
[#DIV28SUPER] Fwd: RFI on NIH Wide Strategic Plan for Research on the Health of Women

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From: "Sharpe, Angela" <ASharpe@apa.org>
Date: August 10, 2022 at 10:43:49 AM EDT
To: …
Subject: RFI on NIH Wide Strategic Plan for Research on the Health of Women

Good morning, all:


I am writing to request your sharing of the note below from the Advocacy staff with the respective listservs you manage.


Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Angela Sharpe



Dear Colleagues:


I am writing to request your assistance in APA's response to a recently released request-for-information (RFI)  from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH) updating the  NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Research on the Health of Women. We want the expertise of psychological scientists from a variety of subdisciplines to inform the updated plan.


, We are seeking APA members' input on the following topics:



  • Emerging research needs and opportunities that reflect the changing landscape of the study of the health of women that should be added to the plan.


  • Cross-cutting scientific themes (for example, multidisciplinary research, and/or utilizing data science, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence) or research-related themes that should be common to all future strategic goals and objectives (such as considerations of sex, gender, and age on health and disease, and health disparities)


Please note that in 2021 the NIH Advisory Committee on Research on Women's Health (ACRWH) held an ORWH-led  "Advancing NIH Research on the Health of Women: A 2021 Conference." It included a review of NIH activities to identify research opportunities to address maternal mortality and morbidity, survival rates of cervical cancer, and chronic and debilitating diseases in women. The recommendations from that conference will be considered for the next NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Research on Women's Health. 


Please share any comments electronically via this web form by September 23, 2022, or to Angela Sharpe (asharpe@apa.org). Additionally, please let me know in advance if you or the division you represent intend to provide comments. Please share any comment you have on any part of the RFI, references are also welcome. We are grateful for your assistance in ensuring that NIH research includes the contributions of psychological science to women's health.


All the best,



Angela L. Sharpe, MG
Senior Director, Congressional & Federal Relations

Scientific Affairs Advocacy
asharpe@apa.org  | Tel: (202) 336-5688

American Psychological Association

Services, Inc.

750 First St. NE, Washington, D.C. 20002-4242


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All APA staff are teleworking until further notice and are experiencing a high volume of inquiries related to COVID-19. For immediate information and resources, visit APA's COVID-19 page for psychologists, health-care workers, and the public.



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