
[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [DIVOFFICERS] FW: 2014 APA Achievement Award for Early Career Professionals

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From: "Cooke, Keith" <kcooke@APA.ORG>
Date: January 29, 2014 at 9:17:40 AM EST
Subject: [DIVOFFICERS] FW: 2014 APA Achievement Award for Early Career Professionals
Reply-To: "Cooke, Keith" <kcooke@APA.ORG>

Posted on behalf of Sonja Wiggins.  Please share with your divisions.



American Psychological Association

2014 APA Achievement Award

for Early Career Professionals


The Committee on Early Career Psychologists is pleased to announce the achievement award program for early career members from all areas of psychology (education, practice, public interest and science) to attend the 2014 APA Annual Convention in Washington, DC, August 7—10 at the Washington Convention Center.


Forty award recipients will receive $750 to be applied toward their 2014 APA convention expenses.  The program is designed to encourage first time attendance and increase representation of early career members at the APA convention.


Criteria for applying are: an APA early career member (within ten years receipt of their doctorate) and a first-time convention attendee. In addition, preference will be given to those in independent practice, those in basic psychological science or those who will be presenting at the 2014 convention. The submission package must include the following information:


1.      Brief statement (maximum one page) about your interest in attending the convention and how you will use this award to support your attendance. Please highlight any significant achievements in your career as well as any leadership positions you have held as an early career psychologist (within APA, other related scholarly or professional organizations such as state and local psychological associations) and indicate how you believe you would benefit from attending the convention.  Also, please include in your statement if your primary work is in independent practice, basic psychological science, or if the 2014 convention will be your first APA convention and if you will be receiving other funding to help cover your expenses.


2.      Please include an abstract of your presentation along with the title and the names of co-presenters that you will be presenting at the 2014 convention.


3.      Include your Curriculum Vitae (the year you were awarded a doctorate in psychology should be clearly stated).


Electronic submission instructionsPlease submit all materials in a single Word document.  Put your name and the name of the award in the subject line (e.g. Jane Smith, Early Career Achievement Award).


The deadline for submission of materials is March 3, 2014, 11:59 pm (EST). Email all materials to earlycareer@apa.org. Award winners will be notified in April 2014 and will be acknowledged during the Early Career Social Hour sponsored by the Committee on Early Career Psychologists at the APA convention in Washington, DC.




Sonja B. Wiggins

Assistant Director, Governance Affairs and Administration

Public and Member Communications

American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202-336-5590 |  Fax: 202-216-7628

email: swiggins@apa.org | www.apa.org



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[DIV28SUPER] Board of Scientific Affairs Call for Award Nominations

From: "Wandersman, Suzanne" <SWandersman@apa.org>
Date: January 28, 2014 at 4:18:58 PM EST
Subject: Board of Scientific Affairs Call for Award Nominations




Psychologists receive 2013 APA Meritorious Research Service Commendation and call for 2014 nominations (deadline is March 1, 2014)  http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2014/01/meritorious-research-commendations.aspx


Psychologists and Departments of Psychology receive APA Culture of Service Awards and call for 2014 nominations (deadline is April 1, 2014)  http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2014/01/distinguished-service-awards.aspx   and  http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2014/01/service-awards.aspx


Please share the call for nominations with your colleagues.  We are trying to generate as many nominations as we can.  Thanks for your help.



Suzanne Wandersman
Director for Governance Affairs
Science Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-6000
(202) 336-5953 FAX

[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [APAGSSCIENCE] APA's Late Breaking Poster Session - Now Accepting Applications - Please Disseminate Widely

The deadline waits for the data: Science-oriented graduate students have until March 1 to submit a poster for 2014 Washington, D.C., gathering.


To enable more graduate students to participate in the American Psychological Association's 2014 convention, to be held Aug. 7-10 in Washington, D.C., APA is sponsoring a special late-breaking poster session for cutting-edge research by graduate students in psychological science. This poster session, “Cutting Edge Research from Emerging Psychological Scientists: Late-Breaking Graduate Student Posters,” is being organized by APA 's Science Student Council (SSC) and the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) Science Committee.


Submissions for this session are due March 1, 2014, and notifications of selection decisions will be sent by March 20, which will enable presenters to submit separate applications for the APA Student Travel Award before its April 1 application deadline. In addition, graduate students who are APAGS members (or apply to join APAGS at the time of their poster abstract submission) and are first authors on a poster at the convention are eligible to have their convention early registration fee waived. Details about how to get the fee waived will be sent to eligible students in early spring. If you have questions about the fee waiver please contact the convention office before registering for convention. After the advance registration deadline passes in early summer, the waiver will no longer be available.


Although the names of participants in this poster session will not be included in the printed convention program due to its late-breaking nature, they will appear in the online convention program and in the convention smartphone app.


In addition to being part of a normal 50-minute poster session, the 10 abstracts of the 40 selected for the session that are rated most favorably by reviewers will be included as part of a smaller group that is evaluated during the session. The presenters of evaluated posters will receive written feedback on their posters after the convention. The poster that is rated the highest by a panel of faculty and graduate student judges will be named best poster of the session. The first author of that poster will be awarded a free one-year membership (or membership renewal) in APA courtesy of the APA Science Directorate and a free APA publication that is currently in press (including all books up to $90 in retail cost) courtesy of APAGS.



Applicants for this session must be first author on the submission. Authors of posters may not present more than one other poster or talk at the convention. Submissions to this session should not be redundant or substantively similar to proposals already submitted for the convention under the original application deadline. Due to the late-breaking nature of this session, it may not be possible to prevent schedule conflicts if authors of the posters are also presenting other material at the convention.


Graduate students in all fields of psychological science and neuroscience are eligible to submit. Undergraduate students and faculty members are not eligible to serve as first authors for this poster session, although they can be included as additional authors on the poster.


How to Apply

Submit an application form (PDF, 54KB) and an abstract of no more than 200 words (text only; no tables/figures) by email to the Science Directorate. APA Science Directorate staff will examine all applications for eligibility. Poster submissions will be reviewed by members of the Science Student Council and APAGS Science Committee and 40 posters will be selected for inclusion in the session.


Application materials must be received electronically on or before 5 p.m. (EST) on March 1, 2014. 


You may need to email your completed PDF and/or Word file attachments in more than one email due to size limitations. The size of files attached to any one email must be less than 10MB. APA 's email system blocks files that are 10MB or larger. If you try to send an email including attachments with a total that is larger than 10MB, your email may not be received.


All applicants will be notified of selection decisions via email by March 20. Be sure to keep a copy of all submitted materials for your records.


This information can also be viewed online at http://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2014/01/poster-session.aspx




Nicolle Singer | Science Programs Associate

Outreach & Development, Science Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: 202-336-5954 |  Fax: 202-336-5953

email: nsinger@apa.org | www.apa.org/science










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[DIV28SUPER] Job Opportunity: Senior Research Scientist - Tobacco Research


NORC at the University of Chicago seeks a qualified Senior Research Scientist for the Substance Abuse, Mental Health, and Criminal Justice Research Department to direct research projects and manage the activities of research assistants, analysts and other staff. This position will be located in our Bethesda, MD office.


·     Developing research projects in collaboration with colleagues in the field of tobacco epidemiology and tobacco control regulatory research, contributing to strategic design, establishment, and leadership of a tobacco research program

·     Independently drafting and managing contract proposals and grant applications, communicating effectively with clients, consultants, and members of the research community, and gathering/assessing intelligence on upcoming research opportunities

·     Managing the activities of research assistants, analysts and other staff

·     Conducting quantitative and qualitative analyses

·     Developing structured interview protocols

·     Contributing to questionnaire content and design

·     Leading stakeholder interviews

·     The position also requires monitoring and oversight of financial and administrative aspects of ongoing projects.



·     Doctoral degree in social or behavioral sciences (epidemiology, demography, clinical or health psychology, communications, health economics or related field)

·     Demonstrated track record of successfully achieving funding for tobacco-related research, with additional experience and interest in minority health and disparities a plus

·     Candidates should have experience with the design and execution of social science research and in publishing research results, with a strong career-appropriate record of peer-reviewed technical publications.  Tobacco control and tobacco policy research and publications are preferred.

·     In addition to a substantive background in a relevant discipline, the ideal candidate will have substantial experience and knowledge of the basic principles of research design and data analyses as well as experience with estimating project and proposal costs

·     The candidate must have excellent oral and written communication skills and aptitude in leading and working with project teams as well as coordinating on work conducted across the entire Department.


Interested scientists may apply at:



For more information, contact Maria Sky Topf at Sky-Maria@norc.org


Thank you for sharing this announcement with your networks.





Elizabeth A. Mumford, PhD Senior Research Scientist

Substance Abuse, Mental Health, & Criminal Justice

NORC at the University of Chicago 

4350 East-West Highway, 8th Floor, Bethesda MD 20814

mumford-elizabeth@norc.org office (301) 634-9435 mobile (301) 928-6094 fax (301) 634-9301






[DIV28SUPER] NYTimes: Even More Addictive Cigarettes


Manufacturers are designing cigarettes to deliver more nicotine to the lungs. That devious tactic requires a strong response by regulators.

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[DIV28SUPER] Proposals; APF 2014 F.J. McGuigan Dissertation Award


Please find attached the call for proposals for the American Psychological Foundation’s 2014 F.J. McGuigan Dissertation Award which provides support for dissertation research oriented toward advancing a unified conception of brain and behavior, primarily—but not exclusively—in the psychophysiological area.


For more information please visit our website at http://www.apa.org/apf/funding/mcguigan-dissertation.aspx


The deadline for proposals is June 1, 2014.  Please feel free to distribute this call to your organization as you see fit.  Thank you for your time.


Best wishes,


Erin Carney

Program Coordinator

American Psychological Foundation

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

P: (202) 336-5873 I F: (202) 336-5812 I ecarney@apa.org


APF: Transforming the future through psychology


[DIV28SUPER] CPA Hotel Block Closes on Wednesday

Trouble viewing this email? Visit our Website

The hotel block at the W Atlanta Midtown is closing
next Wednesday, January 29th!

Click here to reserve your room online at the group rate of $159/night or call (404) 892-6000 and mention
the “2014 Division 28/50 Conference.”


See you in Atlanta!

2014 Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction
Atlanta, Georgia

Feb. 28 - March 1, 2014
Reserve Your Hotel | Conference Registration | Present a Poster
Download Registration Brochure

Online Registration Closes February 21
Last Day to Book Your Hotel is January 29





The theme for the 2014 CPA is "Changing Addictive Behavior: Bench to Bedside and Back Again"

·         Thought-provoking keynotes and cross-discipline panels

·         Interactive environment for collaboration/networking

·         Pre-Conference Workshop (see below)

·         Pre-Conference “Functional Integration” Session (see below)

·         Poster Sessions

·         Discounted rates for Early Career Psychologists

·         Student opportunities (discounted rates, special networking, etc)

·         You don't have to be a member of either division or APA to attend the conference!

·         13.5 CE hours are available*!




SANDRA A. BROWN, PHD is Vice Chancellor for Research and a Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Brown is internationally recognized for her developmentally focused alcohol and drug intervention research. She is the past President of Division 50 (Addictions) of the American Psychological Association, is on the executive board of numerous scientific organizations, and has over 320 publications. She is involved in addiction prevention and intervention at the regional, state, and national levels and helped lead NIAAA’s effort to establish national screening guidelines for youth. She currently directs the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescence (NCANDA).


MICHAEL A. NADER, PHD is a Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, in Winston-Salem, NC. Dr. Michael Nader’s research interest began in the laboratory of Dr. Alice Young at Wayne State University. He received his Ph.D. in 1985 from the University of Minnesota, under the mentorship of Dr. Travis Thompson and completed post-doctoral training in behavioral pharmacology at Uniformed Services University under the mentorship of Dr. James Barrett. In 1988, he went to the University of Chicago, where Dr. William Woolverton trained him in nonhuman primate models of cocaine abuse. Since 1992, Dr. Nader has been on the faculty in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, where he is Professor. His research has focused on nonhuman primate models of drug abuse, combining brain imaging with behavioral methods to better understand how environmental (including social) and pharmacological variables influence addiction. His laboratory is the only one in the world studying socially housed monkeys (male and female) in intravenous drug self-administration studies. He has served on Board of Directors of the CPDD, is past-chair of the Division of Behavioral Pharmacology at ASPET and is currently a member of NIDA Council. Dr. Nader has a MERIT Award from NIDA.




Key members of NIAAA and NIDA along with established researchers in Division 28 & 50 have been invited to participate in a discussion on the implications of the NIH functional integration of the addiction research portfolio. The goal is to create an open dialog and all researchers are welcome to join in the discussion. Pre-registration is required, but there is no cost to attend. We encourage submission of questions, concerns, or ideas prior to the session. Please email the program co-chairs (see page 2).  Friday, 9-11 am.




Treating Adolescent Substance Abuse:  What Works and How Can We Do It?

Adolescence is an exciting period of development, as it inherently involves the exploration of identity, autonomy, sexuality, value systems, and peer relationships. Further, during this period, adolescents often “try on” different facets of adult life, including experimentation with health risk behaviors, including alcohol, cigarette, and cannabis use. This experimentation is facilitated by changes in adolescents’ social environment, which becomes increasingly peer-dominated, and has an increasing presence of alcohol and cannabis use opportunities. While many youth continue to adulthood without consequence, the substance use patterns of many adolescents interfere with their academic progress, as well as their health, personal, and social development. This workshop presents an opportunity for us to explore the state of the art of adolescent addictions research, including current empirically supported interventions. In addition, this workshop includes hands-on experience practicing foundational skills in empirically supported intervention approaches (including motivational intervention and contingency management). Participants will depart with basic knowledge of, skills in, and resources to obtain further information in each clinical approach.

Presenter: Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing, Ph.D., University of New Mexico, Honors College/Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (CASAA)

**This workshop provides 4 CE Credits and pre-registration is required.




We have an exciting lineup of concurrent sessions being offered at the CPA conference. Go to http://www.tinyurl.com/2014CPA to view full session descriptions.




Last year’s poster session was the highlight of our networking events. This year, we will also be providing poster awards and inviting the first authors of select posters to present their research at our “Rapid Fire Research” sessions. 



The beautiful W Hotel in Midtown Atlanta will be the venue for our Annual Conference. The hotel is located in the heart of Midtown and is local to public transportation. Room rates are $159 per night. Reserve your room now!




Emory University | www.psychology.emory.edu

Recovery Research Institute | www.recoveryanswers.org 

Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies | alcoholstudies.rutgers.edu

Brown University Center for Alcohol & Addiction Studies | www.caas.brown.edu

CASAColumbia | www.casacolumbia.org



Katie Witkiewitz, PhD, Co-Chair

Jennifer Buckman, PhD, Co-Chair

Jenna Cohen, Registration and Hotel Accommodations (202-682-5132)




*Continuing Education provided during the Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Conference is provided by APA Division 50. APA Division 50 is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 50 maintains responsibility for this program and its content. For more information on the available hours and learning objectives, contact jcohen@apa.org.