

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Nicole Pernod, I am developing a research proposal for my doctoral dissertation at the Adler School of Professional Psychology titled "Clinicians' Attitudes and Their Referral Practices to Alcoholics Anonymous". I am requesting your permission to invite members of your association to participate in my study by completing an online survey. Please find attached a copy of the survey that I plan to use for my research at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/AttitudesofAA.

I am not requesting email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses or any personally identifying information about the members of the association. Instead, I would like you to email my letter of invitation to complete the online survey, on my behalf, to all of the members of your association. My survey does not ask for any personally identifying information, the study participant's identification will be completely anonymous.

The intent of this email is to request your permission to invite members of your association to complete my survey. If you are not the person in charge of approving this type of request I would very much appreciate if you would forward the name and contact information of the person I should communicate with. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you by phone if that would be helpful. In addition, I would be happy to provide any further information you may require in order to make a decision.

Attached is a copy of my recruitment flyer.

Thank you for your time.


Nicole Pernod

(718) 644-5669


Nicole Pernod B.S.
Adler School of Professional Psychology
Psy.D. Graduate Student 2015
(718) 644-5669

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