
[DIV28ANNOUNCE] Division 28 Newsletter - December 2020

Dear Division 28 


Happy Holidays! I hope everyone is doing well. Attached please find the latest issue of the Division 28 Newsletter. Cheers as we leave 2020 in the dust! 


Warm wishes,  

Meredith (Division 28 Newsletter Editor) 


Meredith S. Berry, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Health Education and Behavior
Department of Psychology
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Email: mberry@ufl.edu


[#DIV28SUPER] ELECTION CLOSES TODAY-2020 Apportionment and Bylaws Amendment Election

Dear Division 28 Members,


If you haven't already voted, please do so today before the poll closes. Please also consider using all 10 of your votes for DIV28 in the apportionment ballot since it is important for our divisional representation on Council. 


Hope you are all doing well.




Wendy J. Lynch, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences

President of APA Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse)

University of Virginia

450 Ray C. Hunt Dr.

Charlottesville, VA 22903





From: APA Election Admin <help@yeselections.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2020 9:06 AM
To: Acri, Jane (NIH/NIDA) [E] <jacri@nida.nih.gov>
Subject: ELECTION CLOSES TODAY-2020 Apportionment and Bylaws Amendment Election


Dear Voting Member,

The 2020 Apportionment and Bylaws Amendment election closes today.

Please cast your ballot today by 11:59 p.m., EST.

This message is being sent on behalf of APA by YesElections, 1775 I St NW Suite 1150, Washington, DC 20006.
APA rules require that all eligible voters receive the first notice for each election. If you unsubscribed prior to the start of this election, you will be required to unsubscribe again. If you do not wish to receive reminders of this election, please click the following link: https://vote.yeselections.com/Unsubscribe/?PIN=31394656


[#DIV28SUPER] postdoctoral position at Duke University

The HIV and Addictions Research Program (HARP), directed by Dr. Christina Meade, is seeking a full-time postdoctoral fellow with a strong background in cognitive neuroscience and MRI data analysis. Our team seeks to understand how drug addiction and HIV infection together impact the brain, and in turn affect neurocognitive functioning. With a recently funded R01 to conduct multi-modal data fusion analyses on an existing MRI dataset (resting state fMRI, diffusion tensor imaging, and high-resolution structural scanning), we are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to make significant contributions to data analysis and manuscript writing. The postdoctoral fellow will also be responsible for assisting with data collection and management of two ongoing clinical studies that include multi-modal MRI. This position is ideal for individuals interested in pursuing an independent research career in an academic setting, and the fellow will be supported in the pursuit of independent funding (e.g., NRSA fellowship, K Award).  

 Work Performed 

Responsibilities will include: processing and analysis of multi-modal MRI data; MRI data management for studies in active data collection; manuscript writing; and some administrative tasks, such as assistant preparing NIH progress reports. The position entails planning, executing, and troubleshooting analyses with minimal supervision on a daily basis. The opportunity for first-author manuscripts exists, and publication will be encouraged. 

 Education & Experience 

Doctoral degree with training in neuroimaging (data acquisition, management, and analysis) is required. Interest in HIV and/or drug addiction is ideal. Experience with patient-oriented research is preferred.   

 Key Skills 

Successful applicants must be motivated, reliable, and mature, able to multi-task and learn new tasks quickly, and have strong interpersonal, organizational, and communication skills (both verbal and written). The fellow is expected to conduct MRI data processing and analyses independently, including the programming and implementation of automated scripts. Strong programming skills are required. Experience with MRI experimental design and data acquisition is desirable. Ideal software knowledge includes FSL, MATLAB, linux, and statistical packages such as SPSS. The fellow is expected to work both independently and as part of our active research team. 

 The proposed start date is spring or summer 2021. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The initial appointment will be for 1 year, with additional funding conditional upon satisfactory performance. Salary is commensurate with NIH guidelines and applicant experience. 

 To apply, please send a CV, statement of interest, relevant manuscripts, and names of three references to christina.meade@duke.edu.  


[#DIV28SUPER] student positions with Division 28

Hello APA Division 28 Members!


Just a friendly reminder that we are looking to recruit students who are interested in volunteering for several positions with Division 28. These positions provide an excellent opportunity for professional service, networking, CV building, and having an impact at APA and Division 28. Additionally, these positions bolster the student's likelihood of serving as Division 28's Student Representatives.


These positions include:

  • Assistant Editor for our Divisional Newsletter. Responsibilities include assisting our Newsletter Editor, Dr. Meredith Berry, in compiling columns from executive committee members as well as collaboratively writing the Diversity Column and Spotlight article. Newsletters are sent out quarterly. Meetings with Dr. Berry would occur as needed. Further questions can be directed to mberry@ufl.edu.
  • Positions on the Diversity Committee. Responsibilities include attending Diversity Committee meetings (monthly or bimonthly) to provide student perspectives & input on diversity-, inclusion-, and antiracism-related initiatives. Some work may be required between meetings to further student-relevant initiatives. Further questions can be directed to Dr. Wendy Lynch (wjl6w@virginia.edu) and Dr. Kelly Dunn (kdunn9@jhmi.edu) .
  • Positions on the Social Media Committee. Responsibilities include attending Social Media Committee meetings (bimonthly or quarterly) as well as providing/generating content for the APA Division 28 Twitter and Facebook accounts. Further questions can be directed to Mariel Bello (marielbe@usc.edu) and Gaylen Fronk (gfronk@wisc.edu).

All positions require a 1-year commitment. Division 28 welcomes all students to apply for these positions; the only eligibility requirement is graduate student standing as of January 2021. We encourage applications from students from backgrounds that have been typically underrepresented in science and research.


If you are a graduate student and would like to apply for these positions, please submit your information via this Google form. Applications are due by Tuesday December 15, 2020. If you know of others who may be interested in this opportunity, please share this information with them. We will also be sharing these announcements via our Division 28 Twitter (@APADiv28) and Facebook accounts, so please retweet or repost there as well!


Thanks, Wendy


Wendy J. Lynch, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

President, APA Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse)

Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences

University of Virginia

450 Ray C. Hunt Dr.

Charlottesville, VA 22903



[#DIV28SUPER] Postdoc in Translational Science of Alcohol and HIV at the University of Florida








Multidisciplinary training program focused on alcohol and HIV

Behavioral and clinical interventions

Data science

Neurocognition and brain science


Postdocs will work on NIH-funded grants, participate in seminars and training programs,

develop their own research programs and be mentored by outstanding faculty including

Co-Directors Drs. Robert Cook, Robert Leeman and Robert Lucero and colleagues from the following disciplines:  


Biostatistics: Drs. Babette Brumback

Clinical & Health Psychology: Drs. Jeff Boissoneault, Ron Cohen, Eric Porges, Catherine Price, Adam Woods

Epidemiology: Drs. Xinguang Chen, Linda Cottler, Mattia Prosperi, Yan Wang

Health Education & Behavior: Drs. JeeWon Cheong, Jalie Tucker

Nursing: Drs. Anna McDaniel, Diana Wilkie

Pathology: Dr. Marco Salemi

Psychiatry/Psychology: Dr. Sara Jo Nixon


Funding includes an annual stipend, research/travel expenses and health insurance

Individuals from under represented populations are strongly encouraged to apply


Email questions & CV to:

sharct32@phhp.ufl.edu or any program faculty


For more information:




[#DIV28SUPER] Research faculty position at the University of New Mexico Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, And Addictions

Dear colleagues and friends,


I am thrilled to announce a new opportunity to join us at the University of New Mexico, Center on Alcohol, Substance Use and Addictions (CASAA)! We are seeking a Research Faculty Member (Open Rank) to support the recently designated Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Grand Challenge at UNM. This is a non-tenure-track, faculty position for up to two years, with the opportunity for renewal and continued funding via external funding mechanisms.


For best consideration, complete applications must be received by January 15, 2021. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. A complete application consists of 1) a letter of interest/personal statement; 2) a comprehensive CV that clearly shows meeting the minimum doctorate requirement; 3) at least two representative reprints; 4) the titles, names and contact information (addresses, phone number and email address) of at least three professional references. All inquiries can be sent to: Professor Katie Witkiewitz at katiew@unm.edu. Applications can be submitted at https://unm.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/18/home/requisition/14223?c=unm


Feel free to contact me if you have questions. And, I apologize for cross-postings!




Katie Witkiewitz, PhD

Editor, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

Regents’ Professor, Department of Psychology

Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, And Addictions (CASAA)

University of New Mexico

Logan Hall, Room 118

MSC 03-2220

Albuquerque, NM 87131

Lab website: https://abqresearch.org

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers


Founded in 1889, the University of New Mexico sits on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Sandia (Tuf Shurn Tui). The original peoples of New Mexico Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache since time immemorial, have deep connections to the land and have made significant contributions to the broader community statewide. At UNM, we honor the land itself and those who remain stewards of this land throughout the generations and also acknowledge our committed relationship to Indigenous peoples. We gratefully recognize our history.




[#DIV28SUPER] FJC web series

Dear Division 28 Members,

Jason Cantone, a friend and colleague, who is the APA Council Representative for Division 41 (American Psychology-Law Society), works at The Federal Judicial Center, the research and education branch for the U.S. federal court system, and led an effort to create a web series on the opioid crisis and the courts. The series can be found here: https://www.fjc.gov/content/343128/opioid-crisis

Perhaps of most interest to Division 28's membership, it includes an interview with a psychologist, Division 28 President-Elect Kelly Dunn, on what judges should know about how psychologists treat individuals with opioid use disorder. It also includes a segment from psychologist Dr. Cathy Thompson, National Chief of Drug Treatment Programs at the Federal Bureau of Prisons, on how the Bureau of Prisons handles opioid use disorder in incarcerated settings and prepares inmates for reentry. Both segments discuss the use of CBT and chronic pain management.  

There are also segments featuring federal judges, a state court chief justice, CDC Director Dr. Redfield, and both the first-ever and current deputy directors of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, among others. 

If anyone has comments, they can direct them to Jason A. Cantone, J.D., Ph.D., at jasoncantone@gmail.com.

I hope you find this series informative and useful! The series is available to the public, so please feel free to share widely.
-Bill Stoops.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

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[#DIV28SUPER] USPSTF Releases 10th Annual Report to Congress on Evidence Gaps

Dear Colleagues,


The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has released its "10th Annual Report to Congress on High-Priority Evidence Gaps for Clinical Preventive Services." The American Psychological Association (APA) is a dissemination and implementation partner with the USPSTF to ensure psychology is represented in primary care delivery. 


The report (PDF version) highlights the following topics:


  • Depression in Children and Adolescents: Screening
  • Suicide Risk in Adolescents, Adults, and Older Adults: Screening
  • Prevention and Cessation of Tobacco Use in Children and Adolescents: Primary Care Interventions
  • Illicit Drug Use in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults: Primary Care–Based Interventions
  • Unhealthy Drug Use: Screening
  • Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Screening



Krist, A. H., Davidson, K. W., Mangione, C. M., on behalf of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. (2020). High-priority evidence gaps for clinical preventive services: 10th annual report to Congress. U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/uspstf/sites/default/files/inline-files/10th-USPSTF-Annual-Report-to-Congress.pdf


Please share widely with colleagues. 


Thank you.


Jacob S. Marzalik, MA

Project Manager, Clinical Practice Guidelines

Practice Transformation and Quality, Practice Directorate

American Psychological Association


750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242



All APA staff are teleworking until further notice and are experiencing a high volume of inquiries related to COVID-19. For immediate information and resources, visit APA's COVID-19 page for psychologists, health-care workers, and the public.



[#DIV28SUPER] [Please Forward] USPSTF Releases Recommendation Statement on Behavioral Counseling Interventions for Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Adults

Dear Colleagues,


The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) just released final recommendations and an evidence summary on behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention in adults with CVD risk factors. A clinician summary is also available on the Task Force website, which provides guidance to primary care clinicians for using the recommendation in practice.


To view the recommendation and evidence summary, please click here: https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/uspstf/recommendation/healthy-diet-and-physical-activity-counseling-adults-with-high-risk-of-cvd


Please forward to interested colleagues.


Thank you.


Jacob S. Marzalik, MA

Project Manager, Clinical Practice Guidelines

Practice Transformation and Quality, Practice Directorate

American Psychological Association


750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242



All APA staff are teleworking until further notice and are experiencing a high volume of inquiries related to COVID-19. For immediate information and resources, visit APA's COVID-19 page for psychologists, health-care workers, and the public.



[#DIV28SUPER] Lecturer Position at the University of Florida Department of Health Education & Behavior

Dear Colleagues,


I am pleased to pass along word of a lecturer opening in my department at the University of Florida. All of the details can be found at this link and below. Please direct any inquiries to my colleague Dr. Joy L. Rodgers, Search Committee Chair, at rodgersj@ufl.edu




The Department of Health Education and Behavior (HEB), College of Health and Human Performance at the University of Florida (UF) invites applications and nominations for a full-time non-tenure-earning faculty Lecturer position. UF is a dynamic Carnegie Foundation Research University with very high research activity that educates approximately 55,000 students annually. In 2019, UF was ranked No. 6 of public universities by U.S. News and World Reports. The Department of HEB (http://heb.hhp.ufl.edu/) currently enrolls more than 738 undergraduate majors, 78 graduate students, and 22 full-time faculty members. This nine-month, full-time non-tenure-earning faculty (1.0 FTE) position will begin Aug 16, 2021, continuing through May 15, 2022, and is renewable on a yearly basis. Summer teaching opportunities are often available, but not guaranteed, and UF has a competitive benefits package.

The primary position responsibility is teaching required and elective courses in health education and behavior at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The teaching component of the position will include both residential and online courses with an expected maximum teaching assignment of four courses per semester, or equivalent assignments of effort in teaching, service, or research. Involvement in service and governance at the department, college, and university levels is also expected. Successful applicants will be given opportunities and time to expand the breadth of their teaching experience and to develop new coursework and educational programs.


The candidate must have a doctoral degree in Health Education and Behavior or a health-related field (e.g., psychology, public health, health promotion, prevention science) and experience teaching university-level courses. Master or Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES® or CHES®) or Certified Public Health (CPH) is preferred. Previous experience as an instructor of record, developing online courses, and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students also is preferred. We seek applicants who are passionate and enthusiastic about teaching and student learning to empower our students to make impactful economic, cultural, and societal contributions and whose educational contributions rest on contemporary science and practice in health education and behavior.

We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity, inclusivity, and excellence of the academic community. UF is committed to non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training. 


Review will begin on January 4, 2021. Review of applications received after this date will continue at the discretion of the Committee and/or Department Chair until the position is filled. Submit applications for Requistion #67250 at https://facultyjobs.hr.ufl.edu/ and include: (1) an application letter summarizing qualifications, teaching experience, and interest in the Department; (2) a curriculum vitae; and (3) names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers of three to five references. Send inquiries to Dr. Joy L. Rodgers, Search Committee Chair, at rodgersj@ufl.edu.

Final candidate will be required to provide official transcript to the hiring department upon hire. A transcript will not be considered “official” if a designation of “Issued to Student” is visible. Degrees earned from an education institution outside of the United States are required to be evaluated by a professional credentialing service provider approved by National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES), which can be found at http://www.naces.org/.

The University of Florida is an equal opportunity institution dedicated to building a broadly diverse and inclusive faculty and staff. If an accommodation due to a disability is needed to apply for this position, please call 352/392-2477 or the Florida Relay System at 800/955-8771 (TDD). Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the US. Searches are conducted in accordance with Florida's Sunshine Law.


[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update, November 24, 2020

Table of Contents

I.                    The Tobacco Regulatory Science Program (TRSP)

II.                  Notices from NIDA HIV/AIDS Program

I.                    The Tobacco Regulatory Science Program (TRSP)

The Tobacco Regulatory Science Program (TRSP) is an interagency partnership between the NIH and the FDA Center for Tobacco Products to foster tobacco regulatory research.  With the passage of the 2009 Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (Tobacco Control Act), the FDA acquired the authority to regulate the manufacture, marketing, and distribution of tobacco products in order to protect public health. Within the framework of the Tobacco Control Act, the NIH and FDA formed this partnership to establish a comprehensive research agenda in tobacco regulatory science.


TRSP offers several research funding opportunities focused on tobacco regulatory science. Investigator-initiated applications may also be submitted for NIH review. As you review the grant opportunities:

  1. Review the current TRSP Research Priorities page for topics relevant to the FDA Center for Tobacco Products.
  2. Work with the NIH Program Officials listed in Section VII: NIH Agency Contacts of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) or Contact the NIH TRSP Mailbox.
  3. Learn about the application review process. Note that the TRSP review criteria are different from the standard NIH review criteria. 


Find a list of current TRSP funding opportunities copied below:


Tobacco Regulatory Science Program (TRSP) Funding Opportunities and Announcements

      The Tobacco Regulatory Science (R01 Clinical Trial Optional) - RFA-OD-19-028 has been reissued with new research priorities. The next application date is February 13, 2021. LOI due 60 days prior to the application due date.

      Secondary Analyses of Existing Datasets of Tobacco Use and Health (R21 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - RFA-OD-19-022. The next application date is March 8, 2021. LOI due 60 days prior to the application due date.

      Maximizing the Scientific Value of Existing Biospecimen Collections: Scientific Opportunities for Exploratory Research (R21 - Clinical Trial Not Allowed) - RFA-OD-19-021. The next application date March 8, 2021. LOI due 60 days prior to the application due date.

·     The K01 and K99/R00 RFAs were re-issued. The next application due date is February 8, 2021. LOI due 60 days prior to the application due date.

·       Mentored Research Scientist Career Development Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K01)

o   RFA-OD-20-008 non-clinical trial

o   RFA-OD-20-011 clinical trial

·       Pathway to Independence Award in Tobacco Regulatory Research (K99/R00)

o   RFA-OD-20-009 non-clinical trial

o   RFA-OD-20-010 clinical trial

  • NOSI: Research to Advance the Understanding of Tobacco Product Pharmacokinetic Research - NOT-OD-20-081. This notice applies to due dates after July 17, 2020 and subsequent receipt dates through February 13, 2021.

·       For additional information on TRSP funding opportunities, visit the TRSP website

II.                  Notices from NIDA HIV/AIDS Program


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L



[#DIV28SUPER] Tenure-Track Assistant Professor Position in Neuroscience and Behavior

Purdue University's Department of Psychological Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Neuroscience and Behavior to begin in August of 2021. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a program of nationally recognized research and teach undergraduate and graduate level courses.

The candidate must have a Ph.D. in psychology, neuroscience, or a related field and should have appropriate postdoctoral experience. Candidates should have a strong publication record, a research program with a high likelihood of obtaining external funding, and potential for teaching and mentoring excellence. We are particularly interested in candidates whose research is at the intersection of neuroscience and aging, but we will consider all candidates who conduct research in neuroscience, broadly defined.
The Department of Psychological Sciences is the largest Department in the College of Health and Human Sciences at Purdue University. The department's graduate program in Neuroscience and Behavior was recently restructured to integrate research in human neuroscience within the program's traditional focus on (non-human) animal neuroscience. You can learn more about our department here: https://www.purdue.edu/hhs/psy/.

Applications must include (1) a cover letter of interest, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a research statement, (4) three peer-reviewed research articles, (5) a teaching statement, and (6) a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement (see below), and 7) contact information for three references. Application materials should be submitted by January 6th, 2021 for full consideration. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. A background check is required for employment in this position. Questions regarding the position may be sent to Dr. Julia Chester, Chair of the Search Committee (jcheste@purdue.edu). Interested candidates should apply to https://career8.successfactors.com/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=12135&company=purdueuniv.

Purdue University's Department of Psychological Sciences is committed to advancing diversity in all areas of faculty effort including discovery, instruction, and engagement. Candidates should address at least one of these areas in the separate Diversity and Inclusion Statement, indicating their past experiences, current interests or activities, and/or future goals to promote a climate that values diversity and inclusion. Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.

Julia A. Chester, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences

PSYC, 703 Third St, West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-6863 m: 765-426-3150

_____________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members #div28 subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[#DIV28SUPER] University of Florida=?Windows-1252?Q?=97Doctoral_?=Training Positions in Health Education & Behavior

University of Florida—Doctoral Training Positions in Health Education & Behavior 


The University of Florida Department of Health Education and Behavior (HEB) is seeking PhD students to begin study in the fall of 2021. The HEB PhD program offers a concentration in health behavior and prepares scientists to research, develop, implement, and evaluate innovative strategies to improve health outcomes. Several faculty in the department offer opportunities for specialization in substance abuse, addiction, HIV/AIDS, substance-related sexual risk, and prevention science. More information about admissions and faculty research can be found here: http://hhp.ufl.edu/admissions/heb-phd/ 


Interested students should demonstrate an interest in a research-involved career and evidence of research experience or potential. Fully funded assistantships and fellowships (with tuition waivers), and conference travel funds are available. For priority consideration, please apply by January 4, 2021


Please see below for information on specific faculty members looking for students: 


Dr. Rob Leeman's primary research interest is in relationships between various difficulties with self-control and addictive behaviors, particularly alcohol and opioid misuse. He also has research interests in sexual health behavior and HIV prevention. Dr. Leeman, his collaborators and students also test new interventions to ameliorate addictive behaviors and prevent HIV using human laboratory and randomized controlled trial approaches. http://hhp.ufl.edu/about/faculty-staff/leeman_robert/  


Dr. Maldonado-Molina's research program focuses on reducing health disparities in child and adolescent health, alcohol use, and alcohol-related consequences in particular, with a focus on vulnerable populations. Her work centers on applying innovative statistical methods in prevention-oriented studies of youth, with expertise in cultural processes associated with substance use in Latinx youth. A current study examines migration and cultural stressors, alcohol misuse, and mental health problems in Puerto Rican families who migrated after Hurricane Maria; and examine prospective relationships to test cultural stress theory across distinct resettlement contexts. http://hhp.ufl.edu/about/faculty-staff/maldonado-molina_mildred/ 

Dr. Nichole Scaglione's research aims to reduce substance abuse and sexual assault risk in adolescents and young adults. She is interested in decision-making processes that impact risk during specific substance use events; Dr. Scaglione's team also develops and tests prevention strategies to reduce high-risk drinking and sexual violence in high school, college, and military settings. Current DoD- and CDC-funded projects will provide scientific and professional development opportunities for incoming PhD students. http://hhp.ufl.edu/about/faculty-staff/scaglione_nichole/ 


Dr. Jalie Tucker is a clinical psychologist with public health expertise who conducts applied behavioral economic research on behaviors that involve choices between sooner smaller rewards (e.g., substance use, risky sex) and delayed larger rewards (e.g., benefits of a healthy/sober lifestyle, safer sex practices). She investigates addictive and related behavior patterns within the natural environment using measurement and sampling methodologies for community-based research with hard-to-reach risk populations. Current work focuses on natural recovery from Alcohol Use Disorder and behavioral economic risk factors for harmful drinking among emerging adults. Dr. Tucker directs the University of Florida Center for Behavioral Economic Health Research, which supports research, applications, and education aimed at understanding human choice behavior and decision-making with emphasis on health and health behavior change. http://hhp.ufl.edu/about/faculty-staff/tucker_jalie/