
[DIV28M] FW: AMERSA conference

Dear Division 28 Members-
This conference may be of interest to you.
-Bill Stoops.
William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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From: Doreen Baeder [doreen@amersa.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 2:47 PM
To: Stoops, William W
Cc: Doreen Baeder
Subject: AMERSA conference

Good afternoon, Dr. Stoops,

The Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA) is pleased to announce its 34th annual National Substance Abuse Conference and we would be grateful if you would consider posting this information (or a portion of) on your website, or to your membership via newsletter. This year we are again pleased to welcome the opportunity to encourage new attendees with our conference travel awards. . One of our board members, Dr. Kim Richter, thought this would be an ideal location to target our efforts.
Thank you in advance for your consideration –
Doreen Baeder
Director – AMERSA National Office


Save the Date!
The 34th AMERSA Annual National Conference will be held November 4-6, 2010, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Bethesda, MD.

The Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse is pleased to announce its 34th Annual AMERSA National Conference. The meeting will reflect on AMERSA's interdisciplinary strengths and the commitment to disseminate the latest developments in substance abuse education, prevention, treatment and research that challenge all health care professionals

The Call for Abstracts and Workshops is now open!
Please submit on-line at www.amersa.org<http://listener.embsvc.com/forwarder.aspx?ID=0000000000000000000|http%3a%2f%2fwww.amersa.org> (Deadline – May 28, 2010)

Once again, we have planned an exciting program featuring research abstracts, skill-focused workshops, and plenary speakers addressing issues of national and international importance. Confirmed plenary sessions include:

* Charles P. O'Brien, MD, PhD and Gene M. Heyman, PhD will participate in a Spicy Debate on the topic - Is Addiction "Really" Like Other Chronic Illnesses?
* Brian Mittman, PhD, will speak on - The Science of Implementation Research
* John Knight, MD, Rich Saitz, MD, and Anita R. Marton, Esq. will participate in a Plenary Panel discussion of - Delivery of Integrated Clinical Care for Patients with Addictions and Federal Confidentiality Laws
* Mary Haack, FAAN, PhD, RN will speak on - Web-Delivered Addictions Treatment
* Charles P. O'Brien, MD, PhD will be the recipient of this year's distinguished John P. McGovern Award
* Sharon Walsh, PhD will receive the prestigious Betty Ford Award honoring her valuable contributions to the substance abuse field

Conference Travel Awards –
AMERSA is pleased, once again, to offer full or partial awards* for up to 15 new attendees (you do not need to be an AMERSA member to apply) to attend the 2010 AMERSA National Conference.

1. Must be health professional educators or researchers presently conducting substance abuse or alcohol related research or interested in becoming involved in the field
2. Must currently provide substance abuse or alcohol-related treatment or training to underserved populations, particularly Latinos, African Americans, or Women

Preference will be given to:

1. Latinos, African Americans, and Women
2. Health professions that AMERSA is targeting for increased participation (for example, but not limited to: nursing, social work, psychology, dentistry, allied health professions)
3. Individuals with the ability to disseminate knowledge and skills from the national meeting to their students, trainees, residents, or interns, who provide services to underserved populations
4. Individuals who submit either an abstract or workshop for presentation

For more information, and to apply on-line, please visit www.amersa.org<http://listener.embsvc.com/forwarder.aspx?ID=0000000000000000000|http%3a%2f%2fwww.amersa.org>
(*based on annual approved NIAAA funding)

AMERSA Membership –
Why not consider joining AMERSA? You will receive a full range of benefits, such as: reduced conference registration; a free subscription to Substance Abuse, AMERSA's peer-reviewed journal, which accepts original papers on educational and clinical research in substance abuse, and a national voice supporting academic programs in universities, professional schools, and organizations that emphasize substance abuse education and research.
For more information, visit http://www.amersa.org/MemInfo.asp <http://listener.embsvc.com/forwarder.aspx?ID=0000000000000000000|http%3a%2f%2fwww.amersa.org%2fMemInfo.asp%2520>

Hotel Reservations –
It is NEVER too early to book your hotel reservations for the conference!!! Once again, a special rate of $179 is being offered at the DoubleTree Hotel in Bethesda. Please indicate you would like to reserve a room in the AMERSA block. Reservations can be made at (301) 652-2000.

As always, if you have any questions – please don't hesitate to contact me at – doreen@amersa.org<http://listener.embsvc.com/forwarder.aspx?ID=0000000000000000000|mailto%3adoreen%40amersa.org>, or (401) 243-8460

Doreen MacLane-Baeder
Director - AMERSA National Office
125 Whipple Street, 3rd Floor
Providence, RI 02908
(401) 243-8460 (tele.)
(877) 418-8769 (fax)

Save the date - the 34th annual AMERSA National Conference will be held November 4-6, 2010.

__________________ Div28m@lists.apa.org ___________________
restricted to APA members subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] NIDA Neuroscience Update March 26, 2010

Informatics for Data and Resource Discovery in Addiction Research...Frontiers in Addiction Research 12Nov2010

I. Instructional Workshop Announcement and Early Registration Invitation: "Informatics for Data and Resource Discovery in Addiction Research" Space limited to 40 participants.  To register send email to kskinner@mail.nih.gov  with subject heading "Informatics Workshop Registration".  Limited travel award of $1000 per person are available (For more information see below). 


Location:  The NIH Neuroscience Center, Bethesda MD


Dates: July 8-9, 2010


Who Should Attend: Developers, generators, providers, and users of biomedical and biobehavioral research data and resources* at the post-doctoral level and beyond, representing a new cadre of addiction investigators enthusiastic about interconnecting data, knowledge and resources to advance substance abuse research.


Purpose:  This instructional workshop will address the following:


·         Introduction to tools and methods for discovering data and resources available to addiction researchers

·         Barriers to data and resource discovery and use

·         Application of best practices in structuring, identifying, presenting and reporting data and resources to enhance their discovery and interoperability

·         Enabling concept based queries through community adopted vocabularies

·         Case studies and lessons to be learned from major efforts in other areas of neuroscience research

·         Exciting new approaches for tying together statements made in scientific publications or on the Web to scientific evidence, biological terminologies, and knowledge bases, and to claims and counterclaims made by other researchers.

·         Roundtable discussion of discoverability and potential interoperability of data and resources described in attendee poster session

*(Examples of relevant resource and data types may be found through the Neuroscience Information Framework at www.neuinfo.org)


Travel Awards

Those interested in inquiring about travel awards should submit their name, title and affiliation, relevant NIDA grant number(s), and biosketch, as well as a brief essay (not to exceed 1000 words) addressing the following: (1) nature of the data and resources developed, provided or used by their NIDA grant(s); (2) reasons for wanting to attend the workshop and (3) plans for implementing knowledge and skills learned at the workshop.  Travel award inquiries should be sent no later than April 9, 2010 to kskinner@nida.nih.gov in an email message with the subject heading "Informatics Workshop Travel Inquiry"




II. Hold the Date: "NIDA Mini-Convention: Frontiers in Addiction Research," Friday, November 12, 2010 at the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience.  The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Mini-Convention, Frontiers in Addiction Research, will feature cutting-edge presentations and discussion of future directions in the neurobiology of drug abuse and addiction. The NIDA Mini-Convention includes four symposia, the SfN Jacob Waletzky Memorial Lecture and a poster session featuring early career investigators. The agenda this year includes: 8:00 – 8:15 Welcome: NIDA Director; 8:15 – 10:00 The Role of Nicotinic Receptors in the Habenula in Mediating Addiction; 10:00-10:35 Jacob P. Waletzky Memorial Lecture; 10:55-12:40 A Fresh Look at Dopamine Release & Uptake; 12:40- 2:40 Early Career Investigators Poster Session; 2:40-4:25 Using Model Organisms to Discover Unanticipated Pathways to Addiction; 4:45-6:30 Connectivity of the Human Brain and its Disruption by Drugs of Abuse.




The National Institutes of Health is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services

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[DIV28SUPER] Find Division 28 in your social media environments

To better serve the division, early career psychologists, and students, the Division and its Electronic Communications Committee has generated new media efforts:

If you are a fan of division 28, then become a Fan of the division 28 Facebook page .. the Wall receives division announcements automatically.
You can also join the division 28 Facebook Group where you can identify other division members and do the facebook thing..


RSS feed of APADiv28's tweets






We are striving to identify the social networking contexts that you find useful.
These are tools to reach your colleagues and collaborators, the links above are there for you.

Ronald W Wood, PhD
electronic communications officer and a past president

___________________ div28SUPER@lists.apa.org _____________________
Div28m members may post here subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org
twitter: @apadiv28

[DIV28SUPER] Fwd: [SCIENCE] APA Convention Student Travel Award - Applications Due April 1

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin, Rachel <rmartin@apa.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 11:26 AM
Subject: [SCIENCE] APA Convention Student Travel Award - Applications Due April 1
To: SCISTUDENT@lists.apa.org

Graduate Students – Apply Now for an APA Convention Student Travel Award

The APA Science Directorate is pleased to sponsor its annual travel award competition for graduate students of psychology who will present research at the APA Convention. This year's Convention will be held August 12-15, 2010, in San Diego, California.

Graduate students who are the first author of a poster or talk are eligible to apply for one of this year's grants of $300 each. Applicants should submit an application form, cover letter, research summary, CV, letter from advisor, and paper/poster acceptance notice.

The deadline for applications to arrive at APA is April 1, 2010. Applications must be mailed. Up to three students from each department of psychology in the U.S. and Canada may submit applications. If more than three students from a department wish to apply for travel awards, the department must perform an initial screening and forward only three applications. Students enrolled at universities outside of the U.S. or Canada who will travel to the APA Convention are eligible to apply for grants from the APA International Office but may not apply for this Student Travel Award.

For more information about the APA Convention Student Travel Awards, please visit http://www.apa.org/about/awards/scidir-stutrav.aspx  or email the Science Directorate at science@apa.org.



Rachel Martin | Manager, Conferences and Outreach
Science Directorate

American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-5918  |  Fax: (202) 336-5953
email: rmartin@apa.org | www.apa.org/science


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******** This message was sent courtesy of the Science-Oriented Graduate Students List. This APA-sponsored email list is intended to facilitate communication and discussion among science-oriented students of psychology. For more information about this list, visit us on the internet at http://www.apa.org/science/apassc-email.html ********

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twitter: @apadiv28


[DIV28M] Awards Chair Position for Division 28

Dear All-

This message is to announce the open position of Awards Chair for Division 28 for the 2011-2013 term. You can email dfestinger@tresearch.org for questions regarding the position. Those interested in applying should email a Curriculum Vitae and a 1-page statement of interest to Hendree Jones at hejones@jhmi.edu. If you're interested, please get your application materials to Hendree Jones by May 15, 2010.

Best regards



[DIV28M] Secretary and Newsletter Editor Positions for Division 28

Dear All-
This message is just a follow up regarding the open positions for Secretary and Newsletter Editor for the 2011-2013 terms. You can email masmith@davidson.edu for questions regarding the Secretary position or william.stoops@uky.edu for questions regarding the Newsletter Editor position. Those interested in applying should email a Curriculum Vitae and a 1-page statement of interest to Hendree Jones at hejones@jhmi.edu. If you're interested, please get your application materials to Hendree Jones by April 15, 2010.
Bill Stoops.

William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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confidential and are intended solely for the addressee. The information
may also be legally privileged. This transmission is sent in trust, for
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restricted to APA members subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28M] FW: Comments on Caffeine for DSM-5

Dear Division 28,


On behalf of Dr. Roland Griffiths, I am writing to you to seek your support in helping to argue for DSM-5 to recognize Caffeine Withdrawal and (possibly Caffeine Dependence).  The Substance-Related Disorders Work Group is requesting comments on the APA DSM-5 development website.  Below is an email to the Work Group Chair, Chuck O'Brien, outlining the considerations for including both Caffeine Withdrawal and Caffeine Dependence.  We think it is possible that the Work Group has not seriously considered the possibility that these diagnoses could be clinically important or meaningful. 


If you think there are merits to some or all of the points outlined in the attached documents, we request that you log onto the APA website and post your own comments.  The procedure is simple and the comments can be short.  The website address for the DSM-5 development is:



Click on "Substance-Related Disorders" to see the new proposal.  There is no mention of either Caffeine Withdrawal or Caffeine Dependence, despite substantial empirical support for both (e.g. attached review of caffeine withdrawal).  


Posting comments is easy after a quick registration process.  Roland and his other colleagues posted their comments to: 

“292.0 Other (or Unknown) Substance Withdrawal.”


Thank you,

Hendree Jones, PhD


Division 28


Begin forwarded message:


From: Roland Griffiths <rgriff@jhmi.edu>

Date: March 10, 2010 11:00:28 AM EST

To: O'Brien Charles <obrien@mail.trc.upenn.edu>, "Alan Budney J." <AJBudney@uams.edu>

Cc: Hughes John <john.hughes@uvm.edu>, Juliano Laura <juliano@american.edu>

Subject: Comments on Caffeine for DSM-5


Dear Chuck, and Alan,

Johns Hughes, Laura Juliano and I are a bit perplexed at the absence of information about status of Caffeine Withdrawal and Caffeine Dependence on the APA DSM-5 development website.  Attached is a memo to the DSM-5 Work Group on Substance-Related Disorders that contains comments that we posted to the website under “292.0 Other (or Unknown) Substance Withdrawal.”  Also attached to this email are the two background papers that we wrote for the DSM-5 committee on these proposed diagnoses.  These background papers document the strong empirical basis for considering these diagnoses. For those of us who have also treated patients with caffeine withdrawal and caffeine dependence, the case descriptions are also very compelling (see case reports in the background papers).  Given the committee's busy agenda and the absence of a researcher who could speak from first-hand experience about caffeine, we wonder if these documents received the careful consideration that we believe they deserve.  We would like to encourage you to encourage all committee members to consider our memo and re-review these background documents.

Best Regards



Roland R. Griffiths, Ph.D.

Professor, Departments of Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

5510 Nathan Shock Drive

Baltimore, MD 21224


Voice: 410 550-0034

Fax: 410 550-0030



[DIV28M] FW: Div 28: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - APA Public Interest Policy Internship

I was asked to circulate the announcement below.


From: Barnes, Tammy [mailto:tbarnes@apa.org]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 2:32 PM
To: navena@mail.rockefeller.edu
Subject: Div 28: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - APA Public Interest Policy Internship


Dear Dr. Avena,

I work for APA Public Interest Government Relations Office and I administer our graduate student internship program.  I’m writing you to politely request that you please forward the announcement below to the email listserv of members of the APA Division 28: Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse.


Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions!  I can be reached via email tbarnes@apa.org or phone 202-336-6166.  Thank you for your consideration!



Tammy Barnes


Tammy A. Barnes | Policy Assistant

Government Relations Office
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6166 | Fax: (202) 336-6063
email: tbarnes@apa.org
| http://www.apa.org/ppo/


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The American Psychological Association’s Public Interest Government Relations Office announces a CALL FOR APPLICATIONS to the Public Interest Policy Internship for Graduate Students for the 2010 - 2011 academic year! APPLICATION DEADLINE is March 25, 2010.




Public Interest Policy Internship for Graduate Students

Purpose: The Public Interest Policy Internship provides graduate students with first-hand knowledge of the ways in which psychological research can inform public policy and the roles psychologists can play in its formulation and implementation.


Program: The graduate student intern will spend one year working on public interest policy issues on the staff of the Public Interest Government Relations Office (PI-GRO) of the American Psychological Association (APA).  PI-GRO helps to formulate and implement APA positions on major federal policy initiatives of importance to psychology in the public interest.  PI-GRO works to influence legislative and regulatory activities impacting populations and areas, such as: disabilities; aging; socioeconomic status; ethnic and racial minorities; children, youth, and families; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons; individuals with HIV/AIDS; as well as social concerns (e.g. media; or trauma, violence, and abuse).  The intern’s activities include participating in legislative and advocacy work, such as assisting in the preparation of testimony and briefing papers, and attending congressional hearings and coalition meetings.


Criteria: Applicants must be enrolled in a doctoral program in psychology, in at least the second year of graduate training, and have a strong interest in applying psychological research findings to the solution of social problems.  The intern must be able to work quickly and communicate effectively on a wide range of topics, and be able to work cooperatively with individuals having diverse viewpoints.  The intern must demonstrate competence in conducting literature reviews and summarizing findings for a non-scientific audience.  Applicants should be members of the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) and must be available to work 15 hours per week in APA’s Central Office in Washington, D.C., from September 2010 until August 2011.


Stipend: The internship provides a stipend of $15.00 per hour.


Application: Interested students are required to submit the following materials by March 25, 2010:

1)   a completed application coversheet (see attachment);

2)   a current vitae providing information about educational background and any relevant professional, public policy, and/or legislative experience;

3)   a personal statement of 500 words or less, expressing the applicant’s interest in psychology and public policy,  and what the applicant hopes to learn from the internship experience;

4)   a letter from the Department indicating the applicant is enrolled and is in good standing with the college/university;

5)   a literature review (limit five pages) displaying the applicant’s ability to translate complex ideas; and

6)   three letters of recommendation that specifically address the applicant’s dependability, confidentiality, and aptitude for policy work or research, based on the recommender’s past or current experience with the applicant. Each letter of recommendation must also be accompanied by a Reference Survey (see attachment), to be completed by the author of the letter of recommendation.



Applications must be received in their entirety by March 25, 2010 and should be mailed to:


American Psychological Association

Public Interest Government Relations Office - Internship Program

750 First Street, N.E.

Washington, DC  20002-4242

For additional information about the application process, please contact Tammy Barnes, Policy Assistant, at tbarnes@apa.org. 

Further information may also be found at http://www.apa.org/about/gr/fellows/


[DIV28M] Postdoc Position

I am posting this for Adam Leventhal.

Subject: Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity in Addiction Research at USC Medical School
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Addiction Research, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine

A postdoctoral fellowship in addiction research is available at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine. The fellow will work on NIH-funded studies examining the role of psychosocial and biobehavioral factors in tobacco and stimulant addiction conducted at The USC-Health, Emotion, & Addiction Laboratory (USC-HEAL). The position provides mentored training in research as well as opportunities to participate in publishing, grant writing, and career development activities. Candidates should have strong research training in clinical psychology, experimental psychology, human behavioral pharmacology, or health behavior studies. Applicants should also have an interest in pursuing a career in addiction research but prior research experience in this area is not required. The USC-HEAL is located in the Department of Preventive Medicine's Division of Health Behavior Research, which provides the opportunity to collaborate with a vibrant, multi-disciplinary group of faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. Screening will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Additional information can be found at http://hsc.usc.edu/~amlevent/. Interested candidates should send an inquiry email and CV to: Adam Leventhal, Ph.D. adam.leventhal@usc.edu

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restricted to APA members subscribers corner: http://lists.apa.org


[DIV28SUPER] COSSA Washington Update

                                                                                 Volume 29- Issue 4

In presenting his fiscal year (FY) 2011 budget to the American people on February 1, President Obama noted that:  "These have been tough times, and there will be difficult months ahead. But the storms of the past are receding; the skies are brightening; and the horizon is beckoning once more."  Moving the Nation "from recession to recovery, and ultimately to prosperity" remains the Administration's goal.  Yet the Nation, the Administration admits, continues to experience the consequences of the deep and lasting recession such as lost jobs, lost savings, and struggling businesses. 
Any President's budget reflects the priorities and choices he believes the U.S. must make in the years ahead.  For President Obama trying to simultaneously spur recovery while confronting a massive deficit makes the challenges daunting.  For FY 2011, the President announced that:  "To help put our country on a fiscally sustainable path, we will freeze non-security discretionary funding for 3 years."  Of course, this does not mean keeping all programs at their current level of spending, since the budget also includes "more than 120 programs designated for termination, reduction, or other savings."  The discretionary spending freeze and the attempt to eliminate programs are a favorite tool of Administrations' promoting fiscal discipline.  Sometimes they work as the former did early in the Clinton Administration, while the latter are mostly exercises in futility as the congressional champions of the proposed eliminated programs usually succeed in saving them.
The President's priorities remain finishing health care reform that would enable budgetary savings down the road, promoting climate change and clean energy, implementing education reform, cleaning up the financial services sector of the economy, and fostering innovation through the support of science and technology.  Funding to complete U.S. activities in Iraq and Afghanistan remain part of the budgetary picture as well.
In overall terms, the proposed FY 2011 budget anticipates revenues of $2.567 trillion, up from $2.165 trillion in FY 2010 due to the expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts.  Total spending would also climb to $3.824 trillion in FY 2011 from $3.721 trillion in FY 2010.  This would reduce the deficit from $1.55 trillion or 14.6 percent of GDP in FY 2010 to an estimated $1.267 trillion or 8.3 percent of GDP in FY 2011.  
The President wants to "put our country on a fiscally sustainable path-balancing the Budget, excluding interest payments on the debt, by 2015."  To help him attain this goal he has appointed former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson and former Clinton White House Chief of Staff Erskine Bowles to co-chair a bipartisan commission that will include congressional leadership appointments.   The Commission will have to confront the mandatory side of the budget, including spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, which are projected at 57 percent of spending in FY 2011, same as FY 2010 (the Administration assumes savings from health care reform and the end of the TARP bailout).  The discretionary side of the budget will get smaller in FY 2011, only 36 percent of spending, as compared to 39 percent in FY 2010.  Interest payments on the debt climb from four percent in FY 2010 to seven percent in FY 2011 reflecting the increase in the deficit.
Despite Iraq and Afghanistan the share of the discretionary budget devoted to defense spending would decline to 50.5 percent in FY 2011 under the proposed budget.  It was 53.9 percent in FY 2009.  The non-defense spending share would climb to 49.5 percent under the FY 2011 proposal. 
Science and Technology Budget
White House Science Adviser John Holdren continues to tell congressional committees that this President is a strong believer in science and technology as the keys to an innovative economy and job creation.  "He gets it," Holdren has proclaimed.  In September 2009, the Administration produced Strategy for American Innovation: Driving Towards Sustainable Growth and Quality Jobs with the proviso that Research and Development (R&D) investments in the United States should reach three percent of GDP.  The FY 2011 budget proposal will move the U.S. closer to that goal. 
The proposed budget continues the doubling of the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Office of Science in the Department of Energy (DOE), and the research account in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as called for in the America COMPETES Act and various reports from both the Bush and Obama Administrations.  In addition, the NSF, National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the DOE Science Office all benefited from significant spending in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) enacted in 2009.
The Administration also remains committed to four major cross-agency science and technology programs.  The National Nanotechnology Initiative has a proposed 22 percent increase in the FY 2011 budget for Environmental Health and Safety research.  The U.S. Global Change Research Program has a 21 percent increase over FY 2010 to $2.6 billion "to help the government and society to understand, predict, project, mitigate, and adapt to climate change." The Networking and Information Technology R&D program has a proposed increase (minus Defense earmarked projects) to $4.3 billion to help agencies provide support for research efforts in cybersecurity, high-end computing systems, advanced networking, information management and other information technologies.  Finally, the FY 2011 budget proposes investing $3.7 billion across the government in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education programs.
The total R&D spending proposed for FY 2011, however, remains relatively flat, $147.7 billion as compared to $147.4 billion in FY 2010.  Support for basic research climbs by four percent to $31.3 billion; while spending for applied research increases by seven percent to $30.3 billion.  These increases are offset by a three percent decline in the development budget, including a $3.7 billion decline in defense development spending.   This reduces the Defense share of R&D spending from 55 percent in FY 2010 to 52.5 percent in FY 2011.
The proposed budget also includes funding for continued revitalization of research funding in the Departments of Agriculture, Education, Housing and Urban Development, and Justice.  There are also considerable increases for many of the Federal statistical agencies.
National Science Foundation

Early in 2010 NSF Director Arden Bement announced he would leave in late May to return to Purdue University as head of a public policy institute there.  His departure after five and a half years as director should move sociologist Cora Marrett, the current Acting Deputy Director, into the top slot until the Administration nominates and the Senate confirms a new leader for the Foundation.
Late in 2009, Myron Gutmann, former director of the Inter-university Consortium on Political and Social Research and former COSSA President, became the new Assistant Director (AD) for the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences directorate (SBE).  At the Education and Human Resources (EHR) directorate Wanda Ward, who became Acting AD when Marrett became Deputy Director, was replaced by Joan Ferrini-Mundy, who is also Acting AD.
As noted above, NSF will continue on its doubling path with a proposed FY 2011 budget of $7.424 billion, an eight percent increase over FY 2010.  The Research and Related Activities account, which funds the research directorates, including SBE, has a proposed 8.2 percent boost.  The EHR directorate's proposed funding goes up slightly to $892 million from the FY 2010 level of $872.7 million. 
The Foundation's priorities have not changed and the significant new initiatives are collaborations with the Department of Energy and Department of Education as part of the national agenda to improve STEM education.   The NSF has increased its commitment to Climate Change research by increasing funding for an initiative NSF calls Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES).  Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation remains on the NSF funding agenda as does the Administration's commitment to triple the number of Graduate Research Fellows over the next few years.
The SBE directorate has a proposed budget of $268.8 million, a 5.3 percent raise over FY 2010.  SBE will focus on its core programs, boost funding for the major data infrastructure surveys, while investigating possible new infrastructure projects, and commit funds to the SEES initiative.  Support for the Science of Science and Innovation Policy will continue with slightly increased funding and the Science of Learning Centers will become an integral part of SBE's new Office of Multidisciplinary Activities.
EHR is making a commitment to increased funding for evaluation studies of STEM education efforts and proposing to combine its programs aimed at broadening participation of scientists and students from underrepresented groups in science and engineering.
In 2010 the America COMPETES Act, which includes the NSF authorization, will come before Congress for renewal.  Reauthorizing COMPETES will be the last hurrah for House Science and Technology (S&T) Committee Chairman Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN) who will leave the Congress after 2010.  Joining him as former members of Congress will be S&T Committee stalwarts Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA) and Rep. Vern Ehlers (R-MI), who have been champions and defenders of SBE research against congressional critics.
National Institutes of Health and Other Health Agencies
Changes have and will be coming too to the National Institutes of Health.  In October 2009, Francis Collins, the man who guided the Human Genome Project, became the NIH director.  Raynard Kington moved back to his Deputy Director post after having served as Acting Director for almost a year.  In early 2010, Kington announced he will leave NIH in the spring to become President of Grinnell College.
The Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (OBSSR) continues to search for a new leader.  Christine Bachrach who had served as Acting Director left at the end of 2009 and
Deborah Oelster has now replaced her.  Many of the NIH Institutes are currently led by Acting Directors as Collins moves to get his new team in place.
The NIH budget in the FY 2011 proposal goes up by $1 billion to $32.2 billion.  More significantly NIH is still spending the $10.4 billion it received in the ARRA.  For social and behavioral scientists the most important development at NIH is the recently initiated Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences Opportunity Network (OppNet), launched in FY 2010 with $10 million in ARRA funds.  OppNet would receive $20 million in FY 2011, and over its five year life expects to spend $120 million.  All of the Institutes and Centers are participating in this opportunity to support research to understand fundamental mechanisms and patterns of behavioral and social functioning relevant to the Nation's health and well-being, as they interact with each other, with biology, and with the environment.  The proposed budget would also continue funding for the National Children's Study, albeit without much of an increase, to maintain the Vanguard pilot sites before moving on to the complete study. 
The Agency for Heathcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), a major player in comparative effectiveness research, receives an enormous boost for its FY 2011 budget.  AHRQ will have an important role in conducting research and evaluations on the implementation of health care reform, if it is enacted.  The same agenda will be part of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE).  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s budget goes down under the Administration's proposed budget for FY 2011. However, one bright spot is the National Center for Health Statistics, which would go up by close to 17 percent.
Research and Data in the Departments
As noted above, the Administration's proposed FY 2011 budget includes increased funding to boost research and evaluation studies, and data collection, analysis, and dissemination across many of the Cabinet Departments.
At the Department of Agriculture (USDA), the implementation of the changes in the research structure promulgated by the 2008 Farm Bill continue.  Roger Beachy has been appointed the Director of the new National Institute on Food and Agriculture (NIFA).  With the departure of Rajiv Shah as Undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics, Beachy is also now the Chief Scientist of USDA.  The reorganization also includes the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) replacing the old National Competitive Research Initiative as the key competitive grants program at the Department.  In the FY 2011 budget proposal, the Administration is asking for more than a 63 percent increase in AFRI's budget.  Since some of this comes at the expense of Special Grants favored by Congress, an increase of this magnitude may not occur.  But the trend for competitive grants at USDA has been up in recent years and will likely continue.  The Economic Research Service has been given the lead role to create a "community of practice" among the Federal statistical agencies and funds for a pilot project on using administrative data to understand government nutrition programs better.
After years of preparation, difficulties, and enormous sums of Federal dollars, the 2010 Census is upon us.  As is customary, the Bureau's budget will decline significantly in the year after the decennial, but the Administration is requesting an increase to beef up the sample of the American Community Survey (ACS).  The ACS allowed the 2010 questionnaire to consist of only ten questions as it has picked up many of the long-form questions for its more timely surveys.  The Administration has again requested a large increase in FY 2011 for the Bureau of Economic Analysis to improve its ability to more accurately measure the American economy.
With education reform and the upcoming reauthorization of the elementary and secondary education act (ESEA) still front and center on the Administration's agenda, the research, assessment, and data agencies of the Department of Education are slated for increases in the President's FY 2011 budget.  Evaluating reform efforts, developing enhanced student achievement data, and improving assessment remain an important part of Institute of Education Sciences' agenda.  The same commitment to increased funding does not extend to the International Education and Foreign Language programs or the various graduate education support programs all of which are proposed for level funding in FY 2011.
At the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) the attempted transformation continues.  As part of this effort, the Office of Policy Development and Research (OPD&R) has a proposed 81 percent increase to revitalize its basic data infrastructure, including the American Housing Survey.  OPD&R will also support basic research in housing, and as in FY 2010, would receive a portion of a one-percent set-aside for research and statistics from HUD's program budget.
After a significant increase in the FY 2010 budget of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to reinvigorate the National Crime Victimization Survey, in FY 2011 it is the National Institute of Justice's (NIJ) turn.  The Administration is proposing an almost 46 percent boost for NIJ to "reinvigorate NIJ's social science research mandate."   NIJ also awaits the report from the National Academies' committee that has been reviewing the Institute.  The Administration is again proposing a set-aside of program money from the Office of Justice Programs to help support research and statistics.  For FY 2010 Congress agreed to a one-percent set-aside.  For FY 2011 the Administration raises that to three percent.
After many years, there appears to be a restored effort at funding evaluations at the Department of Labor (DOL), including one on a prisoner re-entry program.  The Department is also proposing to centralize all its evaluation efforts in the office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy.  DOL will also continue a shared project with the Department of Education to develop longitudinal data on the nation's workforce.  The small increase proposed for the Bureau of Labor Statistics would go to help modernize the Consumer Expenditure Survey.
An exception to this trend of increased budgets in the Department's research support occurs at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  The FY 2011 proposed budget has decreases for  DHS' Human Factors division and the University Programs.  This is part of a general overall decrease in DHS' Science and Technology Directorate.  The reduction in the University Programs threatens one of the twelve Centers of Excellence and the Scholarship and Fellowship program where social and behavioral science students have done quite well.
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics has a $1 million boost from the Highway Trust Fund for FY 2011 to improve its data collection and dissemination activities, including the important Commodity Flow Survey.  The State Department's exchange programs suffer a small decrease, after years of significant increases, in the FY 2011 proposed budget.  The emphasis remains on reaching out to the Muslim world and helping the people learn English.  The academic exchanges, which include the Fulbright program, are down a little over three percent.
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is also down slightly in the FY 2011 proposed budget, with the continued development of a program to store the massive electronic records compiled by government entities and the development of a National Declassification Center to help create a swifter process.  The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) also receives less in the FY 2011 proposal than it received from Congress in FY 2010.  One new wrinkle is the eligibility of graduate students for NEH summer institutes and seminars.
The continued partisan bickering exacerbated by the fight over healthcare reform has affected the ability of Congress to get its work done, including appropriations.  In addition, public concerns about government spending and the upcoming congressional elections add fuel to the fire.  Once again, the prospects of Congress completing the funding process by the start of the fiscal year on October 1, 2010 seem dim.  We can then get into discussions of a post-election lame-duck session and omnibus spending bills.  But after a long, cold and snowy Washington winter, the sun is out, the left-over snow continues to melt, and an early version of spring has arrived, so those speculations will remain on hold.  
Howard J. Silver, March 2009



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[DIV28SUPER] Call for Public Comment: Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jordan, Sarah" <sjordan@APA.ORG>
Date: March 3, 2010 11:47:51 AM EST
Subject: [DIVOFFICERS] FW: Call for Public Comment:  Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology
Reply-To: "Jordan, Sarah" <sjordan@APA.ORG>

Call for Public Comment:  Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology


The APA Board of Educational Affairs (BEA) has posted the Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology (Draft, January 2010) for review and comment.  These recommendations were developed following the 2008 APA National Conference on Undergraduate Education in Psychology. 


In accordance with Association Rule 30-8, BEA is circulating the Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology to APA governance groups, APA Divisions, State Psychological Associations, other organizations in psychology, departments and schools of psychology, and members of the public.


Feedback will be gathered through May 31, 2010.  At the conclusion of public comment, the document will be circulated to all APA governance groups with a request that the Council of Representatives approve as Association policy the Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology.



All comments are to be submitted electronically via the Education Directorate Public Comment website at http://apaoutside.apa.org/EducCSS/Public/. In order to submit comments, participants must first register. Registration requires participants to use an email address, and to develop a password.   Select the Principles for Quality Undergraduate Education in Psychology from the list of projects to view instructions, register, and to post comments.  To submit feedback, please select "edit comments."  Comments may be submitted through May 31, 2010.  If you have any questions, contact Robin Hailstorks, PhD (RHailstorks@apa.org) or Martha Boenau (MBoenau@apa.org) at 202-336-6140.







Martha Boenau | Associate Director, Office of Precollege and Undergraduate Programs
Education Directorate
American Psychological Association
750 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242
Tel: (202) 336-6140  |  Fax: (202) 336-5962

email: mboenau@apa.org | www.apa.org


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