
[DIV28SUPER] FW: Important APA Event

Please see this announcement.


Thank you,


Hendree E Jones, PhD


Division 28



From: Steven Tulkin [mailto:stulkin@alliant.edu]
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 7:59 PM
To: 'hoganjohn@aol.com'; 'dunn@moravian.edu'; 'rmiller@binghamton.edu'; 'iweiner@health.usf.edu'; 'Mark.Bouton@uvm.edu'; 'phmiller@uga.edu'; 'petty.1@osu.edu'; 'Borgi001@umn.edu'; 'jeffreyksmith@gmail.com'; 'marvin.goldfried@sunysb.edu'; 'stevekincaid@mindspring.com'; 'kurt.kraiger@colostate.edu'; 'paul.schutz@utsa.edu'; 'bonnastasi@yahoo.com'; 'john-westefeld@uiowa.edu'; 'robert.morgan@ttu.edu'; 'Larry.James@wright.edu'; 'P.Lichtenberg@wayne.edu'; 'phancock@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu'; 'mary.hibbard@nyumc.org'; 'jxb14@psu.edu'; 'kmalone@westga.edu'; 'serdiksl@jmu.edu'; 'president@historyofpsych.org'; 'maber@cyrus.psych.uiuc.edu'; Hendree Jones; 'magnapsych@aol.com'; 'ewillmarth@procaresystems.com'; 'nklein@sisna.com'; 'sbridges@memphis.edu'; 'greg.olley@cdl.unc.edu'; 'aeswx@uga.edu'; 'ecole@alaskapacific.edu'; 'eworth@vcu.edu'; 'sandra.bishop@yale.edu'; 'jerry-suls@uiowa.edu'; 'apadiv38@verizon.net'; 'mbcresci@aol.com'; 'celiane.rey-casserly@childrens.harvard.edu'; 'mulveyep@upmc.edu'; 'lrgrossman@aol.com'; 'thoburn@spu.edu'; 'bonnie@psych.umass.edu'; 'rsellers@umich.edu'; 'psyfor@aol.com'; 'msachs@temple.edu'; 'jderivera@clarku.edu'; 'gary_burlingame@byu.edu'; 'lnajavits@hms.harvard.edu'; 'aaron.rochlen@mail.utexas.edu'; 'danny.wedding@mimh.edu'; 'anthony_spirito@brown.edu'; 'dclay@auburn.edu'; 'owentnichols@msn.com'; 'lsbrownphd@cs.com'
Cc: docbnrr@aol.com
Subject: Important APA Event


Dear Division President,


I am very pleased, on behalf of Divisions 55 and 18, with co-sponsorship from Divisions 8, 17, 44, 45, and 56, to send you this announcement of a day-long series of programs scheduled for APA in San Diego celebrating the partnership of Psychology and the Indian Health Service. The programs feature presentations from Rose Weahkee, Director of Behavioral Health of the Indian Health Service, and other nationally known experts in Native American health and legal issues, plus performances by Native American cultural groups, and a luncheon—all for a low registration fee of $10. Our goal is to focus attention on how psychologists contribute to health and wellness of Native American communities in partnership with the Indian Health Service.


Can you circulate this information to your members via email, websites, newsletters, or other media?  We appreciate your help.




Steven Tulkin, PhD


Celebration of Psychology and the

                Indian Health Service



From: Steven Tulkin
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 4:24 PM
To: Catherine Radcliffe
Subject: FW: Division Presidents


Here is how I got the list; and here is the flier that I want to send.  I will send you the text of my note when I have finished composing it.  Many thanks,




From: Jordan, Sarah [mailto:sjordan@apa.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 9:41 AM
To: Steven Tulkin
Cc: DOCBNRR@aol.com; Baker, Deborah
Subject: RE: Division Presidents


Hi Steve:


I’m attaching a file with the president’s email addresses. I was wondering if you wanted to also send your annoucement to the Ethnic Minority Affairs Office and the Society of Indian Psychologists. It may help to get the word out.


Best regards,






Sarah Jordan

Director, Division Services Office

Governance Affairs
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6022|  Fax: (202) 218-3599

email: sjordan@apa.org | www.apa.org

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From: Steven Tulkin [mailto:stulkin@alliant.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:30 PM
To: Jordan, Sarah
Cc: DOCBNRR@aol.com; Baker, Deborah
Subject: Division Presidents


Hi Sarah,

Divisions 55 and 18 have developed a series of special programs related to the Indian Health Service that will be presented at the San Diego Convention this August.  Several other divisions and state psychological associations are co-sponsoring this event, and have suggested that we send information to all of the Division Presidents so that they can inform their members of these programs.  Deborah Baker suggested I contact you for the email addresses. I am attaching the flier that we would distribute to the presidents.


Thank you for your help.





Steven R. Tulkin, PhD, MS, Professor and Director

Postdoctoral Master of Science Program in Clinical Psychopharmacology

California School of Professional Psychology

Alliant International University

One Beach St.,
San Francisco, CA  94133

(415) 955-2162






AHSR 2010 Abstract Submission Is Now Open!

The Addiction Health Services Research (AHSR) conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Lexington, KY, from October 25-27, 2010, and abstract submission is now open. Abstract submission instructions can be found on our conference website at http://www.cecentral.com/live/2283.

Our conference theme is "Health Services and Medical Innovations for the Next Decade." We welcome symposium submissions and individual abstracts related to the conference theme as well as research presentations on other topics related to addiction health services. All abstracts are due on June 30, 2010.

Join us on Monday October 25th for pre-conference workshops and an opening reception. Scientific presentations, plenary speakers, and a poster session will occur on Tuesday, October 26th, with the conference closing by 2pm on Wednesday, October 27th.

Plan to arrive early and join us for an afternoon of thoroughbred horse racing at scenic Keeneland! Attendees who arrive by Sunday, October 24 at noon can join us for an excursion that will be a uniquely Kentucky experience.

We look forward to you joining us in Lexington!

Carl Leukefeld
Hannah Knudsen
Conference Co-Chairs
University of Kentucky

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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[DIV28SUPER] Scientific Positions at the Drug Enforcement Administration

The Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section is in the process of several Pharmacologists (GS 405), Drug Science Specialists (GS 601) and Chemist (GS 1301) and the GS 12/13/14 levels (74,872.00 - 136,771.00 USD /year)!

The Section currently has a staff of 24 scientists of various expertise and disciplines.  The Section is responsible for all scientific and technical information on drugs of abuse for the agency.   These responsibilities include domestic and international drug and chemical control, quotas, and development and maintenance of forensic analysis databases.   

These are exciting opportunities dealing with interesting issues, travel, training, permanent position with good salary and benefits!!!  These positions are where Science meets Public Policy and Law Enforcement!

Specifically, these positions:

Reviews, appraises and synthesizes nformation from the world scientific literature and from information sources within DEA, as well as other Federal, State and local sources to advise DEA about the abuse potential of drugs and the use of precursor or essential chemicals to manufacture abuseable drugs.

Conducts reviews of drugs, precursor and essential chemicals, and clandestine drug production methods and recommends drug and chemical control actions, and/or exemptions under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA).

Advises the agency personnel on scientific matters pertaining to drugs, chemicals, organic chemistry, abuse potential of substances, regulatory and operational aspects of drug and chemical control and participates in these when appropriate.

Maintains liaison with scientists/experts at other government agencies, academic and research institutions and industry to promote the exchange of information related to drug and chemical issues.


Determines the control status of substances under the CSA based on legal and scientific interpretation of the CSA and its regulations


Represents DEA on inter-governmental and other committees, formulates agency responses to new drug abuse or drug and chemical diversion problems. Recommends scientifically defensible positions, presents and defends DEA's position outside the agency.

There is a full-field Top Secret background clearance required which includes a lifetime drug use questionnaire. 


If you have any questions about this requirement, please call me (202 307 7192).


Job Specifics


All Series: GS 12/13/14:  Salary range:  74,872.00 - 136,771.00 USD /year


DEA HQ is near the Pentagon City metro stop in Arlington VA


Must apply online at:  www.usajobs.gov

Each announcement generates a separate "best qualified" (BQ) list by the Personnel Office that are then sent to me for review/interviews/selection.

The completeness and content of your own self-certifying answers determine whether or not you will be found "qualified" for the job and placed on the BQ list by our Personnel Office.

Please contact me if you have any questions about the process or which announcement is appropriate.

Job Announcement Numbers: 

Pharmacologist (Series ~ GS 405):  H-DEA-OD-10-0512-DE and/or H-DEA-OD-10-0512-MP


Drug Science Specialist (Series ~ GS 601):  H-DEA-OD-10-0513-DE and/or H-DEA-OD-10-0513-MP

This is a "catch-all" position that we've used to hire behavioral pharmacologists, pharmacists, psychologists, biologists, as well as chemists and pharmacologists.


Chemist (Series ~ GS 1301):  H-DEA-OD-10-0514-DE and/or H-DEA-OD-10-0514-MP 


DE is for candidates new to the government and MP is for government employees, although a government employee can apply to both.


Job Announcements are Open until July 15, 2010.  


Please contact me if you have any questions!

Christine A. Sannerud, Ph.D.
Chief, Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section
Office of Diversion Control
Drug Enforcement Administration
Washington, DC 20537
Ph: 202-307-7183 or  202-307-7192 (direct)
Fax: 202-353-1263



[DIV28SUPER] Post Doc at UCSF

POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLARS: One- to two-year NIH/NIDA-funded positions as postdoctoral scholars in drug abuse treatment and services research are available in a multidisciplinary research environment in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco. Scholars work with a preceptor to design and implement studies on the treatment of drug dependence, and select a specific area of focus for independent research. Director and Associate Director Drs. James Sorensen and Sharon Hall and Co-Directors Drs. Steven Batki, Kevin Delucchi, Joseph Guydish, Carmen Masson, and Constance Weisner are all involved with either the NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) or Treatment Research Center (TRC). Training of psychiatrists, women, and minorities for academic research careers is a priority. Send CV, research statement, samples of work, and two (2) letters of recommendation to Barbara Paschke, 3180 18th St., Suite 205, San Francisco, CA 94110; 415-502-7882; Barbara.paschke@ucsf.edu. Additional information including faculty research interests is available at: http://ucsftrc.autoupdate.com/post_doctoral_program.vp.html

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] thedianerehmshow.org : The Administration's New Strategy to Fight Illegal Drug Use

The Administration's New Strategy to Fight Illegal Drug Use
Source: thedianerehmshow.org

The Obama administration's drug control strategy seeks to balance prevention, treatment and law enforcement. A new approach to reduce America's illegal drug use and its consequences.

[DIV28M] Fwd: [EARLYCAREER] Seeking Qualified Mentors and Mentees for APA Mentorship Program

See below for a good opportunity for students/early career investigators to receive additional mentoring.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Scott, Kraig <KScott@apa.org>
Date: Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:32 AM
Subject: [EARLYCAREER] Seeking Qualified Mentors and Mentees for APA Mentorship Program
To: EARLYCAREER@lists.apa.org



Seeking Qualified Mentors and Mentees for APA Mentorship Program

The American Psychological Association Office on AIDS is seeking qualified mentors and mentees to participate in a 2-year Cyber Mentor Program—a distance-learning, mentorship program designed to prepare doctoral-level behavioral and social scientists for careers as independent researchers in the area of HIV/AIDS and communities of color.

This program, funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), uses state-of-the-art distance-learning technologies (e.g., webcasts, online classrooms, etc.) to assist mentees in achieving three major goals:

  • Create and implement a career development plan focused on building the capacity to conduct independent research in the area of HIV/AIDS and communities of color.
  • Conceptualize, draft, and submit a high-quality research application to an appropriate National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding mechanism.
  • Establish a mutually supportive network of professional colleagues with common research interests.

Want to be a Mentor? Application information is here.

Want to be a Mentee? Application information is here.

The deadline for application materials is June 1, 2010

For further information, please contact the APA Office on AIDS (202-336-6042).






Office on AIDS
The American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-6042
(202) 336-6198 (fax)

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The Early Career Listserv is provided as a membership benefit of the American Psychological Association (APA) and is co-sponsored by the APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) as a forum to discuss early career issues and concerns and to provide mutual support for early career psychologists.

Please be advised that APA policy prohibits the posting of research projects soliciting participants on the early career listserv. Research projects include surveys, polls, interviews, and so on, intended to gather information of some type from respondents. Job listings, solicitations, and advertisement postings are also prohibited on the listserv. Regarding any use of this list for research purposes or for any questions about the list please contact the administrator at EARLYCAREER-request@lists.apa.org

*Listservs are open forums (not confidential) and contributors should be mindful of content in posts (e.g., potential protected health information/client demographic data). The listserv community can provide input and discussion of posted material, but ultimate responsibility of upholding professional ethical standards is the responsibility of those posting information on this listserv. When requested, inappropriate or inadvertently disclosed information can be removed from the listserv archives. *To POST to the list, send your email to EARLYCAREER@lists.apa.org. *To LEAVE the list, send an email to LISTSERV@lists.apa.org with the words SIGNOFF EARLYCAREER in the body of the message (subject line should remain blank). *ARCHIVES and listserv RULES including advisories on copyright, defamation, anti-trust (salary, price fixing, etc.), and political electioneering may be accessed at:http://listserve.apa.org/archives/earlycareer.html (Revised: February 17, 2010)

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
NIDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Learning and Health
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5200 Eastern Avenue, Suite 142 West
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-7495

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restricted to APA members subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org
twitter: @apadiv28


[DIV28M] FYI - Beliefs about Contingency Management Survey

Rec'd this through the SigAB of ABCT (formerly AABT)...

Circulate as you see fit.

Nancy A. Piotrowski, Ph.D.
Core Faculty, General Psychology
Harold Abel School of Psychology, Capella University
President & Website Chair, San Francisco Psychological Association
Co-Chair, Government Affairs Steering Committee, California Psychological Association
3450 Geary Boulevard, Suite #107
San Francisco, CA  94118
Phone & FAX by request
Email:               napiotrowski@yahoo.com
Skype:              napiotrowski
 "Not all those who wander are lost..." - J.R.R. Tolkien, 1954.

--- On Thu, 5/6/10, carla rash <carlarash@gmail.com> wrote:

From: carla rash <carlarash@gmail.com>
Subject: [AB-SIG] Beliefs about Contingency Management Survey
To: AB-SIG@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, May 6, 2010, 8:52 AM


Dear AB SIG Listmembers,

We are conducting a study assessing beliefs about contingency management interventions for clients with substance use disorders among addictions professionals. I am hoping you will help us access addictions professionals of all education and experience levels by passing this survey link (see below) on to those who might qualify. We are recruiting addiction professionals who are at least 18+ years of age and who have treated at least 1 client in the past year with substance-related treatment goals. Experience with contingency management is NOT required to participate. The study is approved by the University of Connecticut Health Center's Institutional Review Board.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Carla Rash

Are you a substance abuse treatment provider?

The University of Connecticut Health Center is recruiting substance abuse treatment providers for a web-based research study investigating beliefs about contingency management interventions for substance abusers. Training and experience with contingency management are NOT REQUIRED in order to participate. This survey involves questions about your prior clinical training experiences, characteristics about your work site, and your beliefs about contingency management. We expect this survey to take about 10-15 minutes. Study participants will have the option of entering a random drawing one of four $100 gift cards in appreciation of participation. Click https://www. surveymonkey. com/s/YZC2PRN for more information.

 (Study Title: Beliefs about Contingency Management; Investigators: Nancy M. Petry, PhD & Carla J. Rash, PhD)


Carla Rash, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Psychiatry (MC 3944)
University of Connecticut Health Center
263 Farmington Avenue
Farmington, CT 06030
Office: (860) 679-4689
Fax: (860) 679-1312
Recent Activity:

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restricted to APA members subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org
twitter: @apadiv28


Re: [DIV28SUPER] APA President-Elect Statement from Suzanne Bennett Johnson

Dear Division 28 Members,

Please find below the link to Suzanne Bennett Johnson’s APA President-Elect Candidate Statement.




Thank you,


Hendree E Jones, PhD


Division 28


[DIV28SUPER] APA President-Elect Statement from Donald Bersoff

 Dear Division 28 Members,

Please find below a statement from Donald N. Bersoff, Ph.D., J.D.: APA President-Elect Candidate




Donald N. Bersoff, Ph.D., J.D.

2010 APA Presidential Candidate


I have been asked by the Division to share my thoughts and ideas about psychological science that might be of interest to its members.  I am pleased to respond to that request.


I took General Psychology over 50 years ago at NYU.  The first thing we learned was the definition of psychology—the scientific study of the behavior of human beings and other animals.  The definition has not changed, only our forgetting of it.  Science and behavior are like conjoined twins connected by their brains—impossible to separate and deadly to both if they should be.  Whether psychologists are clinicians or involved in public interest policy, the scientific underpinnings of what they do is crucial to their credibility. 


Psychology is the only behavioral health profession that has as its based the requirement that its practitioners have solid grounds in research design and abiding appreciation for its scientific foundations.  If psychology is serious about being a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) discipline, it must be willing to subject its intervention and assessment practices to the rigors of empirical investigation.  Thus, psychologists who engage primarily in assessment must rely on psychometrically sound instruments developed by our colleagues who specialize in measurement and evaluation.  In fact, the US Supreme Court in 1993 ruled that forensic testimony must be based on facts, theory, and methodology that is scientifically valid, not merely generally accepted.  Similarly, psychologists who provide therapy are increasingly realizing that if they are to survive the transformational changes that health care reform will bring, they must rely on evidence-based interventions, not empirically-unsupportable theoretical orientations    .


One of the activities I cherished most when I served as APA’s first general counsel was the drafting of friend of the court (amicus) briefs in the Supreme Court.  Whatever the topic, APA’s arguments were always based on the scientific literature.  Should I be elected, as APA President and Chair of the Board of Directors, I will make sure APA stays true to its scientific roots.  APA’s public interest and professional advocacy in the courts and in the legislatures will only have credibility if it is grounded in science. 


Last, and certainly not least, APA must make sure that basic science in human behavior is supported by NIH, NIMH, NSF, and other funders.  Advocacy for science and science education should receive as much attention and support within APA as is advocacy for practice.


My presidential platform is based on the concept of data-based public policy.  To paraphrase the song from Oklahoma, the scientist and the practitioner should be friends.  I pledge to advocate and foster this relationship.



[DIV28SUPER] Announcement: provide feedback on draft strategic plan for NINDS

Dear colleagues:


Please forward this note to listservs and to scientists who might be interested in commenting on this draft plan.   Thanks for helping spread the word!



Please comment on the new NINDS Strategic Plan! 

NINDS recently completed an Institute-wide planning process and now welcomes your input on its draft plan. The plan outlines strategies that will enable NINDS to accelerate progress and make optimal use of resources for the next 5 to 10 years. The draft plan will be available for public comment through May 7, 2010. To view the plan and supporting materials, and to submit comments, please see: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/about_ninds/plans/strategic_plan/feedback.htm.       


Patricia Clem Kobor

Sr. Science Policy Analyst

American Psychological Association

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

(202) 336-5933

(202) 336-6063-f


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[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: NIH Guide to BSS Research, Issue 102, April 30, 2010

> http://obssr.od.nih.gov/Content/Research/BSSR_Guide_To_Grants_at_NIH/
> Recent publications in the "NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts"
> (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/)
> Relevant to Behavioral and Social Science Research
> Compiled and Distributed by the
> Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
> Office of the Director
> National Institutes of Health (U.S.A.)
> http://obssr.od.nih.gov/
> Questions or Comments to abeles@nih.gov
> <<At the end of this message there are instructions for joining and
> leaving this mailing list as well as for viewing previous issues.>>
> ============================================================
> Issue No. 102, April 30, 2010
> ============================================================
> THE WEEK ENDING April 2, 2010
> http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/WeeklyIndex.cfm/04-02-2010/
> Research Opportunities on Spasmodic Dysphonia (R21/R01)
> (PA-10-156/157)
> Research on Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (R01/R03/R21)
> (PA-10-158/159/160)
> ===
> ======================================================================
> THE WEEK ENDING April 9, 2010
> http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/WeeklyIndex.cfm/04-09-2010/
> Request for Information (RFI): Large Scale Clinical Trials on Aging
> (NOT-AG-10-005)
> Preliminary Clinical Studies in Preparation for Large Interventional
> Trials of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Therapies (R34)
> (PAR-10-163)
> ===
> ======================================================================
> THE WEEK ENDING April 16, 2010
> http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/WeeklyIndex.cfm/04-16-2010/
> Policy Reminder Concerning Appendix Materials for All NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH
> Grant Applications
> (NOT-OD-10-077)
> Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for: Social Network Analysis and
> Health, PAR-10-145 (R01) and PAR-10-146 (R21)
> (NOT-OD-10-082)
> National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Education and Career
> Development Program (R25)
> (PAR-10-165)
> International Neuroscience Fellowship (F05)
> (PAR-10-167)
> AHRQ Small Research Grant Program (R03)
> (PAR-10-168)
> ===
> ======================================================================
> THE WEEK ENDING April 23, 2010
> http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/WeeklyIndex.cfm/04-23-2010/
> Request for Information (RFI): Priorities for the NIH Adherence
> Research Network
> (NOT-OD-10-078)
> NIDA Research Education Program for Clinical Researchers and
> Clinicians (R25)
> (PAR-10-173)
> International Research Ethics Education and Curriculum Development
> Award (R25)
> (PAR-10-174)
> ===
> ======================================================================
> THE WEEK ENDING April 30, 2010
> http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/WeeklyIndex.cfm/04-30-2010/
> Extension of Expiration date for PA-07-277, PA-06-367, and
> PA-06-368: Research on Ethical Issues in Human Subjects Research
> (NOT-OD-10-086)
> ===
> ======================================================================
> =============================================================
> Send an e-mail message to:
> * listserv@list.nih.gov
> * The subject line should be blank
> * The message should read SUBscribe BSSR-Guide-L [your full name].
> The message is case sensitive; so capitalize as indicated! Don't
> include the brackets.
> For example, for Robin Smith to subscribe, the message would read
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> * The message body should read SIGNOFF BSSR-GUIDE-L
> ARCHIVE OF PREVIOUS MAILINGS: http://list.nih.gov/archives/bssr-guide-l.html
> Ronald P. Abeles, Ph.D.
> E-mail: abeles@nih.gov

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