
[#DIV28SUPER] Announcement: Science at APA (PLEASE FORWARD)

Colleagues, please see the below announcement from the APA Chief Scientific Officer for some exciting opportunities to contribute to science at APA.


Hi all,

I have a brief update from APA, and a small request please!

APA continues to do a lot more for science that most people realize (its entire pub division, federal advocacy for research funding, using science foundationally to build on all APA activities), but I am very excited to report that APA is making a very significant investment to take our work in science to the next level.  Below I have listed a set of five priorities for upcoming work in science at APA, and also some news about an expansion of resources. 

Regarding priorities, I should first say thank you to so many psychological societies (both in and out of APA), boards, divisions, departments, and thought leaders that I have met with so far to co-create a new agenda.  This represents a significant expansion of work and an exciting opportunity to use the full muscle of APA for our science.  See below for more details.  To meet these new priorities, APA is expanding the science directorate to allow us to improve, promote, and apply our psychological science in ways that I know we all have been wanting for a long time.  

Our success depends on two conditions.  First, is for scientists to engage in new APA initiatives and give me feedback on how we can be most useful to you and your work.  Second, is to find outstanding people for these positions.  

That's where you come in. Please disseminate these positions widely. Some already have been posted externally (see links). The remaining links will be available in the next few weeks. Of course, it would be terrific for us to hire people who add diversity in any/all ways.  Please invite any and all folks interested to contact me directly, and I am happy to discuss each position in more detail, and encourage folks to apply.  Note: residence in DC is not necessarily going to be expected for each of these positions.

 Thank you for your help at this important moment and opportunity for the field!


APA Science Priorities 

  • Prepare psychological scientists to succeed and thrive in a new climate for research, transdisciplinary research funding, and modes for studying behavior.  

  • Eliminate the effects of inequities, injustices, and biases on psychological science, becoming a model for all scientific disciplines.  (Note: this work will focus initially on racial/ethnic biases (more info here), but will be conducted to recognize intersectionality as well as ongoing issues relevant to many other underrepresented and discriminated groups (e.g., gender/sexual/age diversity, differences in ability, neurodiversity)). 

  • Fulfill the promise of psychology as a hub science by uniting psychology across sub-disciplines and utilizing our combined voice to partner with other fields that could benefit from our scientific expertise. 

  • Persuade thought leaders outside of scientific circles (e.g., federal and private funders, executive and legislative policy-makers, corporate/workplace contexts, educational and health settings) to partner with psychological scientists to ensure success.
  • Teach the public to regard psychological science as rigorous and essential for their daily personal and professional lives, and teach scientists how to engage in public education activities.




Mitch Prinstein, PhD, ABPP (he, him, his)
Chief Science Officer
Executive Office

American Psychological Association 
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002
mprinstein@apa.org www.apa.org 
All APA staff are teleworking until further notice and are experiencing a high volume of inquiries related to COVID-19. For immediate information and resources, visit APA's COVID-19 page for psychologists, health-care workers, and the public.​




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