
[DIV28M] FW: AMERSA conference

Dear Division 28 Members-
This conference may be of interest to you.
-Bill Stoops.
William W. Stoops, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Department of Behavioral Science
Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
email: william.stoops@uky.edu
phone: (859) 257-5383
facsimile: (859) 257-7684

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From: Doreen Baeder [doreen@amersa.org]
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 2:47 PM
To: Stoops, William W
Cc: Doreen Baeder
Subject: AMERSA conference

Good afternoon, Dr. Stoops,

The Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA) is pleased to announce its 34th annual National Substance Abuse Conference and we would be grateful if you would consider posting this information (or a portion of) on your website, or to your membership via newsletter. This year we are again pleased to welcome the opportunity to encourage new attendees with our conference travel awards. . One of our board members, Dr. Kim Richter, thought this would be an ideal location to target our efforts.
Thank you in advance for your consideration –
Doreen Baeder
Director – AMERSA National Office


Save the Date!
The 34th AMERSA Annual National Conference will be held November 4-6, 2010, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Bethesda, MD.

The Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse is pleased to announce its 34th Annual AMERSA National Conference. The meeting will reflect on AMERSA's interdisciplinary strengths and the commitment to disseminate the latest developments in substance abuse education, prevention, treatment and research that challenge all health care professionals

The Call for Abstracts and Workshops is now open!
Please submit on-line at www.amersa.org<http://listener.embsvc.com/forwarder.aspx?ID=0000000000000000000|http%3a%2f%2fwww.amersa.org> (Deadline – May 28, 2010)

Once again, we have planned an exciting program featuring research abstracts, skill-focused workshops, and plenary speakers addressing issues of national and international importance. Confirmed plenary sessions include:

* Charles P. O'Brien, MD, PhD and Gene M. Heyman, PhD will participate in a Spicy Debate on the topic - Is Addiction "Really" Like Other Chronic Illnesses?
* Brian Mittman, PhD, will speak on - The Science of Implementation Research
* John Knight, MD, Rich Saitz, MD, and Anita R. Marton, Esq. will participate in a Plenary Panel discussion of - Delivery of Integrated Clinical Care for Patients with Addictions and Federal Confidentiality Laws
* Mary Haack, FAAN, PhD, RN will speak on - Web-Delivered Addictions Treatment
* Charles P. O'Brien, MD, PhD will be the recipient of this year's distinguished John P. McGovern Award
* Sharon Walsh, PhD will receive the prestigious Betty Ford Award honoring her valuable contributions to the substance abuse field

Conference Travel Awards –
AMERSA is pleased, once again, to offer full or partial awards* for up to 15 new attendees (you do not need to be an AMERSA member to apply) to attend the 2010 AMERSA National Conference.

1. Must be health professional educators or researchers presently conducting substance abuse or alcohol related research or interested in becoming involved in the field
2. Must currently provide substance abuse or alcohol-related treatment or training to underserved populations, particularly Latinos, African Americans, or Women

Preference will be given to:

1. Latinos, African Americans, and Women
2. Health professions that AMERSA is targeting for increased participation (for example, but not limited to: nursing, social work, psychology, dentistry, allied health professions)
3. Individuals with the ability to disseminate knowledge and skills from the national meeting to their students, trainees, residents, or interns, who provide services to underserved populations
4. Individuals who submit either an abstract or workshop for presentation

For more information, and to apply on-line, please visit www.amersa.org<http://listener.embsvc.com/forwarder.aspx?ID=0000000000000000000|http%3a%2f%2fwww.amersa.org>
(*based on annual approved NIAAA funding)

AMERSA Membership –
Why not consider joining AMERSA? You will receive a full range of benefits, such as: reduced conference registration; a free subscription to Substance Abuse, AMERSA's peer-reviewed journal, which accepts original papers on educational and clinical research in substance abuse, and a national voice supporting academic programs in universities, professional schools, and organizations that emphasize substance abuse education and research.
For more information, visit http://www.amersa.org/MemInfo.asp <http://listener.embsvc.com/forwarder.aspx?ID=0000000000000000000|http%3a%2f%2fwww.amersa.org%2fMemInfo.asp%2520>

Hotel Reservations –
It is NEVER too early to book your hotel reservations for the conference!!! Once again, a special rate of $179 is being offered at the DoubleTree Hotel in Bethesda. Please indicate you would like to reserve a room in the AMERSA block. Reservations can be made at (301) 652-2000.

As always, if you have any questions – please don't hesitate to contact me at – doreen@amersa.org<http://listener.embsvc.com/forwarder.aspx?ID=0000000000000000000|mailto%3adoreen%40amersa.org>, or (401) 243-8460

Doreen MacLane-Baeder
Director - AMERSA National Office
125 Whipple Street, 3rd Floor
Providence, RI 02908
(401) 243-8460 (tele.)
(877) 418-8769 (fax)

Save the date - the 34th annual AMERSA National Conference will be held November 4-6, 2010.

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