
[DIV28M] REMINDER - Doctoral dissertation survey - Participation requested

**This is a reminder: There is still one week left to participate in this survey.  Your responses are greatly appreciated and valued.  If you have already filled out the survey, thank you so very much and please disregard this message. **


My name is Sarah Randall and I am a doctoral candidate at Pepperdine University in the Clinical Psychology program.  I would like to invite you to participate in a short survey that I am conducting as part of my doctoral dissertation.  

My study is investigating psychologists' use of, familiarity, and comfort with Alcoholics Anonymous Slogans in psychotherapy.  Results will be helpful in better understanding common practices used by psychologists in the field.  This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Pepperdine University.
The survey should take between 8-10 minutes, depending on the nature of your responses.  In order to qualify for the survey you must currently be seeing patients for at least 5 hours/week face-to-face.  Psychologists and psychology students are encouraged to participate.
When you click on the link below, you will be taken directly to the survey.  Once you begin the survey, please complete all of the questions, as your responses will not be saved if you begin again at a later time.  At the outset, you will see a document outlining your rights as a participant and the limits of confidentiality.  Please read this carefully.  You must either select "Agree" or "Disagree" to continue on to the survey. 
If you have any questions about this survey you may contact me sarah.randall@pepperdine.edu or my dissertation chair, Robert deMayo, Ph.D., ABPP, Associate Dean of Psychology, robert.demayo@pepperdine.edu .  I greatly appreciate your time and thoughtful responses.  Thank you very much for your participation.
Sarah Randall, M.A.
Psychological Assistant, PSB 35189
Doctoral Candidate
Pepperdine University

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