
[#DIV28SUPER] Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities at the University of Minnesota

NIH Postdoctoral Training Opportunity at the University of Minnesota

Comorbidity: Substance Use Disorders and Other Psychiatric Conditions


The Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota Medical School invite applications for a NIDA-funded T32 postdoctoral fellowship focused on the comorbidity of substance use disorder (SUD) and other psychiatric conditions (NIDA DA037183).  Possible areas of study include but are not limited to the following:

·         psychopathology commonly comorbid with SUD (e.g., anxiety, trauma, depression, psychotic, and eating disorders)

·         neuroscientific and biological mechanisms underlying comorbidity in SUD

·         identifying and addressing SUD-related health disparities among Indigenous/Native Americans and other underserved populations

·         behavioral and biological risk factors of comorbidity

·         diagnostics, treatment/intervention, and prevention

·         SUD’s impact on health conditions and health behaviors

Mentors:  Faculty mentors include Drs. Matt Kushner (PD: cognitive/behavioral correlates of comorbidity between SUD and anxiety/depression, treatment of comorbid anxiety and alcohol use disorder), Melissa Walls (etiology and consequences of SUD and mental disorders as well as health-related disparities within Native American communities), Kelvin Lim (neuroimaging of psychiatric disorders), Robert Krueger (psychopathology, personality disorders, psychometrics, and behavior genetics), Justin Anker (Associate PD: psychophysiology of comorbid SUD and anxiety/depression), Jeffrey Bishop (psychiatric pharmacogenomics), David Redish (neurophysiology of behavior, including computational, experimental, theoretical, and clinical approaches), Mark Thomas (cellular electrophysiology of addiction), and Kathy McCarty (genetic epidemiology of psychiatric illness).

Training Sites:  Primary training sites include the Department of Psychiatry and the Department Psychology (UMN Twin Cities Campus) and the Department of Family Medicine and Bio-behavioral Health (UMN Duluth Campus).

Trainee Productivity:  Past fellows published on average a total of 4 papers in a 1 to 2 year period, most received independent grant support, and all who have completed the program attained faculty positions (or equivalent).  The fellowship provides training in SUD-related research, a stipend and health insurance, tuition for workshops, and travel funds to attend SUD-related conferences.


Please send a cover letter containing a statement of training and career goals (no more than 1 page), CV, and 3 letters of reference to:  Matt Kushner PhD (kushn001@umn.edu) c/o Justin Anker PhD (anke0022@umn.edu)

Start date is open. Fellows must be US citizens or permanent residents. The University of Minnesota is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.



Erin A. McClure, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Addiction Sciences Division
Medical University of South Carolina
67 President St., MSC 861
Charleston, SC 29425
Phone: 843-792-7192


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