
[DIV28M] 2015 APA Convention Call for Submissions

Dear Division 28 Members-


                The December 1st submission deadline for the 2015 APA Convention in Toronto (August 6-9) is quickly approaching.  The division leadership would like to encourage symposia that involve both senior and junior scientists because one of the presidential initiatives for 2015 is to increase intergenerational collaboration and communication within Division 28.  Individual submissions are encouraged as well.

The highly successful NIDA/NIAAA Early Career Investigators Poster Session and Social Hour will again occur this year!  There will be travel funding opportunities for early career (e.g., students, postdocs, new to the field) and diversity candidates.  There will also be special consideration for local participants.  The session is open to all, and we encourage strong early career, diversity, and local applicants. 







Matthew T. Weaver, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor                                                

Department of Psychology

Mercyhurst University

501 East 38th St.

Erie, PA 16546

Phone: 814.824.2733

Email: mweaver@mercyhurst.edu

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