enabling cutting-edge research, evidenced-based practice and innovative policy solutions to advance the benefits mobile technology can bring to the health and well-being of developed and developing world populations.

The event organizers are seeking abstracts for presentations from the public and private sectors that highlight ground-breaking health research, information and communication technologies, systems architecture and global partnerships that leverage mobile technology to improve global health outcomes.

The organizers also are seeking demonstrations of research technologies such as mobile phones, smart phones, mobile phone applications, global positioning systems (GPS), personal digital assistants (PDAs), mobile electronic sensors (e.g., accelerometers), portable physiological sensors (e.g., ambulatory glucose monitors), mobile environmental sensors, integrated mobile devices and other wireless technologies.

Topic areas include:

-Remote Data Collection & Patient Monitoring (assess/track health in the real world)
-Health Disparities & Underserved Populations (high-risk and difficult to reach groups)
-Disease Prevention & Health Promotion (reducing risk factors for disease)
-Medical Compliance & Adherence (following treatment regimen)
-Environmental Exposure Assessment (studying environmental causes of disease)
-Childhood Obesity (energy intake and expenditure in individuals)
-Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (prenatal and postpartum health)
-Infectious Diseases (diseases attributed to virus, bacteria, or other infections)
-Patient Reported Outcomes (quality of life and other patient-driven health indicators)
-Point of Care Diagnostics (diagnostic testing performed at or near patient care setting)
-Educational Tools for Health Professional Training
-Software System Development and Information Technology Infrastructure (enterprise architecture)
-Emergency or Urgent Care (medical care where threat of disability or death is imminent)

All submissions will be reviewed by the mHealth Summit steering committee. Oral presentations will be grouped thematically in tracks, presented as moderated sessions, and are expected to last 12 minutes with additional time for a Q&A session. Some presentations will be integrated into planned super sessions.

To submit an abstract or for more information, please visit http://fnih.omnicms.com/fnih/mHealth10/collection.cgi

Discounted registration for the mHealth Summit is available through September 24. Register today at http://www.mHealthsummit.org

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[DIV28SUPER] Invitation to the CPDD Early Career Psychologist Mixer

Attached is an updated flyer that specifies the location of the Division 28 ECP mixer that is being held Tuesday June 15th from 6:00 - 7:00 in room 5408 of the Fairmont Hotel.

Please forward this flyer to any early career psychologists that you know who may be interested in learning more about Division 28.

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 3:13 PM, Hendree Jones <hjones18@jhmi.edu> wrote:

Dear Division 28 Members,


Please find attached to this e-mail a flyer for our mixer that will be held during non-CPDD programming time. Please forward this flyer to any early career psychologists that you know who may be interested in learning more about Division 28.


Please RSVP to me (hjones18@jhmi.edu) and I will send you the exact location of our event.


Best regards,


Hendree E Jones, PhD


Division 28

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twitter: @apadiv28

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
NIDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Learning and Health
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5200 Eastern Avenue, Suite 142 West
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-7495

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DISCLAIMER:  This e-mail is intended only for the individual to whom it is addressed.  It may be used only in accordance with applicable laws.  If you received this e-mail by mistake, notify the sender and destroy the e-mail

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twitter: @apadiv28


Re: [DIV28SUPER] Faculty Position

Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Little Rock, AR

THE UAMS FAY W. BOOZMAN COLLEGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH invites applications for one tenure-track position at the Assistant to Associate Professor level. Individuals with strong research expertise and interest in developing a career as a funded investigator are particularly encouraged to apply. The primary content area for the position is to conduct research on tobacco addiction mechanisms and its treatment, prevention and/or policy implications.  Experience in behavioral economics and/or contingency management is also considered desirable.   This position is to serve as a member of the Center for the Study of Tobacco Addiction.

Applicants should have a doctoral degree in one of the relevant psychological, social, health, policy or management sciences. A strong record of research publications with either a record of extramural funding, or evidence of the ability to develop such a record are also required.  Experience in teaching at the graduate level and engaging in research translation and public service is also highly desirable. Successful applicants will become part of a recently-established but rapidly-growing college with a public mandate to conduct education and research supporting health improvement.

The fully accredited College of Public Health was created in 2001 with a portion of the state’s tobacco settlement funds. The College enjoys close relationships with the state’s health and human service agencies and the UAMS Colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, and Health Related Professions.  Opportunities for collaboration also exist with the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, UAMS Clinical and Translational Research Center, Clinton School of Public Service and with the business and law schools and other academic units within the University of Arkansas system.  Salary and benefits are competitive and include a generous research incentive program.

Candidates should send a current CV, a letter describing areas of expertise, and a list of possible references to Warren K. Bickel, Ph.D. 4301 West Markham, #843, Little Rock, AR 72205.  Email: wbickel@uams.edu.  Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. UAMS is committed to equal opportunity, affirmative action and the diversity of its faculty and staff.  Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Warren K. Bickel, Ph.D.
Wilbur D. Mills Chair of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Prevention
Professor of Psychiatry and Director, Center for Addiction Research (CAR)
College of Medicine
Professor of Health Behavior and Director, Center for the Study of Tobacco
Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Center for Addiction Research
Psychiatric Research Institute
4301 W. Markham St., # 843
Little Rock, AR 72205

Tel: (501) 526-8437
Fax: (501) 526-7816
Email: wbickel@uams.edu



[DIV28SUPER] Invitation to the CPDD Early Career Psychologist Mixer

Dear Division 28 Members,


Please find attached to this e-mail a flyer for our mixer that will be held during non-CPDD programming time. Please forward this flyer to any early career psychologists that you know who may be interested in learning more about Division 28.


Please RSVP to me (hjones18@jhmi.edu) and I will send you the exact location of our event.


Best regards,


Hendree E Jones, PhD


Division 28