
[#DIV28SUPER] FW: USM Counseling Psychology Doctoral Program Info Session

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Hello Colleagues,


Please forward to students interested in pursuing a PhD in counseling psych. Interested students can register at the link below. Thanks Mike.







[#DIV28SUPER] Help Establish Standard Data Collection Protocols for COVID-19 Research: Crowdsourcing Phase 3, Due Oct 2

Help Establish Standard Data Collection Protocols for COVID-19 Research

Welcome to PhenX COVID-19 Crowdsourcing Phase 3
Open until Friday, October 2

Phase 3 requests that you select one protocol that best addresses each topic.  
There are 2 groups of topics:
Group 1: Demographics, Impacts, and Coping (18 topics)
Group 2: Health, Access to Care and Mental Health (23 topics)
We ask that you respond to the group of topics that most closely reflects your expertise. 

Of course, you can choose to respond to both groups of topics. 

Step 1: Review Protocols
For each topic, the individual protocol options are available for you to review:

View protocols for
 Group 1 here
View protocols for 
Group 2 here
Step 2: Pick the Top Protocols

Click here for Phase 3 Group 1: (Time Estimate: 30 - 60 minutes)
Click here for Phase 3 Group 2: (Time Estimate: 35 - 70 minutes)

Phase 3 incorporates the sub-topics that were validated in Phase 2.

Collaborators in the PhenX COVID-19 project include the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR), the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the National Library of Medicine (NLM), and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Disaster Research Response (DR2) serves as a repository for disaster-related data collection tools, including COVID-19 surveys. The PhenX Toolkit is a catalog of recommended measurement protocols suitable for use in a variety of research study designs involving human participants. 



PhenX is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Genomic Resource Grant (U41HG007050) from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) with current or prior funding support from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and the Tobacco Regulatory Science Program (TRSP).



The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-L





[#DIV28SUPER] Join Us for The APA Fellows Application Process: How Does It Work?

Dear Division 28,

Please see below an announcement from APA.





APA Division 28 Membership Chair



The APA Fellows Application Process: How Does It Work?

Join us for a webinar on Oct 08, 2020 at 6:00 PM EDT.

The APA Fellow's Application Process: How Does It Work? The APA Fellows Committee will host a webinar to explain the APA Fellows process to members looking to become an APA Fellow. Whether you are applying or have been asked to endorser someone's Fellows application, you will hear from the APA Fellows Committee as to what they look for when reviewing Fellows application and hear tips about how to write statements and letters to address how you meet the criteria for APA Fellow status. There will also be time to ask questions of the APA Fellows Committee.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

View System Requirements




Brent Kaplan

Assistant Professor

Department of Family and Community Medicine

University of Kentucky

phone: 859-562-2714

email: brentkaplan@uky.edu

bio | github | researchgate


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[#DIV28SUPER] ABCT Addictive Behavior Special Interest Group - Faculty Seeking Graduate Students List - Deadline 09/30/20

[Sent on behalf of Jeremiah Weinstock]


Dear Members of APA Division 28,  


I am emailing because I coordinate the Association for Behavior and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Addictive Behaviors Special Interest Group's (SIG) list of faculty recruiting new graduate students for the 2021-2022 academic year.  You may have seen this list in previous years.  This year we are opening the list to any and all faculty with interests in addictive behaviors (broadly defined) who are recruiting students for graduate programs (e.g., masters, doctoral).  You do not have to be an ABCT Addictive Behaviors SIG member to participate.  This list is a service the SIG provides to our field and is a means to promote our most awesome group. (Obligatory pitch: It's a great group - you should join! 😉  See or website for info.)  Below is the information about the list if you are interested.  On the same spreadsheet in a different tab, we also create a list each year of faculty NOT accepting students.  Please note, I will send out a view only link and a pdf of the list for broad dissemination on October 1, 2020.  Also, feel free to forward this email to colleagues who may be interested.


Jeremiah Weinstock, PhD 

Professor of Psychology

Saint Louis University 



It is that time of year again to solicit for the ABCT Addictive Behaviors Special Interest Group's faculty seeking students list. Below is the standard email sent every year, so for those who are new to the list it describes the motivation and rationale for the list.  Attached is last year's list for reference. Based upon feedback from last year, I am compiling the list slightly different this year. We are using a Google Spreadsheet where faculty are to review and update information as necessary.  If you are new to the list, just insert a line in the appropriate spot (alphabetical order by last name) and add your information. The main advantage of using a Google Spreadsheet is it becomes a living document and each person is responsible for their own information!

New instructions for this year:        

Use this link to get to the Google Spreadsheet to review and update your information.  Last year's list is the starting point for the list. Please note there are two tabs:  (1) Faculty Taking Students, and (2) Faculty Not Taking Students.  Please update your information to the correct list.  Currently, all entries from last year are in red font with green shading.  Upon updating your information, please change the font to black, and remove the shading.  The font and shading allows me to know who has and has not updated their information. Individuals who do not update their information by September 30, 2020 will have it deleted so that the disseminated list is as accurate as possible.   

Please follow-up with me (jeremiah.weinstock@health.slu.edu) with any questions or concerns.   



Standard Email About the List: 

Each year many of us work with undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a masters or doctoral degree in an area of psychology with an emphasis on addictive behaviors. And speaking for myself, each year I provide the same five to ten names of colleagues who I know may be taking students. On the flip side, each year I am trying to find good students whose research interests align with mine and who would be a good candidate for admissions to our graduate program.

So, in order to better serve our undergraduate students and aid in the recruitment of qualified graduate students, I am hoping to again coordinate a list of faculty in graduate programs (both masters and doctoral) with research interests in addictive behaviors, broadly defined, who are taking students for the upcoming academic year (2021-2022).  We also include a list of faculty who are not taking students in the upcoming year -- hopefully sparing you of several emails inquiring about whether you are taking a student in the upcoming year.  The plan would then be to distribute the lists to members of Addictive Behaviors SIG and other outlets by October 1, 2020 so that they may then share it with their students.

If you are interested in participating please enter your information by September 30, 2020.  Below is an example for a faculty member who is taking a student.  If you are not taking a student, please place your name, graduate program and institution on the Not Taking Students list.     


Graduate Program Degree Level  



Extra Info  

Bluto Blutarsky, PhD 

Masters, Clinical Psychology  

Faber College  


Research interests in college student drinking & Greek life.   



Saint Louis University

Jeremiah Weinstock, PhD
Department of Psychology

3700 Lindell Blvd
Morrissey Hall, Room 2735
St. Louis, MO 63108


slu.edu | wagerlabslu.wordpress.com



[#DIV28SUPER] [Please Forward] Call for Nominations - Clinical Practice Guideline Development Panel for Treatment of PTSD in Adults: An Update

—Call for Nominations—


Clinical Practice Guideline Development Panel for Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adults: An Update


Nominations must be received by Sept. 28, 2020.


The American Psychological Association’s (APA) Advisory Steering Committee for the Development of Clinical Practice Guidelines is seeking nominations of individuals to serve on a guideline development panel that will produce an updated version of APA’s 2017 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adults. The Advisory Steering Committee seeks to produce an updated version that will be approved as policy by the APA Council of Representatives by 2022 or as soon as feasible, in keeping with the widely accepted recommendation that clinical practice guidelines be considered for updating at least every five years.


Individuals, including those from disciplines outside of psychology and members of the broader community who are affected by PTSD, are encouraged to self-nominate. Nominees who will enhance the diversity of the panel membership and the perspectives represented on the panel are particularly encouraged to apply. Individuals who previously served on the guideline development panel that produced the 2017 guideline are eligible to be considered.


The panel will be composed of seven or more members. They will include:


  • Researchers and practitioners from psychology and other disciplines with expertise or experience related to the treatment of PTSD in adults.
  • One or more community members who have been treated for PTSD or have had experience interacting with, supporting, or advocating for people who have been treated for PTSD.
  • An individual whose primary expertise lies in research methods, conduct of systematic reviews, and/or guideline development.


Nominees’ materials will be initially reviewed by the Advisory Steering Committee, and appointments to the panel will be made by APA’s Board of Directors. One member of the panel will be designated as the chair. Appointments will be contingent on a review of nominees’ potential conflicts of interests. Membership in APA is not a requirement to serve on the panel.


The panel will update the 2017 guideline’s recommendations based on current systematic reviews of the research literature as well as other literature and information, in a manner consistent with current best practices for updating clinical practice guidelines. The panel will not itself conduct systematic reviews but will utilize existing reviews and/or solicit new reviews, with the guidance of the Advisory Steering Committee and potentially other consultants. The panel will also update the organization and text of the guideline document in accord with guidance from the Advisory Steering Committee and other sources. Moreover, the panel will solicit and respond to public comments on a draft version of the document.


The panel’s work is expected to take approximately two years. Progress reports will be provided to the Advisory Steering Committee, Board of Directors, Council of Representatives, and APA governance groups on a regular basis. The panel’s activities will be supported by designated APA staff.


Panel members should have expertise or experience in one or more of the following areas:


  • Treatment of PTSD
  • Clinical practice guideline development
  • Comparative effectiveness research
  • Systematic reviews
  • Design and conduct of clinical trials
  • Contemporary methods for evaluation of psychological, behavioral, or pharmacological interventions
  • Dissemination/implementation research
  • Relevant expertise in research design and statistical analysis
  • Experience applying clinical practice guidelines in practice settings
  • Experience using or providing training in evidence-based practices
  • Direct provision of psychological or medical care in diverse practice settings or with diverse populations
  • Patient/consumer perspectives
  • Federal agency policies and programs related to clinical practice guidelines
  • Health care systems administration
  • Public health research and applications
  • Public and community health delivery systems


It is anticipated that the members of the panel will collectively have experience working with a broad range of populations (including those described on such dimensions as race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, culture, language, gender, sexuality, and physical and mental abilities) and in a broad range of settings.


Panel members will be expected to commit to the following:


  • Attend at least two meetings each year (meetings will be held either virtually or in person in Washington, DC, and will be scheduled after the panel is constituted).
  • Actively participate in monthly telephone conference calls as well as email communications.
  • During some periods, commit several hours per week to assessing systematic reviews and related literature and to writing or revising sections of the guideline document.
  • Respond to emails and requests for information from fellow panel members and APA staff throughout the guideline update process.
  • Willingness to serve for two years (or until the guideline update is complete).


Interested individuals should nominate themselves. Your nomination materials should include a cover letter indicating your willingness to serve for two years (or until the guideline update is complete), a brief statement of your specific expertise and qualifications related to the criteria described above, and a current resume/curriculum vitae.


Current members of the following APA governance groups that have oversight of APA guideline activities are not eligible to serve on the panel: Board of Directors, Board of Professional Affairs, and Board of Scientific Affairs.


In general, individuals may serve on only one active APA clinical or professional practice guideline development panel at a time, although they may serve on more than one over the course of time.


Please email all nominations and supporting materials to the APA Clinical Practice Guidelines mailbox (cpg@apa.org) by 11:59 p.m. (ET) Sept. 28, 2020. In the event of questions or difficulties regarding email transmissions, please contact Jacob Marzalik, MA, project manager for APA clinical practice guidelines at jmarzalik@apa.org.


Background Information:




Jacob S. Marzalik, MA

Project Manager, Clinical Practice Guidelines

Practice Transformation and Quality, Practice Directorate

American Psychological Association


750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242



All APA staff are teleworking until further notice and are experiencing a high volume of inquiries related to COVID-19. For immediate information and resources, visit APA's COVID-19 page for psychologists, health-care workers, and the public.



[#DIV28SUPER] Postdoctoral position on T32 Alcohol Research Training Grant at Univ of New Mexico Center on Alcohol, Substance use, and Addictions (CASAA)

Announcement of Postdoctoral Position: Alcohol Research Training Grant,

“Alcohol Research Training: Change Methods & Mechanisms”


The Center on Alcohol, Substance use, and Addictions (CASAA) announces one open postdoctoral position on our NIAAA Institutional Research Training grant, which has been renewed through 2025. The goal of the grant is to prepare future NIH scientists to conduct research to (1) elucidate the processes of change in drinking behavior, (2) develop and test effective methods to effect change through self-change, treatment and indicated prevention, and (3) develop and test models to disseminate knowledge of effective interventions for diverse populations. The grant supports four predoctoral fellows in the Department of Psychology and three postdoctoral fellows who may come from any discipline relevant to the goals of the training program. Fellows work with one of the core training faculty as primary mentor and have a secondary mentor as well. Primary mentors include: Barbara S. McCrady (PI and training program director), Eric Claus, Jon Houck, Margo Hurlocker, Theresa Moyers, Matthew Pearson, Pilar Sanjuan, Jane Ellen Smith, J. Scott Tonigan, Kamilla Venner, and Katie Witkiewitz


We have one opening to support a postdoctoral fellow for 2021-2022. Applicants must meet the following criteria: (1) demonstrated interest in the alcohol field as evidenced by prior coursework, research, and/or clinical experience; (2) a record of research productivity as evidenced by research presentations and peer-reviewed publications; and (3) a commitment to a career in alcohol research. All fellows must be US citizens or permanent resident aliens.


As part of the training program, fellows must be engaged in full-time research training, participate in a weekly Addictions seminar, define a training plan and achieve specific competencies during each year, and limit outside employment. For continued support post-doctoral fellows will be expected to prepare and successfully submit an NIH grant application.


The training program provides a NIH-defined stipend (based on years since doctoral degree), tuition remission, support for professional travel, and support for training- and research-related expenses.


Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and a 1-2 page cover letter that addresses their qualifications for and interest in the training program to Barbara S. McCrady, Ph.D., bmccrady@unm.edu. Applications received by January 15, 2021 will be given best consideration.


See http://casaa.unm.edu/traininggrant.html for additional information about the training program




Katie Witkiewitz, PhD

Editor, Psychology of Addictive Behaviors

Regents’ Professor, Department of Psychology

Center on Alcohol, Substance Use, And Addictions (CASAA)

University of New Mexico

Logan Hall, Room 118

MSC 03-2220

Albuquerque, NM 87131

Office phone: 505-277-5953

Vmail: 505-925-2334

Lab website: https://abqresearch.org

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers




[#DIV28SUPER] Editorial Fellow opening, J Addiction Med


Please forward/distribute/share as appropriate.


The Journal of Addiction Medicine (JAM), the official peer-reviewed journal of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, seeks Editorial Fellows. Applicants should have at least two years of addiction research experience, have an MD or PhD degree, have completed clinical specialty training, and hold faculty positions at the instructor, or assistant professor level or other junior faculty level equivalent. Candidates who have published at least 3 peer-reviewed papers, have strong knowledge of addiction science, and a record of commitment to and achievement in academic addiction medicine are encouraged to apply. Applications are due October 11, 2020. See here for the full announcement.


Under the supervision of JAM editors, the Fellow will be given the following responsibilities:


·       Work as Handling Editor using the electronic manuscript submission system and engage in the manuscript review process for 6-12 manuscripts a year.


·       Synthesize reviewer comments, prepare, and communicate them authors with revision requests, and participate in the final manuscript decision—communicating regularly with the Editors.


·       Commit to one to two hours a week.


·       Participate in a weekly 30-minute conference calls with the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, Co-Editors, publishers, and society representatives and attend annual ASAM conference and Editorial Board meetings.


·       Write or co-write editorials for the Journal if the editors determine you have the required experience and interest.


Fellows will obtain extensive experience in manuscript review and scientific peer-reviewed publishing in addiction medicine.


The two-year Editorial Fellowship offers a stipend. Please submit your CV and one-page letter describing your interest and how your skills, experience and interests match the requirements to EditorSearch@asam.org. Candidates invited for an interview will be asked to disclose conflicts of interest.


Thank you,

Richard Saitz MD, MPH


[#DIV28SUPER] August Council Summary

Dear Division 28 Colleagues-
Please find attached a summary of the APA Council meeting in August. If you have questions about any of the proceedings of the meeting, please let me know.
Bill Stoops, APA Division 28 Council Representative.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

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Dear Colleagues-

Please find attached a save the date for the annual University of Kentucky Substance Use Research Event (SURE; formerly Substance Use Research Day) to be held on March 3rd, 2021, at the Gatton Student Center in Lexington, KY.  Please share the save the date information with interested trainees and colleagues--we welcome attendees from out of town!


SURE 2021 will include keynote plenary presentations from Dr. Yasmin Hurd and Dr. Magdalena Cerdá. Dr. Hurd is the Ward-Coleman Chair of Translational Neuroscience and the Director of the Addiction Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. Dr. Cerdá is an Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Opioid Epidemiology and Policy at the Department of Population Health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Thematic symposia are planned that address timely and important health issues, including COVID-19 and SUD, health disparities in addiction/addiction treatment, and policy issues that impact access to care and provision of optimal care. A T32 trainee data blitz is also planned.


The Organizing Committee is also exploring options for hybrid meeting formats should the COVID-19 pandemic continue to impact professional meetings and gatherings. You may provide feedback on your preferences for meeting format using the survey link on the attached save the date. Registration and abstract submission links are also active and can be found on the attachment.


The full SURE announcement will follow in mid-October-- we look forward to seeing everyone there!

-UK SURE Organizing Committee (Christal Badour, Chris Delcher, Pavel Ortinski, Bill Stoops and Hilary Surratt)

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
telephone: (859) 257-5383

Departments of Behavioral Science, Psychiatry and Psychology
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
University of Kentucky

Regulatory Knowledge and Support Core-Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Support Office

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[#DIV28SUPER] Graduate Student Opportunities at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington

We are pleased to share that we are recruiting students for our PhD program in Health Behavior for fall 2021. Our program offers outstanding training for individuals interested in pursuing careers in public health research. We are especially looking for students with interests in—among other areas—the causes, prevention, and treatment of substance use problems, chronic pain, and related mental health conditions.


Our school has embarked on a period of rapid growth in faculty and research, in part through Indiana University's Responding to the Addictions Crisis Grand Challenge. This ambitious university-wide research initiative seeks to prevent and reduce the public health impact of opioid use and other addictive behaviors. Now is an exciting time to join us!


Available New Addictions Faculty Mentors in the Health Behavior Program

Dr. Kit Elam studies longitudinal genetic and environmental influences on adolescent and adult psychopathology and substance use (alcohol, marijuana, illicit drugs). His work focuses on how parenting and peer relationships in childhood and adolescence serve as risk and resilience factors for substance use, and their interplay with genetic influences. He studies these processes using longitudinal studies and methods spanning infancy to adolescence, and adolescence to adulthood. For more information, see here: https://go.iu.edu/34qt


Dr. Alison Greene studies how intervention design and implementation impact substance use and sexual health outcomes for adolescents, and how systems can improve conditions to support protective factors, impact health determinants, and decrease risk factors among adolescents and their families. She utilizes CBPR, mixed method designs, and translational science to conduct community-engaged adolescent health intervention research. For more information, see here: https://go.iu.edu/37pz


Dr. Patrick Quinn studies the causes and consequences of substance use. His interests range across substances (e.g., from cigarette smoking to opioids) and across the lifespan (e.g., from prenatal drug exposure to medication treatment for adults with ADHD). In particular, much of his research examines pain and its treatment with opioid medications, using longitudinal studies and methods from epidemiology and behavioral genetics. For more information, see here: https://go.iu.edu/35Ez


Our Program: The PhD program in Health Behavior helps students pursue rigorous research to address today's most pressing public health issues (https://publichealth.indiana.edu/academics/doctoral/phd-health-behavior/index.html). You will work with fellow outstanding students and an award-winning faculty in a versatile department that emphasizes the study of the promotion of health and the prevention of health problems. The program offers a breadth of opportunities for research, teaching, coursework, and professional development (https://bulletins.iu.edu/iub/phb/2019-2020/graduate/doctoral/health-behavior.shtml).


Incoming students will receive a competitive funding package including a stipend, health insurance, and tuition remission.


Located in beautiful Bloomington, IN, the Health Behavior program is housed in the Department of Applied Health Science of the Indiana University School of Public Health, a top-50 US school of public health.


How to Apply: Prospective students are highly encouraged to communicate with Drs. Elam, Greene, or Quinn to confirm a match of research interests before applying. A master's degree is required, and students should demonstrate an interest in a research-involved career, as well as evidence of research experience or potential. To receive priority consideration, please apply by January 15, 2021.


[#DIV28SUPER] Assistant Professor Position at Auburn University

Please see the attached for a new position in the Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences program at Auburn University. Feel free to contact me with any questions.


Chris Newland, Ph. D.

Professor, Psychology and Neuroscience                          

226 Thach Hall 

342 West Thach Ave      
Auburn University

Alabama 36849-5212
Office: 334 844-6479       Fax:     334 844-4447




[#DIV28SUPER] NIDA Career Symposium=?Windows-1252?Q?=97Save_?=the Date, Monday, November 9, 2020


Calling All Predoctoral, Postdoctoral, and Early Stage Investigators interested in NIH Grants and Drug Addiction Research!!


We miss you! As you know, various scientific meetings have recently been cancelled or postponed, which has resulted in the cancellation of the research training and career development workshops that the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) normally hosts at these scientific venues.  In order to provide that critical information to all addiction scientists and address your questions, we invite you to a virtual NIDA Career Workshop on November 9, 2020


This workshop will include an introduction from the NIDA Director, Dr. Nora Volkow; presentations on NIDA/NIH Training, Career Development and Diversity funding opportunities; and breakout sessions that will further discuss and answer specific questions relevant to the stage of your career.


This is a great opportunity for early-stage investigators to connect with NIDA program staff to learn about all the various funding awards and opportunities supported by NIDA, as well as whom to contact when you have questions about NIDA grants in the future.


For now, please mark your calendar and plan to join us on…

Monday, November 9th, 1:00 to 5:00 PM


More information and registration links coming soon!


Please let us know if you have any questions by contacting our NIDA Training and Career Development email address:  NIDA_Training@nida.nih.gov 


NIDA Career Workshop Team--

Beth Babecki

Roger Sorensen

Roger Little

Lindsey Friend

Albert Avila

Wilson Compton


The National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services  TO UNSUBSCRIBE: send email to listserv@list.nih.gov Copy and paste UNSUBSCRIBE NIDA_NEURO_SCIENCE-