
[DIV28SUPER] APA's Science Policy Insider News; April 2010

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APA's Science Policy Insider News

April, 2010

in this issue...


 APA Responds to Call for Information on Research Training


 APA's NSF-Supported Researcher Gets Rave Review on the Hill


 APA Submits Testimony to Senate Appropriations Committee on Fiscal Year 2011 Programs


 APA Calls for Psychological Expertise in Oversight of Comparative Effectiveness Research


 Science GRO Staff Invited to Participate in CDC Meeting on Teen Dating Violence Research and Policy


 APA Weighs in on NSF Reauthorization Bill in the House


 Science GRO Visits the Hill on Behalf of Veterans


 Upcoming Briefing on Developing Medications to Treat Addiction


APA Responds to Call for Information on Research Training


The American Psychological Association recently submitted comments to the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to help inform the development of a strategic plan on research training.  NIGMS is widely considered to be the "training institute" at NIH, by virtue of the number and breadth of its programs, which include Ruth Kirschstein National Research Service Awards.


APA's comments were informed by thoughtful contributions from the Board of Scientific Affairs (particularly Ken Sher and Vickie Mayes) and Bertha Holliday of APA's Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs.


The comments were submitted to NIGMS at its website in response to specific questions, in a feedback process that is increasingly common at NIH.  Strict character and word limits require commenters to prioritize and carefully edit their responses.  This process makes it easier for NIH staff to gather and make sense of hundreds of comments.


Along with receiving advice via its website, NIGMS will hold a webinar on June 11 and four meetings across the country: in Philadelphia, PA (April 29), San Francisco, CA (May 12),  Chicago, IL (May 25), and Atlanta, GA (June 4).  The strategic plan will be drafted in late summer, 2010, and finalized before the end of 2010.

APA's NSF-Supported Researcher Gets Rave Review on the Hill


Dan Anderson, APA member and NSF-supported researcher from the University of Massachusetts, found a receptive congressional audience for his studies of digital media and their effects on very young children.  Science GRO invited Anderson to serve as APA's presenter at the annual Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) Capitol Hill Exhibit and Reception in Washington, DC on April 14th.  Nine members of Congress and hundreds of congressional and federal agency staff stopped by to talk with Anderson about his research, which analyzes the ways in which digital media (including television shows and videos), either aimed at children younger than two years old or playing in the background in their homes, affects their cognitive development, forms of play, learning behaviors, and engagement with parents.  House Science and Technology Subcommittee Chairmen Brian Baird (psychologist and D-WA) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL) were particularly interested in the ramifications of Anderson's research.  APA is an active member of CNSF and will advocate strongly for increased NSF funding in the Fiscal Year 2011 appropriations bills.

APA Submits Testimony to Senate Appropriations Committee on Fiscal Year 2011 Programs


In mid-April, APA submitted statements to both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees outlining funding requests for Fiscal Year 2011 for the Departments of Education and Health and Human Services.


In these statements APA echoed the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research Funding that $35 billion be appropriated for the National Institutes of Health, and of the Coalition for Health Funding that an increase of $9.3 billion be appropriated for all the agencies of the U.S. Public Health Service.  These large coalitions strive to speak with one voice before Congress in support of adequate funding for health research and public health infrastructure and programs. 


APA requested $7 million for the Graduate Psychology Education program, which is funded in the Health Resources Services Administration.  Authorized in 2002, the GPE program has provided 70 grants to date, training over 2,500 psychologists and other mental health professionals who in turn agree to work in underserved areas. 


Advocating for continuing support for training minority health providers, APA urged the Appropriations Committee to fund the Minority Fellowship Program in the Center for Mental Health Services at $7.5 million for FY 2011. APA also recommended the allocation of an additional $2 million in funding for the National Health Interview Survey in the National Center for Health Statistics budget to cover the cost of adding a sexual orientation/gender identity question to the survey.  To read the Senate testimony click here.

APA Calls for Psychological Expertise in Oversight of Comparative Effectiveness Research


On April 21, APA sent a letter to Acting Comptroller General, Gene Dodaro, asserting the need for inclusion of psychological expertise in the governance of a new independent institute that will oversee comparative effectiveness research authorized by the health care reform bill (the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act).  The new Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) will be overseen by a Board of Governors comprised of individuals representing several designated categories of expertise but without any explicit representation of expertise on mental health or substance use disorders. The Coalition for Health Services Research, the advocacy arm of AcademyHealth, has provided an excellent summary of the structure and function, as well as provisions for the implementation, of the PCORI here.  Science GRO staff will be closely monitoring the implementation process and will continue advocating for the inclusion of psychological science as opportunities arise.

Science GRO Staff Invited to Participate in CDC Meeting on Teen Dating Violence Research and Policy


Science GRO's Heather Kelly, whose research background is in the area of adolescent sexual behavior and relationships, was invited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to participate in a small stakeholder summit on "Linking Evidence-Based Science to Policy Approaches for Teen Dating Violence Prevention" this week in Atlanta.  Kelly represented APA Science and joined a dozen researchers, service providers, policy experts and foundation funders for a three-day meeting to identify ways to better link research to policy approaches, development and evaluation processes.  Science GRO staff will continue to collaborate with government relations staff in APA's Public Interest and Education Directorates to ensure that upcoming legislation provides adequate funding for research, prevention and interventions related to teen dating violence as well as support in the areas of healthy relationship promotion and violence prevention more broadly defined.

APA Weighs in on NSF Reauthorization Bill in the House


This week, the House Committee on Science and Technology "marked up" and approved  H.R. 5116, the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010.  The bill authorizes funding levels and programmatic guidelines for the National Science Foundation (NSF) and science offices within the Department of Energy and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, with an overall goal of increasing the nation's capacity for innovation and global competitiveness.  APA government relations staff, along with colleagues in larger scientific coalitions, have been actively involved in recommending language to committee staff as they drafted the bill and its accompanying report language, particularly relating to inclusion of the behavioral and social sciences at NSF and so-called "public access" requirements for scientific publishing.  The bill moves on for a full House vote while the Senate works on a companion bill for eventual conference negotiations with the House.

Science GRO Visits the Hill on Behalf of Veterans


Science GRO's Heather Kelly and colleagues from the Friends of VA Medical Care and Health Research Coalition (FOVA) made a series of visits this week to members of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee and the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs.  These are the groups on the House side charged with congressional oversight of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and funding of the VA, and the FOVA executive committee advocated for increased Fiscal Year 2011 funding for the intramural VA research account as well as support for VA lab space renovations.  Hill visits to members of these committees and their Senate counterparts follow closely on the heels of the annual VA Research Week sponsored by VA Headquarters here in Washington, designed to heighten visibility of VA research successes.  To kick off the weeklong activities and emphasize the need for continued federal investment in VA research, FOVA co-hosted a reception on the Senate side of Capitol Hill with Rep. Vic Snyder (D-AR), a physician and U.S. Marine Corps veteran.

Upcoming Briefing on Developing Medications to Treat Addiction


On May 11, the Friends of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) coalition is hosting its fourteenth briefing as part of an ongoing series organized by APA's Science GRO staff, to educate members of Congress about emerging research on drug abuse and addiction.  "Developing Medications to Treat Addiction: Implications for Policy and Practice" will discuss the opportunity for the development of new, effective pharmacotherapies in the context of breakthrough discoveries over the last decade and the anticipated changes in the healthcare system over the next several years.  


Nora D. Volkow, MD, Director of NIDA, will provide an overview of NIDA's research, detailing opportunities for future advances.  A. Thomas McLellan, PhD, Deputy Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, will discuss policy and practice implications. 


The last decade has seen a profound transformation in understanding the mechanisms and consequences of drug abuse and addiction.  Click here to view a summary of NIDA's research on medications development.

For more information on the briefing or to RSVP, please email Christine Jamieson.

About SPIN
APA's Science Government Relations Office (GRO) wants you to know about the important policy issues that involve psychological science at the national level. The Science GRO staff advocate for psychological science not only with
Members of Congress, but also with the Departments of Defense, Health and Human Services, Transportation, Veterans Affairs, Education, Justice, and with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and National Science Foundation. To keep you up-to-date regarding science policy within these agencies and on Capitol Hill, Science GRO staff write various articles and publish them monthly in an electronic newsletter called Science Policy Insider News (SPIN).

[Subscribe to SPIN]

For additional news from the Science Directorate, please see Psychological Science Agenda.


If you have any questions regarding SPIN or specific science policy issues, please feel free to contact any of APA's Science GRO staff.

Geoff Mumford, PhD
Associate Executive Director for Government Relations

Pat Kobor
Senior Science Policy Analyst

Heather O'Beirne Kelly, PhD
Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer

Karen Studwell, JD
Senior Legislative and Federal Affairs Officer

Christine Jamieson
Science Policy Associate

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[DIV28SUPER] Post-Doctoral Position

POST-DOCTORAL POSITION IN THE CENTER FOR ADDICTION RESEARCH AT THE UNIVERISTY OF ARKANSAS FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES.  Join a dynamic exciting laboratory exploring the boundaries of our translational research focused on decision-making and its improvement in addiction research.  The position is open in the Laboratory of Dr. Warren Bickel.  Conduct research that seeks to reverse the neurobehavioral decision challenges of addiction by applying recent findings in behavioral economics and neuroeconomics.  Opportunities to participate in neuroimaging, laboratory and clinical trial studies are available.  The applicants should be interested in pursuing a career in addiction research and have a strong background and research training in behavioral, clinical, experimental, or cognitive psychology or related fields. The position is for U.S.  Citizens.  Translational research training and career development opportunities are provided as part of this position. The successful candidate will collaborate with a dynamic, federally funded, multi-disciplinary team of researchers. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. The position will be open until filled. Submit a letter of interest and curriculum vitae and referees to Warren K. Bickel, Ph.D.  wbickel@uams.edu

Warren K. Bickel, Ph.D.
Wilbur D. Mills Chair of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Prevention
Professor of Psychiatry and Director, Center for Addiction Research (CAR)
College of Medicine
Professor of Health Behavior and Director, Center for the Study of Tobacco
Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Center for Addiction Research
Psychiatric Research Institute
4301 W. Markham St., # 843
Little Rock, AR 72205

Tel: (501) 526-8437
Fax: (501) 526-7816
Email: wbickel@uams.edu

[DIV28SUPER] McLellan Resigning as ONDCP Deputy Director

Join Together reports: "... McLellan Resigning as ONDCP Deputy Director


... Respected addiction researcher Tom McLellan has announced that he will resign as deputy director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) this summer ...."
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[DIV28SUPER] APA President-Elect Statement from Bob Woody

Dear Division 28 Members,


I have been in contact with each of the APA President-Elect Candidates and have invited them send us statements about what they would do during their term in office to help psychological sciences.


Please find below a statement from Robert “Bob” Woody, PhD, ScD, JD, ABPP (Clinical & Forensic)


Given our shared commitment to science for psychology, I appreciate the opportunity to provide my views to the Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse. As will be evident, I have embraced the scientist-practitioner model throughout my career.


Because of my allegiance to science providing the foundation for practice and my involvement with health care, I was pleased that the APA strategic plan promotes STEM status for psychology, with special emphasis on health care and organizational efficiency. In addition to my identity as a psychologist (PhD, Michigan State) and an attorney (JD, Creighton), I had the good fortune of earning a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health. As might be expected, the curriculum required courses in biostatistics, epidemiology, health services delivery systems, organizational theory, and medical sociology (with concentration on governmental influence on health care). Obviously this experience has proven to be a presage to contemporary health care issues.


Personal values lead me to support open-mindedness and authoritative advocacy. In other words, I welcome new information, and constantly search for new knowledge that is evidence-based—and I seek to bring about change that will benefit society and the profession.


My qualifications support making psychology a first-class citizen among the health care professions. By being in the forefront of research and practice, psychologists can lead the effort to provide quality services for ALL people, regardless of global, cultural, or individual characteristics.

As for the future, I believe that psychology should be linked to primary care, with respect and acceptance from all health-related professions. I promote new competencies and roles for psychologists, including (but not limited to) neuropsychology, prescription authority, and evidence-based assessment and interdisciplinary interventions. I believe that the scientist-practitioner model can persuade third-party payment sources to accept the value-added results of psychology in health care, such as the benefits from prescription authority.


Families and communities must be a primary focus for contemporary psychological services, addressing critical problems like discrimination, abuse, crime, and failures in governmental policy. Among other things, I am prepared to promote a resurgence of community mental health principles, as will address the unmet needs of the chronically mentally ill, homeless, disabled, offenders, and poor persons of all ages and cultures, including in disasters.


With persuasive communications and relying on tact and scholarship to gain desire outcomes, I shall constructively pursue the aforementioned professional objectives. I will bring high energy and interdisciplinary knowledge to the table, and work tirelessly for the creation of effective strategies and solutions—I do not waiver in the face of adversity. I will appreciate the support of Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse for my candidacy for APA President-Elect.


Brief Bio: I am a Professor of Psychology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and an independent practitioner of psychology and law. I have authored thirty-three books and about two hundred articles. I am a Licensed Psychologist in Florida and Michigan, and a member of the Florida, Michigan, and Nebraska Bars.

More information about my ideas and credentials may be found on my website: www.BobWoodyHelpsPsychology.com





[DIV28M] Fwd: [EARLYCAREER] The NHSC Announces a New Loan Repayment Pilot Program for Part-Time Clinicians

Here is an option for loan repayment (see below). Please pass this to anyone who might be eligible and interested:

From: Rural Caucus Forum [mailto:RURALCAUCUS@LISTS.APA.ORG] On Behalf Of Diana Prescott
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 4:27 AM
Subject: [RURALCAUCUS-RURAL] Fwd: The NHSC Announces a New Loan Repayment Pilot Program for Part-Time Clinicians


Here is information from National Health Service Corps about their new part-time clinician loan repayment option.

Please distribute widely.


Diana Prescott

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <nhscAmbassador@hrsa.gov>
Date: Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 4:11 PM
Subject: The NHSC Announces a New Loan Repayment Pilot Program for Part-Time Clinicians
To: dlprescottphd@gmail.com

Part-time clinicians can now receive up to $50,000 in loan repayment in exchange for a four-year service commitment.

Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. EDT May 25, 2010

The attached flyer highlights key information about the program. Please visit the NHSC website for more information and to apply!


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: In Compliance with the Health Portability and Accountability Act "HIPAA" (rule 104-91), this message and any attachments are intended only for use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law.  If the reader of this electronic message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error or it was forwarded to you without permission from Dr. Prescott, please FORWARD this message back to Dr. Prescott at the email address above, DELETE this message from all mailboxes and any other electronic storage medium and DESTROY all copies. Thank you.

Diana L. Prescott, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Hampden Psychological
Consultation, PLLC
108 B Main Road South
Hampden, ME  04444
(207) 862-3370
Fax:  862-3350
e-mail:  dlprescottphd@gmail.com


The Early Career Listserv is provided as a membership benefit of the American Psychological Association (APA) and is co-sponsored by the APA Committee on Early Career Psychologists (CECP) as a forum to discuss early career issues and concerns and to provide mutual support for early career psychologists.

Please be advised that APA policy prohibits the posting of research projects soliciting participants on the early career listserv. Research projects include surveys, polls, interviews, and so on, intended to gather information of some type from respondents. Job listings, solicitations, and advertisement postings are also prohibited on the listserv. Regarding any use of this list for research purposes or for any questions about the list please contact the administrator at EARLYCAREER-request@lists.apa.org

*Listservs are open forums (not confidential) and contributors should be mindful of content in posts (e.g., potential protected health information/client demographic data). The listserv community can provide input and discussion of posted material, but ultimate responsibility of upholding professional ethical standards is the responsibility of those posting information on this listserv. When requested, inappropriate or inadvertently disclosed information can be removed from the listserv archives. *To POST to the list, send your email to EARLYCAREER@lists.apa.org. *To LEAVE the list, send an email to LISTSERV@lists.apa.org with the words SIGNOFF EARLYCAREER in the body of the message (subject line should remain blank). *ARCHIVES and listserv RULES including advisories on copyright, defamation, anti-trust (salary, price fixing, etc.), and political electioneering may be accessed at:http://listserve.apa.org/archives/earlycareer.html (Revised: February 17, 2010)

Kelly Dunn, Ph.D.
NIDA Postdoctoral Fellow
Center for Learning and Health
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5200 Eastern Avenue, Suite 142 West
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: (410) 550-5370
Fax: (410) 550-7495

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twitter: @apadiv28


[DIV28SUPER] Graduate Students: Apply to join the APA Science Student Council!

The Science Directorate is currently accepting applications to the APA Science Student Council (SSC). Formed in 1993, the SSC is a diverse group of research-oriented psychology graduate students who serve as an advisory group to the APA Science Directorate. The Council represents the interests of research-oriented students by providing valuable advice to the Directorate on how it can best serve the science student population. The Council has been actively involved in a number of projects, including awarding prizes for graduate-level research, organizing student programs for the APA Convention, writing newsletter articles about graduate student issues, learning about and participating in advocacy for psychological funding, and making recommendations on the Directorate's student programs. The Council reports to and collaborates with the Board of Scientific Affairs and works cooperatively with the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students.

The Directorate is seeking applications from graduate students to serve two-year terms beginning September 1, 2010, during which time they will be actively engaged SSC members. By the beginning of the SSC term, new members must to have completed at least one year of graduate school, and have at least two years of graduate school remaining before receiving their PhD. SSC members are required to attend two weekend meetings per year in Washington, DC, at APA's expense.  In addition, SSC members are expected to remain available during an unofficial third (non-meeting) year to advise new members (this third year can be post-doctoral).

Four (4) positions will be available on the Council for the September 2010-September 2012 term. One person in each of the following areas of research will be selected:


  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Clinical Science
  • Health Psychology
  • Social/Personality


Potential SSC applicants may contact current SSC members in their area of interest to discuss the positions and responsibilities.  Current members contact info is available on the website


Please note that the Council strives for diversity in all appropriate ways, including geographic diversity. Consequently, no more than one student from any given department may occupy a seat on the SSC at any given time. Please check the list of current members before applying. If you have a question about your eligibility, please contact the Science Directorate.

To apply to the SSC, please provide the following:


  1. A letter of recommendation (not to exceed 500 words) sent directly from the student's advisor, endorsing the nomination.
  2. An essay written by the student about how s/he could contribute as a Council member, any previous related skills and experience, and why s/he would fit as a good addition to SSC (not to exceed 500 words).
  3. A description written by the student about his/her research in psychology that demonstrates commitment to psychological science (not to exceed 300 words).
  4. Abbreviated curriculum vitae (not to exceed two pages).


Applications are due electronically by May 14, 2010.  Please submit all application materials to science@apa.org.   New members will be selected in the summer for terms that begin September 1, 2010. 


Application materials may be submitted as Word documents or as PDFs. Please note that our email system blocks files that are 10MB or larger.  If you try to email materials that are larger than this limit, we will not receive your email.


If the sum of your files is larger than 10MB, we suggest sending each attachment in a separate email.  Alternately, large files can be emailed to us using a free web service such as http://www.yousendit.com/


After we receive your application materials, we will send a confirmation email.  If you do not receive a confirmation email within two business days of sending your materials, it means that we did not receive your application (see note, above, regarding file size).  Please contact us before resubmitting your materials.


Please direct questions to the APA Science Directorate by telephone (202-336-6000) or by email.

For more information on the SSC and the Council's current projects, please visit the website: http://www.apa.org/science/leadership/students/index.aspx



[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [SCIENCE] Apply to join the APA Science Student Council!

Below is an excellent opportunity for graduate students.

I served in 2004-2005 and would be happy to answer any questions students have about the SSC.  Other Division 28 members to serve have been Kelly Dunn and Jennifer Brielmaier.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Singer, Nicolle <nsinger@apa.org>
Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 12:54 PM
Subject: [SCIENCE] Apply to join the APA Science Student Council!
To: SCISTUDENT@lists.apa.org

The Science Directorate is currently accepting applications to the APA Science Student Council (SSC). Formed in 1993, the SSC is a diverse group of research-oriented psychology graduate students who serve as an advisory group to the APA Science Directorate. The Council represents the interests of research-oriented students by providing valuable advice to the Directorate on how it can best serve the science student population. The Council has been actively involved in a number of projects, including awarding prizes for graduate-level research, organizing student programs for the APA Convention, writing newsletter articles about graduate student issues, learning about and participating in advocacy for psychological funding, and making recommendations on the Directorate's student programs. The Council reports to and collaborates with the Board of Scientific Affairs and works cooperatively with the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students.

The Directorate is seeking applications from graduate students to serve two-year terms beginning September 1, 2010, during which time they will be actively engaged SSC members. By the beginning of the SSC term, new members must to have completed at least one year of graduate school, and have at least two years of graduate school remaining before receiving their PhD. SSC members are required to attend two weekend meetings per year in Washington, DC, at APA's expense.  In addition, SSC members are expected to remain available during an unofficial third (non-meeting) year to advise new members (this third year can be post-doctoral).

Four (4) positions will be available on the Council for the September 2010-September 2012 term. One person in each of the following areas of research will be selected:


  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Clinical Science
  • Health Psychology
  • Social/Personality


Potential SSC applicants may contact current SSC members in their area of interest to discuss the positions and responsibilities.  Current members contact info is available on the website


Please note that the Council strives for diversity in all appropriate ways, including geographic diversity. Consequently, no more than one student from any given department may occupy a seat on the SSC at any given time. Please check the list of current members before applying. If you have a question about your eligibility, please contact the Science Directorate.

To apply to the SSC, please provide the following:


  1. A letter of recommendation (not to exceed 500 words) sent directly from the student's advisor, endorsing the nomination.
  2. An essay written by the student about how s/he could contribute as a Council member, any previous related skills and experience, and why s/he would fit as a good addition to SSC (not to exceed 500 words).
  3. A description written by the student about his/her research in psychology that demonstrates commitment to psychological science (not to exceed 300 words).
  4. Abbreviated curriculum vitae (not to exceed two pages).


Applications are due electronically by May 14, 2010.  Please submit all application materials to science@apa.org.   New members will be selected in the summer for terms that begin September 1, 2010. 


Application materials may be submitted as Word documents or as PDFs. Please note that our email system blocks files that are 10MB or larger.  If you try to email materials that are larger than this limit, we will not receive your email.


If the sum of your files is larger than 10MB, we suggest sending each attachment in a separate email.  Alternately, large files can be emailed to us using a free web service such as http://www.yousendit.com/


After we receive your application materials, we will send a confirmation email.  If you do not receive a confirmation email within two business days of sending your materials, it means that we did not receive your application (see note, above, regarding file size).  Please contact us before resubmitting your materials.


Please direct questions to the APA Science Directorate by telephone (202-336-6000) or by email.

For more information on the SSC and the Council's current projects, please visit the website: http://www.apa.org/science/leadership/students/index.aspx




******** This message was sent courtesy of the Science-Oriented Graduate Students List. This APA-sponsored email list is intended to facilitate communication and discussion among science-oriented students of psychology. For more information about this list, visit us on the internet at http://www.apa.org/science/apassc-email.html ********

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Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org
twitter: @apadiv28

[DIV28SUPER] Change to day & time of APA Div 28 poster session

Dear colleagues,

Unfortunately, APA scheduled the plenary session with NIDA Director Dr. Nora
Volkow in conflict with our originally scheduled Division 28 poster session
on Friday, 8/13/2010, 11-11:50 AM. In order to avoid this unfortunate time
conflict, I have worked with APA to reschedule the Division 28 poster
session to Saturday, 8/14/2010, 12-12:50 PM. Hopefully this change in
schedule does not adversely affect any Division 28 poster presenter. Please
find attached an updated schedule. The timing of the Division 28 poster
session is the only change relative to the previous schedule I sent out.
This change should maximize benefit to members of our division, and to other
scientists and clinicians interested in substance abuse.

Best regards,

Matthew W. Johnson, Ph.D.
APA Division 28 Program Chair
Assistant Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224-6823
Tel: 410-550-0056
Fax: 410-550-0030
Email: mwj@jhu.edu

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[DIV28SUPER] WFU Postdoctoral opportunity

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Behavioral Pharmacology and Brain Imaging

General Description: A postdoctoral research fellowship is available in behavioral pharmacology in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, NC. This translational research utilizes nonhuman primate models of addiction and offers training in in vivo brain imaging using PET and MRI, primate social behavior, schedule-controlled behavior, cognition, drug discrimination and drug self-administration. The applicant will have the opportunity to interact and train with world-renowned behavioral pharmacologists, neuroscientists and neuropharmacologists. This laboratory has an excellent track record for trainees receiving funding and publishing. The applicant should have a Ph.D. in Pharmacology, Neuroscience or Psychology. Applicants should send C.V. and letter of interest to Dr. Michael A. Nader at mnader@wfubmc.edu or by mail at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Winston-Salem, NC 27157. Wake Forest University is an equal-opportunity employer.

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Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


Re: [DIV28SUPER] cigarette smoking protocols

Dear John,

     I will forward this to Dr. Richard Olmstead who used a large venting device in his studies (he is also key member if not head of an IRB).  

     For an echo study (80s at UCLA; cigarette vs. nicotine gum), we got a Ronco ashtray to limit smoke from the cigarette.  It was switched on and after a puff, the S placed the cigarette on the ashtray and smoke from the cigarette was drawn in.  Sounds ridiculous but (see old YouTube ads) we did limit exposure from the burning cigarette in test area - albeit we only tested 1 S a day and only used 1 cigarette.    

     Regards, Nina

At 09:58 AM 4/13/2010, Roll, John wrote:
Colleagues – I am attempting to establish a university-based smoking laboratory at Washington State University.   I know that laboratory-based cigarette smoking is a pretty common procedure but I am running into some questions from our environmental health folks  about how these protocols can be conducted in such a way that second hand smoke exposure is not an issue, etc.   I had proposed using an empty laboratory room with an externally vented fume hood but this has not met with much institutional support.   If any of you have suggestions I would be most appreciative.   Also, if you have any individuals I might refer my environmental health folks to that would be much appreciated.
John M. Roll, PhD
Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Director, Program of Excellence in the Addictions
Washington State University College of Nursing
PO Box 1495
Spokane, WA 99210
Telephone: 509-324-7223
E-mail: johnroll@wsu.edu
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Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org
twitter: @apadiv28

[DIV28SUPER] cigarette smoking protocols

Colleagues – I am attempting to establish a university-based smoking laboratory at Washington State University.   I know that laboratory-based cigarette smoking is a pretty common procedure but I am running into some questions from our environmental health folks  about how these protocols can be conducted in such a way that second hand smoke exposure is not an issue, etc.   I had proposed using an empty laboratory room with an externally vented fume hood but this has not met with much institutional support.   If any of you have suggestions I would be most appreciative.   Also, if you have any individuals I might refer my environmental health folks to that would be much appreciated.






John M. Roll, PhD

Professor and Associate Dean for Research

Director, Program of Excellence in the Addictions

Washington State University College of Nursing

PO Box 1495

Spokane, WA 99210

Telephone: 509-324-7223

E-mail: johnroll@wsu.edu



[DIV28SUPER] Div. 28 Schedule for APA 2010

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached the finalized schedule of Division 28 related events at
APA 2010 in San Diego. Through co-sponsorship with a variety of other APA
divisions, and continued collaboration with NIDA and NIAAA, this year we
have generated a large and diverse schedule of high quality presentations
and other programming. The APA plenary sessions by Drs. Volkow and Marlatt
also add to the programming of interest for Division 28 members.

See you in San Diego,

Matthew W. Johnson, Ph.D.
APA Division 28 Program Chair
Assistant Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD 21224-6823
Tel: 410-550-0056
Fax: 410-550-0030
Email: mwj@jhu.edu

___________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org

Re: [DIV28SUPER] NYTimes: Hallucinogens Have Doctors Tuning In Again

Thanks, Ron. I wanted to follow up by noting that Div. 28 will be sponsoring a symposium on this area of psychopharmacology at the 2010 APA convention:

Therapeutic Uses of Hallucinogens in the  Treatment of Psychological Disorders, 8/14, 10:00 AM - 11:50 AM, San Diego Convention Center Room 14B   
Roland R. Griffiths, PhD
Title: Psilocybin and Quantum Change in Attitude and Behavior: Treatment Implications   
Charles S. Grob, MD
Title: Psilocybin Treatment in Advanced-Stage Cancer Patients With Anxiety   

Matthew W. Johnson, PhD
Title: Psilocybin in Smoking Cessation: A Pilot Study   
Michael C. Mithoefer, MD
Title: Safety and  Efficacy of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD   
Discussant: Charles R. Schuster, PhD

On 04/11/2010 11:39 PM, "Ronald Wood" <ronaldwood@GMAIL.COM> wrote:

> Hallucinogens Have Doctors Tuning In Again
> Scientists are studying the drugs’ potential for treating mental  
> problems and the nature of consciousness.
> http://s.nyt.com/u/-pG
> ___________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
> Div28m members may post here        subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] NYTimes: Hallucinogens Have Doctors Tuning In Again

Hallucinogens Have Doctors Tuning In Again

Scientists are studying the drugs' potential for treating mental
problems and the nature of consciousness.


___________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] APA pre-convention workshops

Dear colleagues,

As you make your travel plans for APA in San Diego, please consider the following pre-convention events of potential interest to you and/or your trainees.  

APA divisions 28 and 50 have collaborated with NIDA and NIAAA to cosponsor two pre-convention workshops:  

1.   “Grant Writing Workshop” conducted by NIDA staff, Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2010, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Hilton San Diego Bayside Hotel, Indigo Room 204A/B

2. “Helping Patients Who Drink Too Much- Using The NIAAA Clinician’s Guide” conducted by NIAAA staff, Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2010, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Hilton San Diego Bayside Hotel, Indigo Room 202A/B

Both require registration prior to the convention.  There are space limitations for both events, so registration will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please e-mail division50apa@gmail.com  with your name and contact information to register.

Best regards,
Matthew W. Johnson, Ph.D.
Div. 28 Program Chair

Assistant Professor
Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
5510 Nathan Shock Drive
Baltimore, MD  21224-6823
Tel: 410-550-0056
Fax: 410-550-0030
Email: mwj@jhu.edu


APA has asked that we disseminate this information about a conference that may be of interest.
William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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Work, Stress, and Health 2011
Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context


May 19-22, 2011
DoubleTree Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Sponsored by:
[cid:image003.jpg@01CAD64D.AC234960] [cid:image004.gif@01CAD64D.AC234960] [cid:image005.jpg@01CAD64D.AC234960]

The Call for Proposals (including online submissions) is available now, and can be found at the official conference website: http://www.apa.org/wsh/. The submission deadline is October 15, 2010.

For additional information, please contact:

Wesley Baker
Conference Coordinator
American Psychological Association
Public Interest Directorate

750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
202-336-6033 (phone)
202-336-6117 (fax)
WSHConference@apa.org<mailto:WSHConference@apa.org> (email)

http://www.apa.org/wsh/ (Official Work Stress and Health Conference Website)

http://www.apa.org/pi/work/ (APA Public Interest Work Stress and Health Office Website)

___________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] REMINDER-- NIGMS and APA Invite Your Ideas on Research Training

Dear colleagues,

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) part of NIH, is accepting comments at its website to help develop a strategic plan on research training. APA will develop and submit comments and is asking for YOUR input.  Please examine the questions below and send a response to Pat Kobor in the Science Government Relations Office no later than Monday, April 12, 2010.
NIGMS is seeking responses to the following questions:

1.       What constitutes success in biomedical research training from the perspectives of an individual trainee, an Institute, and society? 

2.       What can NIGMS do to encourage an optimal balance of breadth and depth in research training? 

3.       What can NIGMS do to encourage an appropriate balance between research productivity and successful outcomes for the mentor’s trainees? 

4.       What can NIGMS do through its training programs to promote and encourage greater diversity in the biomedical research workforce? 

5.       Recognizing that students have different career goals and interests, should NIGMS encourage greater flexibility in training, and if so, how? 

6.       What should NIGMS do to ensure that institutions monitor, measure, and continuously improve the quality of their training efforts? 

7.       Do you have other comments or recommendations regarding NIGMS-sponsored training?

In addition to sharing your views with APA, psychological scientists are encouraged to respond directly to the NIGMS announcement no later than April 21, 2010, and/or to participate in the institute’s additional efforts to get feedback.  For more information, see the recent article in Psychological Science Agenda.




Patricia Clem Kobor

Sr. Science Policy Analyst

American Psychological Association

750 First Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

(202) 336-5933

(202) 336-6063-f


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