
Re: [#DIV28M] [#DIV28SUPER] SAMHSA is seeking information from addiction treatment providers

Division 50 maintains an evidence based practice portal for addictions treatment.
If you need a contact, please direct them to me. Thanks- napiotrowski@yahoo.com or see the website.  Note; the site is being updated and so if you have trouble finding anything, let me know and I will help them track down what they need.
Nancy A. Piotrowski, Ph.D.
Core Faculty & Lead, Addiction Psychology
Harold Abel School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Department of Psychology, College of Professional Studies,
Capella University
Federal Advocacy Coordinator, Div50, American Psychological Association
Membership Chair, Div34, American Psychological Association
Local Advocacy Network Chair, Napa Solano Psychological Association 
Member at Large, San Francisco Psychological Association
MAIL:  P.O. Box 5525, Vallejo, California 94591-0552
With Offices in the San Francisco Bay Area
Text or Message:  707.561.2358
Call or Message:  415.386.4923
FAX by request
Email:              napiotrowski@yahoo.com
ALT Email:       PiotrowskiConsultation@gmail.com
Skype:             napiotrowski

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From: "Stairs, Dustin J" <DustinStairs@CREIGHTON.EDU>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 1:03 PM
Subject: [#DIV28SUPER] SAMHSA is seeking information from addiction treatment providers

Hello Division 28. I received the below email from Andrea Korab on behalf of SAMHSA as they are looking for information from addiction treatment providers to improve access to evidence-based treatment materials.  For details see below.  If you are interested please contact andrea.korab@trilliuminfo.com.
Thanks for your time,
Division 28 Membership Chair
Dear Dr. Stairs,
I am contacting you in your role as membership chair of the APA's Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse division. As an organization that serves addiction treatment providers, does your group or its members find it challenging to locate and access relevant, evidence-based information and training materials? The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is working hard to ensure that it develops targeted, applicable publications and training resources on substance abuse treatment for providers like those your organization represents in the formats they'll find most useful and accessible.
On behalf of SAMHSA's Knowledge Application Program (KAP), we are convening a series of small-group telephone discussions with experts in the substance abuse and related fields about the information needs of addiction treatment providers—and you can add your voice to this discussion! As a valued SAMHSA stakeholder and leader in this field, your organization can help SAMHSA shape the resources it develops in the ways most useful to you, your constituents, and their clients.
You may know KAP through its products, including TIPs (Treatment Improvement Protocols) and TAPs (Technical Assistance Publications), Advisories, In Briefs, and consumer materials. You can see the full range of KAP's evidence-based products, all available for free, at store.samhsa.gov and learn more about KAP and its full range of offerings at kap.samhsa.gov.
We invite you to join one of our small discussions with three to five of your peers; alternatively, you can name another representative who can speak to the needs of addiction treatment providers. The discussions will take place sometime between November 28 and December 9. They will last about 90 minutes and will explore the types of information needed, the formats in which that information should be delivered, and the best ways to reach and engage the treatment community. Your participation will provide valuable insights and help ensure that KAP's resources meet the evolving needs and preferences of you and your constituents.
Please respond to this email with contact information or questions. A team member from Trillium, the contractor handling this audience engagement process, will follow up to make scheduling arrangements.
Thank you,
Andrea Korab
Project Coordinator
Dustin J. Stairs, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Creighton University
Department of Psychology
Hixson-Lied, Room 308
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178-0321
Office: 402-280-2461    Fax: 402-280-4748 Research Lab: 402-280-2894
_____________________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org
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